![]() Author has written 126 stories for Animorphs, Dragon Ball Z, Power Rangers, Yu Yu Hakusho, Godzilla, Mario, Transformers/Beast Wars, Transformers, Inuyasha, Star Fox, StarTrek: Deep Space Nine, Doctor Who, Guardians of the Galaxy, Good Doctor, and StarTrek: The Next Generation. This site doesn't like links to certain outside websites(it changes them to point at my profile O_o), so you'll have to copy, paste and remove the spaces if clicking keeps dumping you back on this page. I can't post links spelled out normally because strips them out. Yeah, frustrating, but whatev! Browse, read and have fun! I'm on AO3! h t t p :// archiveofourown. org/ users/Cyndi/pseuds/Cyndi I call myself a dreamer. My imagination is always at work doing something. Sometimes, the results of those imaginings end up as my fanfiction. I joined this site when I was 18, and now I'm much older. I've been through a few things that have made me stronger as a person. I'm proud of who I am still becoming, and I hope you are proud of who YOU are becoming. Affirmations for Bullying Victims h t t p :// tiny. cc/ afbv This is a message to anyone who is being bullied right now. It doesn't matter if it's online or IRL. This is for you. YOU matter. Ways to help spread the message: If you have room, you can paste it into your profile. By doing this, you just might save someone's life. Follow me on Twitter; I tweet positive and antibullying messages with the hashtag #afbv: h t t p s :// twitter. com / BeAffirmed Let this message be heard: Bullying is NEVER okay! |