My name is Alloran-Semitur-Corrass. Through an evil twist of fate, I am Visser Three's host body. He is currently reading hirac delest of Prince Elfangor-Sirinial-Shamtul. It is interesting to read such a detailed account of the day I was infested by this evil Yeerk that now resides inside my skull, its body wrapped around my brain, its palps tapped into my neurons. I also find it interesting how much Elfangor has left out.
As host body to Visser Three, I have seen many things. I have seen unspeakable evils. I have felt Elfangor kicking and screaming as my body swallowed him whole. I have killed infants as they lay in their mother's arms. I have destroyed entire civilisations, laughing as they perished.
I have also experienced many strong emotions from Visser Three. Hatred. Fear. Anger. As well as an emotion I would hesitate to call love.
Love is something Yeerks do not feel, but it was close. Very close. Too close.
The emotions I feel seeping through from Visser Three as he reads is overwhelming. And with these emotions come memories.
Memories of a lifetime spent on an imagined world.
Memories that Elfangor seemed to have forgotten as he recorded his hirac delest.
Beautiful, horrible, wonderful memories.