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Author has written 40 stories for Ninja Turtles, and Transformers/Beast Wars. Howdy All! I got tired of my last profile thingy so I'm writing a new one! I'm in college, which sometimes makes it difficult to find spare writing time. Though lately it has been easier cause I totally failed my English class. (I know what you're thinking: Me fail English? That's umpossible!) I do, do requests,(unless they're like freaky weird ones. You know RinxJaken O. ) and I try to faithfully answer/reply to any PMs or questions a reader or writer sends me. Fact is I enjoy responding back to you all it brightens my life to know that people want to know stuff. I have recently began an endeavor to begin developing(boy I sound like a lawyer or something right now) original SF stories in the hopes of becoming a published Author. I also may branch out in to Rom too.(but don't tell my mother!) If I ever do sell anything I make sure to alert everyone here(...cause I know you'll all just wanna go out and buy six copies each and write long adoring letters to the editors about how much you lurved meh. . ) First I have to write them though! I'm also thinking about getting a personal website, so I can archive and have all of my stuff together in the same place. I haven't decided yet though; I'll tell you all if I do. Byebye for now! |
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