Obstruction of Justice - Chapter 1
I was a huge Transformers fan many years ago - Rodimus Prime! Woo-hoo! I was pleasantly surprised by the new movie. I had never considered writing a TF story, but I have been inspired by an LJ community dedicated to Sam and Bumblebee slash.
I love slash. I write slash.
This is not slash.
This is SamxBee friendship, SamxMikaela het, but mostly Hurt!Sam and BeeAngst.
I don't expect this to be a novel – probably only four chapters or so. Hopefully I will be done by this weekend.
If you like it, please review.
The last sight captured by his optics was the human boy, Sam Witwicky, username ladiesman217, thrusting the Allspark into Lord Megatron's chest. As his leader's spark was extinguished, Barricade knew no more.
Time passed as his repair programs battled to circumvent seared pathways; processors rebooted while fail-safes in his subroutines prevented transformation until internal diagnostics declared him operative. When next his optical sensors scanned the landscape of this world, he found himself encircled by the sparkless remnants of his fellow Decepticons.
Other sensors provided him with details regarding his surroundings: the sound of liquid water lapping against wood and steel; the scent of decomposing aquatic vertebrates; the faint tremor of an engine echoing through the concrete beneath him.
His scanners revealed no humans within the warehouse. Barricade fully transformed into his bipedal form and picked his way through the metallic carcasses. It would not do to make the humans aware of his functionality. He did not fear the fleshies, but the hated Autobots may still be around. As much as he despised them, they were formidable in battle. They must be made to suffer. And what better way to exact vengeance than to destroy their pet human, the one who had destroyed Barricade's dream of a new era for Decepticon kind?
Barricade used magnetics on a scrap pile at the opposite end of the pier, which distracted the two soldiers standing guard outside the warehouse. The minimal security was a strategic move to throw off the scent of reporters and other curiosity seekers after the debacle in the desert. As a battered police cruiser made its way off the docks and onto the freeway, Barricade vowed it was a move that Autobots and humans alike would bitterly regret.
Life could not get any better.
This was the thought constantly streaming through Sam Witwicky's mind. Mikaela, the girl of his dreams, snuggled next to him on the sofa while his parents had made themselves scarce at a restaurant downtown. Mojo hadn't peed on his bed in days, and was it his imagination, or was his schoolwork actually getting easier? He supposed that not having to fret anymore about getting Mikaela to notice him was helping him to concentrate in class. He also had the most awesomest car a high school kid could conceive of. Bumblebee, AKA his best alien robot friend, was a flashy yellow Autobot that occasionally doubled as Sam's flashy yellow Camaro.
Said Camaro was currently several miles away conferring with fellow Autobots Optimus Prime and Ratchet. Ironhide, who had chosen to reside with the human warrior Will Lennox and his family, was driving with his human to the Witwicky residence. They had disturbing news and had been dispatched by Optimus to pick up the children and bring them to the overlook.
Bumblebee had balked at sending Ironhide to fetch Sam and Mikaela, but Optimus had needed him for reconnaissance. The American government had alerted them to the fact that Starscream had not been destroyed in the great battle. They had held off in notifying them until satellites had picked up the Decepticon's return to Earth. They seemed confident they could destroy the evil 'bot with their own weapons, but they needed to find Starscream first. That was where Bumblebee came in. The littlest Autobot would miss Sam terribly, but he trusted Ironhide. Sam would be safe.
The movie was nearing its end, and Mikaela had dozed off with her head on Sam's shoulder. He was torn between staying where he was and moving to turn off the DVD. If he moved, she would wake up – no more soft breaths on his neck that sent hot and cold shivers down his spine. If he stayed – well, he didn't really need his left arm. He was right handed, and Bee could handle the driving.
His choice was made for him when a loud knocking at the door surprised both teens. Sam leapt to his feet, which dislodged Mikaela and sent her tumbling to the floor.
"Oh! Sorry! Sorry!" Sam reached down and pulled Mikaela to her feet. Too abruptly, however, as Mikalea's momentum caused their heads to butt together. Sam was horribly embarrassed; he hated it when he got all clumsy and dorky around her. Mikaela merely laughed off his nervous apologies and kissed the red spot on Sam's forehead. He smiled shyly and moved closer.
The pounding came again, louder this time. Sam finally noticed the blue and red strobe lights flashing through the cracks in the curtain. Concerned that his parents may have been in an accident, Sam opened the door to a uniformed officer.
"Sam Witwicky?" asked the officer, whose badge offered the surname Dent.
Sam swallowed nervously and nodded. Mikalea stood beside him and placed her arm around his waist. Together, they waited for the worst.
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