Russia could see the car in plain sight he ran his hardest and knew it wasn't good enough when he heard America yell.

"Holy shit she's commin like a freight train!"

Russia frowned and gritted his teeth. Running would be so much easier if America would quit squirming!

"What are you doing?"

"Found it.~"

America pulled a little glass vile from her pocket. She then open it and flung some liquid at Belarus. Belarus cried out in pain and covered her eyes. Confused ,but thankful Russia ran to his car. He placed America gently in her seat and buckled her in. As he drove away America hung out the window and started yelling,

"The power of Christ compels ya bitch!"

Russia rolled his eyes and with one hand, tugged the little American back in the window while using the other to drive. How had she gotten out of her seatbelt so quickly?

"Do not do that!"

America plopped back in her seat and Russia once again buckled her in.

"Why not! You know she deserves more then what I did!"

Russia sighed. He did not want to argue with her especially when they had just been reunited.

"What did you do to her anyway?" Russia asked wanting to change the subject and also very curious of what just happened.

America smirked. "I threw holy water mixed with nail polish remover for extra strength."

It was as this moment Russia's eyes seem to grow larger.

"What?" He asked not sure if he had heard her right.

"I said threw holy water mixed with fingernail polish remover at her."

"Why would you mix such things together?"

"Because … Finger nail polish remover is painful when you throw it in someone's eyes and add God to it and it's like super painful."

"That does not make sense. I do not think God would make any chemical more dangerous just for you."

"And why not?"

"Because God does not condone violence."

"One word: Bible. Read it and you will eats your words. That book is all blood and gore."

Russia stared straight ahead with a worried expression on his face. "I hope she will still be able to see ."

America rolled her eyes and crossed her arms.

"America?" Russia glanced over to her and back to the open road. "What is wrong?"


Russia sighed and focused on his driving. America sighed as well and her crossed arms.

The two sat in silence on the way to the airport. Finally, the silence got to America.

"How did you find me?"

Russia glanced at her then back to the road.

"Your friend told me, the alien."



America smiled. Of course Tony would be the one to make everything better. And by make everything better she meant get her out of that awkward situation with Japan and send someone her way to save her from Belarus. Belarus…It didn't surprise America she had came to finish her off, but she thought it would be after she had the kid. She looked over at Russia who seemed a little too focused on driving. She sighed and looked down at her lap.

"Thank you." She mumbled.

He glanced over at her quickly then back at the road. "For what?"

"You came all the way to Japan and you sort of saved me from Belarus…Thank you."

Russia looked at her for a moment.

"You do not need to thank me. It is my job to protect you and our child."

America looked at him before turning red and looking away. Well, this was great, somehow he was making her feel embarrassed. You would think after having sex with him she wouldn't blush around him, but no, God had to have a sense of humor. Maybe it was emotions acting up again. She didn't know. She had been very confused this past week with Japan being creepy and her feeling bad for leaving Russia to worry about her.

"America…..I need to know something."

America snapped out of her thoughts and looked over to him. "What?"

"Where do we stand?"

America looked down at her hands. "What do you mean?"

"You know what I mean. Where do we stand? Do you want to be with me?"

America started at her hands. This was so not the conversation she wanted to have right now.

Canada watched as France bandaged Japan's head. Belarus had done a number on him, leaving him knocked out on the floor bleeding from his head. It could of been worse, he could have been killed. Canada smiled. Yes Japan had gotten lucky.

"Who are you?"

Canada smiled at the little bear looking up at him.



Canada sighed. "The one who feeds you."

The bear stared at blankly him. Canada smiled kindly.

"That's ok I forgot your name too."



Kumajiro frowned at Canada.

"Doesn't feel so good does it?"

England paced back and forth angrily. Canada frowned. He had been doing that since Russia had taken America…again. Canada watched as England stopped walking and stared straight ahead.

"It will be okay." Canada said walking over to England and placing a hand on his shoulder for comfort. England stared at him blankly and Canada sighed.

"I'm Canada."

"Oh yes ,that's right. I'm sorry." England patted Canada's shoulder. "I know she will be okay, I'm just angry I let him take her." And with a hurt look he added. "Again."

"Well it's a good thing he did or Belarus would of killed her."

"Yes….Where is she anyway?"

Canada shrugged. "She ran away after America threw something in her face."

"And how do you know that?"

Canada frowned. "Because I was there. I ran after America when Belarus started chasing her."

He stopped trying to help when America and Russia jumped in the car and sped away. He was pretty sure no one noticed him tagging along so he didn't hold a grudge.

"There!" France said standing up and observing his handy work. "You look as good as new!"

Japan nodded and got up off the ground. "Thank you." He then bowed slightly.

Japan looked over to Canada. "So Russia has America once again?"

Canada nodded and Japan frowned. The room stayed silent no one wanting to say anything about how bad they had all failed at try to save America in there own way. Yes they were all wallowing in there self pity and failure.

"Bloody hell! Now we have to find her all over again."

Everyone turned to look at a furious England.

"Damn it why can't she ever hold still!"

Sry took so long to update guys~ If any of you are still there... :( Crap got in the way. Now if you'll excuse me I have a research paper to write.