Well, I cannot even begin to apologize for the delay. All I can say is real life has been insane. I'm trying to get back into writing now and my first step was finally finishing this! That being said, this is my first time writing in over 6 months so I really hope its good enough for you guys! I can't thank you enough for sticking with me through this story (if any of you are still out there and interested!) Your reviews and comments were always appreciated. Enjoy :)

Let mercy come and wash away what I've done, I'll face myself to cross out what I've become, erase myself and let go of what I've done…

~Linkin' Park

The sound of bare feet padding softly on the wood porch roused Splinter from his meditation. A warm breeze greeted him as he opened his eyes to see April arriving with a tray of lemonade.

"I thought it'd be a good idea to make some in case the boys get thirsty," April explained, sitting beside the aged rat and placing the tray beside her.

Splinter smiled.

"Thank you, Ms. O'Neil. It was kind of you and Mr. Jones to allow us the use of the farmhouse."

April drew her knees to her chest, hugging them as she gazed out at the yard.

"It's the least we could do after everything," she said softly.

Splinter nodded, following her gaze to where his sons were chatting with Casey Jones near the dirt driveway. It was good to see his sons smile again. Splinter had been worried sick ever since leaving his sons with the knowledge that he may never see them again. Day and night he meditated, trying to reach the spirits of his departed master and trapped sons and pray for them to watch over the four turtles. When April received the call from Michelangelo after their fight with Karai Splinter's heart almost stopped.

"Will you look at them?" April sighed, a small smile forming on her lips. "Almost like old times."

Splinter did not reply, and April bit her lip.

Splinter watched as suddenly Raphael let out an annoyed shout, the result of some unseen prank from Michelangelo. The gold-banded turtle laughed as he cart-wheeled away, mocking his 'younger' sibling as he went. Raphael grumbled and then returned his attention to Casey Jones, who was showing off an old motorcycle he'd bought for Raphael to fix up as his own. Casey was trying to get Raphael involved in things he used to like and while he was succeeding in some cases, in others he found Raphael's taste quite changed. Perhaps the biggest disappointment was the discovery that Raphael had developed quite a dislike for alcohol…

Michelangelo on the other hand had developed a fondness for martial arts and reading that Splinter was more than pleased with. The proclaimed 'second-in-command' moved away from the others now, flopping on his shell where he had abandoned his latest novel, opening it.

Splinter sighed.

"Things are indeed better than they were Ms. O'Neil," his gaze shifted to a tree on the far side of the lawn. "But there is still much healing to be done…"

Donatello sat with his shell against the tall oak watching as the sun inched closer to the horizon. The sky was transforming into an otherworldly mix of orange, red, blue and purple that caused warring emotions of peace and disquiet inside him.

How many hours had he spent alone in meditation with Splinter after the battle with Karai? Splinter had forgiven him, offered him help, guidance, and love but Donatello could not get past his anger. All he had done, all he had become…almost led to the end of everyone he cared about. He was a son who drove away his own father, caused discord between his friends, and used his brothers for his own selfish ends.

How could he let go of all the pain he had caused?

"Don, you alright?"

Donatello looked up to see the worried face of Leonardo looking down at him. Donatello cleared his throat, giving his brother a stern look.

"Finished with your exercises already?"

Leo grinned.

"You mean the stretching mixed with lying motionless? Yeah, I think I'm good…"

"Leonardo, your wound is still healing--"

"I know, I know! Give it a rest, Dad."

Donatello fell silent and Leonardo caught the small shadow that crossed the other's face.

"Sorry," Leo said hurriedly, "I keep forgetting…"

"You don't have to apologize." Don smiled weakly. "I'm just not worthy of the title."

Don felt his heart squeeze painfully as Leo sat beside him with a sigh, white bandages across his abdomen stark against his green skin and brown shell. They were a constant reminder to Donatello of what his actions had caused. If Michelangelo and Raphael had been delayed even another minute Leonardo might have--

"How many times do I have to tell you I wouldn't be here right now if it wasn't for you?" Leonardo interrupted Donatello's dark thoughts. "You helped me escape the limbo between here and the spirit realm all those months ago. It's because of you I'm me again. Otherwise, I might have disappeared entirely with that other Leo…"

"I almost got you killed in this world too," Don snorted. Leo laughed.

"Yes, well from what I've heard we used to almost get killed a lot."

When Don didn't respond, Leo laid a gentle hand on Don's shoulder.

"Don, I followed you because I wanted to. I already told you it wasn't your fault. And if it's forgiveness you need, you have it from me without a question. Even if I think you did nothing wrong to deserve it."

For the thousandth time that week Donatello wondered how so suddenly Leonardo had become like his old self again. Ever since he was injured by Karai Leonardo was starting to act more confidant and self-assured, even if he was still being treated as the youngest turtle. Don would never get used to being the older brother or being considered as more than that by someone who used to be Don's own protector. Yet Don was slowly accepting, as he had with the others, that the old Leonardo was gone forever. He had to be thankful for who was with him now.

Don shook the painful thoughts away, looking towards the sunset again and this time concentrating on its beauty and shoving the disquiet aside. Don knew that no matter how many times his family told him they forgave him it would be a long time before he forgave himself.

Of course with their love and support, anything was possible.

"Right, Leo?" Don whispered silently to the air.


Don looked over to see an almost childish look of question on Leonardo's face and Don laughed reaching out to playfully rub the top of the other's head. Leo scowled and jerked away. Don grinned.

"Just letting the ghosts of the past know that our family is going to be alright…"