Ok, so it has been... about two years since I did anything to do with this story. Wow, that's a long time . Odds are, most of the people who orginally reviewed this story have given up on TMNT by now... but who knows? This chapter isn't long, but I used it to set up some plot points :3

Declaimer: I don't own TMNT

Chapter 18

She had assassinated children before. It wasn't as though this were a new thing. But she had never killed a child of such an important Lord. But no matter, orders were orders, whether she liked them or not. Ginger entered the boy's room, it was incredibly easy, the Daimyo should really put more thought into his son's safety. The rat knew that the guards checked on the young boy ever hour, of course, she didn't need an hour to kill him, but it paid to keep these things in mind. A good assassin would plan how to kill her ward before she got up her. Ginger was a good assassin, in skill, but had thought about different ways to do it as she made her way through the halls. Poison left too much to chance, and besides, it would be so much easier if she just cut the boy's throat.

Ginger had pulled a tanto from nowhere, and had hopped on the boy's bed so that she could stab it straight through his heart, when the door burst open, and the Ultimate Daimyo strode through, as mighty and powerful as ever. Ginger's heart sank. So this was how it is meant to be? Was fate really this cruel? It clearly was as she bounded off the bed and back out the window, but she knew there was almost no point in running away. They knew who she was, and now she was forever disgraced in the eyes of every warrior that came through here.


Sasha was hurt badly, the big guy had done a real number on her, Korea was just going to have to give him a thorough beating when she met him again. And she will meet him again, you could count on it. "C'mon Sasha, just a bit longer," Korea said soothingly as Casey drove the van towards their home, "You can do it, just wait." Sasha groaned and attempted to roll over, which made Korea grab her firmly by the arm and keep her on her back. Of course, Sasha complied, like Korea expected her to.

"Are we almost there?" She asked Raph, who was watching Sasha with a pained expression. Korea didn't blame him, she wondered how Leo was going to take to Sasha's injuries, it wasn't going to be pretty, that's for sure. "Right around the corner," Casey replied, as they flew around the corner and into the garage Donny had built. "Leo!" Korea yelled as she and Raph pulled Sasha out of the van, "Don! Where are you, you stupid shell heads?" They appeared pretty quick, and predictably, Leo let Raph have it.

"How could you let this happen?" He yelled as he took over Raph's spot by Sasha's side, "You were suppose to take her for a ride, not get her in trouble!" Raph loudly defended himself as they carried Sasha to her bedroom. "We have another... erm guest," Don said as they laid Sasha down, "Leo and I will see what we can do for Sasha." Guest? Curiosity got the best of her and she immediately left to see who this "guest" was.


A female turtle huh? And a rabbit too. God there were so many freaks running around the sewers, you'd think the stupid citizens of New York would have found out by now. Hun smirked as he strode into his office, setting the stolen sword down on his desk. He had come far, he was no longer a servant to that pink alien slug, just the thought of him made Hun want to smash something. How could he have served his former Master so loyally, for so long, without even knowing what The Shredder even was?

That was behind him now, the Purple Dragons were no longer some trash level street gang thanks to him. No, he was heading to the top, and he was going to destroy the Turtles on his way there. The huge man glanced down at the sword, it was a Japanese katana with a red handle, a little worn in a way that suggested that it had been used frequently. The little mutant rabbit, Korea, will come for this, he knew she would. He grinned as he called in Dragon Face, Hun was going to make sure that Korea found her precious sword, and if all went well, he could hopefully take out one of the turtle pests in the process.


"Are you sure you have to go?" Gennosuke asked as he shoved rice balls into his mouth, "I know the Daimyo is important and all, but can't he send someone else to investigate this thing?" Usagi smiled faintly at his friend, "I am honored to be chosen by the Ultimate Daimyo for such an important mission," he said firmly as the two of them walked up to a very flat upright rock. "But I will not be doing it on my own, I intend to ask Leonardo-san for help, I'm sure he has experience in matters such as this." The Rhino scoffed, but waved a hand at Usagi, "Whatever, I'll see you around then. Hopefully." Snickering, he turned around and walked back down the slope.

Usagi waved at the back of his retreating friend, then turned his attention back to the stone in front of him. He had to get to Leonardo-san's home dimension on his own, without the War Staff, the Daimyo did not have the same control over the dimensions as before. Usagi refused to fail the Daimyo, he and Leonard-san will recover the War Staff and return it to its rightful owner, their very honor depends on it.

Like I said, very, very, very short . but the next chapter might come a lot faster than this one :P

Review pwease :D