Author has written 8 stories for Harry Potter, Inuyasha, and Kingdom Hearts.
-- NEW STORY OUT! And a new story idea at the very end. :) --
A... "journal"
:July 22nd, 2009:
You can read my Author's Note on the last chapter of 'Closed' for a more detailed explanation as to why/how I've decided to continue with my writing. Keep in mind, however, that not only am I busy with schoolwork, but I think I'll only be writing Harry Potter for a little while. I apologize to those of you who are waiting patiently for the other stories! I'll get those up soon!
BUT! In the meantime, enjoy some Draco/Hermione pictures and stories on my new tumblr account! 'Amor vincit omnia'
Please continue be patient with me. Supportive reviews keep me going. ;)
Story update plan (a chapter of each):
- Edits on 'Closed' chapters.
Love always,
A bit about me
Name: Since I'm obviously not telling, just call me Dragon.
Age: Not for you to know.
Gender: Female... if you must know.
Birth Date: March 13th.
Hair: Dark brown
Eyes: Hazel-brown
Height: 5' 9"
Located in: U.S.
Loves: Harry Potter!!! Usually well-written and original Hermione/Draco stories. :)
Hates: Crossovers (blech! but no offense intended to those of you who worship it), Rap, Country, and Hip-hop, Kagome (even though she's usually portrayed as an angel in my stories, Milk (but I like chocolate milk :)), bugs, waking up early...
WARNING: Is a big fan of 'oh-my-god-that's-so-random' fanfiction pairings.
If you don't like, don't read.
If you scroll down you'll see...
-- What I enjoy reading and what I don't
-- Favorite Pairings
-- Least Favorite Pairings
-- Stories out
-- Stories still locked up somewhere in my head
-- My requests for other brilliant writers on ff . net...
-- My idols on
-- E-mail and a note
What I enjoy reading and what I don't
(none of this is meant to be offensive, I'm just giving my opinion)
-- Well written stories with descriptions and adjectives gallore! I like to be able to visualize what I'm reading. That makes me get into the story and like it even more. But too many adjectives make the story hard to read, especially if there's an "and" in between each word. "The brown and dirty and smelly and old dog...".
-- A vocabulary! I love reading different synonyms for words, like "She said", "She repeated", "He declared", "He implied", and so on. The bigger the word variety is, the better the story. Using the same words over and over again gets annoying, as well as using first grade words. "She felt sad and mad." But even though I dislike simple words, I'd prefer them over words I've never seen in my life. For example; "perambulate". That's just a fancy, I-know-what-it-means-but-you-don't word for "walk". You see my point.
-- Sweet stories where the main pairing isn't in love at first sight, or don't fall in love after 2 or 3 chapters. Characters can begin to admit to themselves that they find the other attractive, but I prefer them to deny their feelings.
-- I like descriptions of what the characters are doing, like "She screamed", instead of reading "'NOOOOOOOOOO!' He said." or "'AAAAAAAAAAAHHH!'" I like lowercase letters too, by the way. lol. And too many exclamation/question marks makes the story look less like a, well, book and more like a text message, email, or IM where "?" is used freely. "Are you okay?" "Yes, I'm fine!" "I was just asking!" "Well you don't have to! Got it!" Yeah... ugh.
-- A lot of romance and/or humor! Boring stories throw me off and make me tired. I like reading stories that make you laugh and give you a warm, happy feeling in your stomach after you've just read a sweet moment... :P I'm like that.
-- Correct spelling. Oh God, I can't express how much I hate it when authors write "u" instead of "you", "r" instead of "are, or "luv/lurv" instead of "love"or have every other word misspelled. I like to be able to understand the story and get the full effect instead of reading something that makes me think I'd be better off reading the dictionary in l33t.
-- Contractions; when I read a story, I like it to be kind of realistic in the sense of dialogue. I love reading things where the characters actually sound like we normally do. Reading, "No, I am not happy that she is not here." is alright, I suppose, but I'd much prefer reading, "No, I'm not happy she's not here." In fact, I like this so much that I'm constantly making up new words/contractions to fit the characters and the quotes. For example, I don't know how many people really do say, "The department is on the third floor", but I tend to, as well as most of the people around me, say "The department's on the third floor". It just makes things easier for me. And while we're at it, I don't like reading "The dept's on the third floor", since I don't know about you guys, but not many people say "dept". Instead, they say "department."
-- Capitalization and punctuation... I guess this is okay, just as long as it doesn't go overboard and end up being the longest run-on sentence ever written or anything. But you know, I do rather like reading, "And so, with a determined look on her face, she set out to rescue the kitten despite the dangerous, problematic, and life-threatening situation." instead of "and so with a determined look on her face she set out to rescue the kitten despite the dangerous problematic and life-threatening situation".
-- First or Third person POV; past tense. Though I like "He"/"She"/"They" the most, I'll read an "I"/"We" story, but my expectations are greater. :P I hate reading "She runs into the cave, hoping that no one hears her", or something. It should be past tense, in my opinion. That makes the story better.
-- Having the characters be in... well, character. For example, a character who talks roughly would say "ain't" occasionally, but not all the time, and "ya" instead of "you". But reading quotes where all he ever says is "ya" gets on my nerves. "I love ya." "Ya look great" "Ya said ya would be asleep". It gets annoying, admit it.
-- And finally, don't think I'm a geek, lol; authors notes. I love getting to know the author from what they say, or the replies to reviews. It makes me smile or frown, or whatever. And the best part, I don't really give a damn if it's bad spelling, grammar, or terribly written. lol.
Favorite Pairings
Jakotsu - Female (namely Kagome... I've yet to read or write a Jakotsu - Sango story)
Bankotsu - Kagome
Sesshoumaru - Kagome
Kouga - Kagome (pity there aren't very many...)
Sesshoumaru - Rin
Naraku - Kagome (kind of... I like it more than I don't)
Yamato Nadeshiko Shichi Henge
Kyouhei - Sunako
Takenaga - Noi
Ranmaru - Yuki (don't kill me! I'm shocked too...)
Kyou - Tohru
Akito - Tohru (anime Akito, not manga Akito, manga Akito's a girl...when I found this out I just about committed pretend suicide...o_o)
Hatsuharu - Tohru
Hatsuharu - Yuki (I guess it's cute...)
Fushigi Yuugi
Nuriko - Miaka (I'm getting into the whole, gay-to-straight-due-to-a-girl thing now... lol)
Tasuki - Miaka (again, I'd like for there to be more of this pairing)
Sakura - Gaara
Sakura - Neji
Naruto - Hinata (my darling sister (Hah! Yeah right...) showed me a Naruto/Hinata AMV, and it was absolutely precious. So yeah, I'm a fan now)
Sasuke - Naruto (what can I say?)
Kingdom Hearts
Riku - Sora
Roxas - Axel
Harry Potter
Draco - Hermione (well duh)
Least Favorite Pairings
Kagome - Inuyasha (eh... sometimes I'll read or write one, but only if it's that good)
Kagura - Sesshoumaru
Kikyou - Naraku
Yamato Nadeshiko Shichi Henge
Kyouhei - Noi (I honestly don't like Kyouhei - Anyone, but just because Kyouhei's a freaking god)
Tohru - Yuki
Shigure - Tohru (only occasionally I'll read it, but it's mainly a 'no')
Fushigi Yuugi
Miaka - Tamahome (eh... they're cute and all, but Miaka and Tasuki/Nuriko are so much more adorable!)
Yui - Tamahome (I don't like Yui... at all.. .so 'Yui - Anyone' deserves to be burned)
Sakura - Naruto (I'm not one for canon pairings, I suppose)
Anyone- Ino
Kingdom Hearts
Male - Female (I just don't like straight pairings for this game!)
Harry Potter
Hermione - Ron (sorry…but no. Funny thing though, I used to be so completely obsessed with this pairing...)
Hermione - Harry (ditto-- but not to the "used to be obsessed" thing; I've never liked this pairing)
Stories out
Title: Closed
Category: Harry Potter Series
Genre: Romance (maybe I should make it Romance/Mystery or Romance/Horror or something...)
Summary: The ministry orders evacuation of Hogwarts under mysterious reasons. Draco and Hermione, being the last ones out, get trapped in a closet while they are evacuating. When they finally get out, they are the only ones left in the large dark school for a whole two months… And what's this creature that's stalking the halls?
Pairing: Hermione - Draco
“Villains”: Read to find out…
Chapters so far: 15
Estimated chapters: 30 - 40 chapters; By no means am I planning to make this story quick.
Reason for rating: M for adult humor, some language, and adult situations
Reason for writing: I’ve been a fan of HP forever, so when I first saw Draco’s and Hermione’s “relationship”, I hoped they would get together. And while watching the first movie for the umpteenth time; where the troll attacked and Hermione was stuck in the bathroom, I thought- what if Draco and Hermione were stuck together… and that’s where this idea popped up.
Author's note: I'm so happy how this is turning out to be. The creature in the hallway is become more interesting, the story is falling into place, so far only a few things have gone wrong in my opinion, and I'm enjoying writing it very much.
Status: Incomplete
Title: I’m All Yours
Category: Inuyasha; a Feudal Fairy Tale
Genre: Romance/Angst
Summary: Kagome, Sango, and Miroku are all good friends. Inuyasha is the new rebellious youth in town and doesn’t know anyone, so Kagome takes it upon her and her friends to try to befriend him. But she also has a few problems of her own, namely the abusive stepfather her mother married. Can Inuyasha help her as much as she's helped him?
Pairing: Kagome - Inuyasha & Sango - Miroku
“Villains”: Kikyou, Suo (new character)
Chapters so far: 14
Estimated chapters: Maybe less, maybe more than 30...
Reason for writing: M for adult humor, language, and adult situations
Author's note: I think I’ve done a decent job explaining the characters and the settings, but I still hate the Kagome/Inuyasha pairings. (I write them because fans like it and I like to please them. I am such a nice person. lol. j/k)
Status: Incomplete (on HIATUS)
Title: Change of Heart
Category: Inuyasha; a Feudal Fairy Tale
Genre: Romance/Humor
Summary: The first meeting with Jakotsu, Inuyasha and the others let him go. Now they find him again, but he is injured. After being treated by Kagome, he decides to go with Inuyasha on his travels in attempt to woo him. But through thick and thin, and naughty situations, he falls for someone whom he'd never thought he would.
Pairing: Jakotsu - Kagome
“Villains”: Read to find out…
Chapters so far: 19
Estimated chapters: Somewhere in between 30 to 50 chapters…yeah... I know. That’s a lot.
Reason for rating: M for adult humor, language, and adult situations
Reason for writing: Obviously, I’m a fan of strange pairings and always look for ways to challenge myself with them. I fell in love with Jakotsu’s personality the first time I saw him (and he is now close to being my favorite Inuyasha character) and his funny ways of showing distaste for women made me laugh. My mind began to think up ‘semi-questions’ such as; “What if he and Kagome…?” and “Maybe if he was changed…?”. So since there aren’t many Jak/Kag pairings on the web, I decided to make my own. Ta-da!
Author's note: I’m proud of how Jakotsu’s keeping in character, yet slowly changing (granted these last few chapters have been getting a little steamy) And Kagome too! Er... well, kind of. lol.
Status: Incomplete
Title: Here and Now
Category: Inuyasha
Genre: Romance/Humor
Summary: "Hatred. That's all he felt for her since the day she was born. So why then, did he feel so anxious to be with her? To touch her?" He was a Takano. Takano's never admitted they were wrong. Kagome and he had despised each other for so long, so it was destined that they would continue to do so later on in life. But things have indeed changed, and Kagome's not as unappealing as she used to be.
Pairing: Sesshoumaru - Kagome
“Villains”: Inuyasha (...sort of...)
Chapters so far: 2
Estimated chapters: 17
Reason for rating: M for adult humor, language, and adult situations and scenes
Reason for writing: Do I need a reason to write a fic that doesn't involve such a big chance at them falling in love? No, I think not.
Author's note: Usually it's Kagome and Inuyasha who hate eachother, but now it's Sesshoumaru and her who've known eachother since forever and loathe the other to the deepest pit in hell. Hahaaa... Anyway, this stort should go by really quickly. It's a fairly simple one to write.
Status: Incomplete
Title: Touch Me
Category: Inuyasha
Genre: Romance/Action/Adventure
Summary: Kagome, sick with a fever yet still strong-willed, gets captured by a team of unusual vampires, who claim they keep her with them only for her own safety. One vampire in particular, the silvery-white haired one, Inuyasha, who she simply cannot get along with, stands out in her eyes most among the rest.
Pairing: Inuyasha - Kagome (yeah, shocker, I know. I do crazy things when I'm sick. lol)
“Villains”: You'll have to read to find out...
Chapters so far: 3
Estimated chapters: Hmm... dunno. This story's a mystery to me even! Um, 40 maybe.
Reason for rating: M for adult humor, language, and adult situations and scenes
Reason for writing: Yeah, well, I'm a vampire fan of course, but this resulted after a dream I had a few nights ago. It'll be very AU, so no threats about coming to murder me in my sleep before I get the chance to put the story on .
Author's note: All good authors need a vampire story, I mean come on! So here's mine:)
Status: Incomplete
Title: Vicissitude (definition: 'one of the sudden or unexpected changes or shifts often encountered in one's life, activities, or surroundings'... ahaha, I'm so good)
Category: Kingdom Hearts
Genre: Romance/Humor
Summary: They'd been best friends since Sora was born, but couldn't be more different. Sora was a year younger, slightly short and skinny, quiet, and very shy. Riku was a year older, lean and tall, outspoken, and social. Despite their differences, they relied on one another to get through times of difficulty and tragedies of the past. But now, Riku, at age eighteen, begins to notice that he no longer harbors just friendly feelings for the younger boy, but, though he continues to deny, he becomes infatuated with him. Can he try to keep the tension from arising between the two and wave it off as nothing? Or is this something he simply cannot hide from? Either way, Sora takes notice of these changes. So what's to become of their friendship?
Pairing: Riku - Sora
“Villains”: None! (surprising, I know)
Chapters so far: 7
Estimated chapters: Umm...10-15?
Reason for rating: M for adult humor, language, and adult situations and scenes (definitely...)
Reason for writing: It was a request.
Author's note: first boy x boy story. I honestly never thought this day would come... well, those of you who happen to like yaoi can thank 'quiche-me', who requested it. After all, who could say no to such kind words? Well, not me. Anyway, I took the time to go through and read a Riku/Sora story or two, and I guess since I'm not appalled, it'll be pretty okay to write. lol. It's not much different from regular stories, aside from the fact that both are males. But, you know, Sora's got that feminine appearance and all, so it's not like I'm making two manly men fall for eachother. Ahh... well see how it turns out. I'm expecting reviews for support! lol.
Status: Incomplete
Title: Even If...
Category: Kingdom Hearts
Genre: Romance/Humor
Summary: Sora loses a bet with Tidus, Roxas, and Kairi and feels like he's been cheated. So to prove to them he can take anything they throw at him, he makes a bet— anything they want for anything he wants. And unfortunately for Sora, Tifa hears his boasting and challenges him. So Sora must pretend to be a girl—clothes, hair, personality, and all—for two weeks. The thing is, it must be a secret from every stranger he meets; no one must know he is pretending. And when he meets Riku, what will happen when the silver-haired boy starts to fall for the new Sora? How will he feel after the two weeks are up and Sora must go back to being his usual self?
Pairing: Riku - Sora
“Villains”: None... I think... Well, we'll see.
Chapters so far: 2
Estimated chapters: Mm... 20 - 25 maybe.
Reason for rating: M for adult humor, language, and adult situations and scenes
Reason for writing: I was sitting around working on my final exam review guides when I suddenly had one of those moments. The story idea just popped into my head and I could actually see myself writing it and completing it! But then again, it was like that for all of my current stories that are still not complete...
Author's note: My second yaoi story. My god, I'm obsessed! This one might be a slow write, but it should be good. It's got potential! Then again, I might just be saying that since I'm the author... lol.
Status: Incomplete
Stories still locked up somewhere in my head
Title: A Puppy’s Cries
Category: Inuyasha; a Feudal Fairy Tale
Genre: Romance/Humor
Summary: Sesshoumaru, being as careless and proud as he is, defies the wishes of a powerful demoness; who turns him into a dog. Alone and afraid, Sesshoumaru stumbles into Kagome’s bag just as she is about to head home for the week. What he doesn’t know, is that on the night of the new moon and until the waxing crescent, the cute little puppy turns into a ravenous taiyoukai from sun down to sun up…
Pairing: Sesshoumaru - Kagome
“Villains”: Inuyasha (though technically not a villain, he gets in the way of the two main characters, therefore is thought of and treated as a villain)
Estimated chapters: 20 or so; maybe 15 at the least. This story shouldn’t be as long as my other ones… heh.
Reason for rating: M for adult humor, language, and adult situations
Reason for writing: I had a dream about this, lol, and it caught my interest for a few weeks. I’ve been attempting to develop a story line, and… so far so good?
Author's note: The idea seems fun, but I’m still trying to work out some bugs (Like how to get Sesshoumaru to stay with Kagome when he changes into a demon at night… hmm… maybe I should add a binding spell too)
Title: A Rapist’s Desire
Category: Inuyasha; a Feudal Fairy Tale
Genre: Romance/Angst
Summary: She continues to unlock her windows and let him in, knowing that even though he doesn’t yet, he just might one day do to her as he’s done to the others. But strangely, she doesn't mind it.
Pairing: Bankotsu - Kagome
ALTERNATE Pairing: Ryuu - Kagome (Ryuu is my own character; I think he goes well with the rapist‘s description, and because Inuyasha and Sesshoumaru don‘t seem to fit the part, but then again, so does
“Villains”: Naraku
ALTERNATE "Villains": Chisou (Chisou exists only if Ryuu is part of the pairing)
Estimated chapters: About 20; maybe 25 at the most. Then again, the story is extendable, so it might be more…
Reason for rating: M for adult humor, language, and adult situations (such as rape... eventually... maybe)
Reason for writing: I don’t know where this idea came in play. lol. But I think it had something to do with the tree by my window constantly scratching at my room every night… Anyway, the summary doesn’t explain much, so… the rapist, who remains unknown, even to me, is assigned a child of a wealthy man whom he must rape. The story goes on from there.
Author's note: The idea seems sweet, scary, and…exciting. lol. What the summary fails to explain, is that Kagome ends up liking his nightly visits, and him as well.
Title: Marrying for Peace
Category: Inuyasha; a Feudal Fairy Tale
Genre: Romance/Humor
Summary: Kagome of the Northern Lands must marry the youngest son of Inutaisho of the Western Lands, to restore peace. Though she had always believed in marrying for love, she must obey her grandfather’s decision. While there, she discovers that life away from the calm, neutral Northern Lands is much different than the wild, wealthy, and rude West. The boy she is to marry may be older than her by 2 years, but he seems younger by 12. And to make matters worse, his elder brother seems to think she was born for him to mock.
Pairing: Sesshoumaru - Kagome
“Villains”: Inuyasha (again, he just gets in their way)
Estimated chapters: Umm…a lot? lol. Maybe 30 - 40.
Reason for rating: Unknown rating; it’s between T for some adult humor, some language, and some adult situations, or M for adult humor, language, and adult situations
Reason for writing: Funny story, actually… heh. I was watching Mulan 2, and thought, what if Kagome had to get married, but in the end, changed her mind? It’s similar to Mulan, yet with a twist; therefore no ideas were stolen to an extreme extent. (and since I'm stating where the idea is coming from, nothing was stolen at all, just borrowed)
Author's note: I’m very excited about writing this. Saying I have it all planned out would be a lie, but I do have the storyline down.
Title: A Friendly Game of Cards
Category: Inuyasha; a Feudal Fairy Tale
Genre: Humor/General (O.O! It’s not romance?)
Summary: Inuyasha, Kagome, Miroku, Sango, Kouga, Ayame, Sesshoumaru, Jaken, Jakotsu, Bankotsu, and Naraku engage in a friendly game of Strip Poker. While it may seem like a fun, easy game to play on a rainy day, the players at the table might make it difficult…
Pairing: Various or none
“Villains”: None
Estimated chapters: 1 or 2. Yeah, not really going to be a long chapter, just one where I can express my ideas in.
Reason for rating: T for some adult humor, some language, and some adult situations or M for adult humor, language, and adult situations; I haven’t really decided yet.
Reason for writing: I might be developing Obsessive Compulsive Disorder or something…lol. Since this idea was brought up, I’ve been itching to hurry and get it typed, just to get it over with. Heh…strange…
Author's note: It's not something to be excited about, since it’s just a simple game, therefore there isn’t much romance like I’m used to writing. In my opinion, the only stories worth reading are the romance ones, but then again, I’m a very sappy person. lol.
Title: White Blossoms
Category: Inuyasha; a Feudal Fairy Tale
Genre: Romance/Humor
Summary: Sesshoumaru spends 10 years of his life watching the cute little girl transform into a beautiful young lady. As Rin gets older, he seems to notice things changing; things involving her, and things involving himself.
Pairing: Sesshoumaru - Rin
“Villains”: A little bit of Naraku and a whole lot of Kazuna (Oh yes, very evil lady…:P ...and very made up)
Estimated chapters: Let's see... it starts off at 8, so 11 chapter until she's 18, then about 20 more...? lol. So maybe 30.
Reason for rating: T for some adult humor, some language, and some adult situations (for now)
Reason for writing: I’ve yet to write a Sesshoumaru/Rin fic, and since they’re so close in the anime and manga, I wanted to write a story of Rin’s time with Sesshoumaru as she grows up.
Author's note: Although it may not seem it, my story is very unique. Other stories involve a fully grown Rin, but none that I’ve seen have her growing older throughout the story and the characters reactions to it. The summary's a bit dull, I suppose, but I'll tell you here, that Rin will stop growing once she hits 18. Well, not really stop growing, lol, but I'll stop fastforwarding her life at that point, and get to some Sess/Rin romance!
Title: Secrets
Category: Inuyasha; a Feudal Fairy Tale
Genre: Romance/Humor
Summary: Kagome attends Nadare, an all-boys academy, because Kikyou, her cousin, has made it impossible for her to go to a normal school without having to move. Her twin brother, Souta, also is part of the reason to Kagome’s attendance to the school. While there, she finds it impossible to fit in, and the boys at the school just can’t seem to give her a break! And to top it all off, she, a freshman, is assigned a gorgeous, albeit rude, upperclassman as a roommate. Can she keep him and the others from finding out her secret?
Pairing: Sesshoumaru - Kagome
ALTERNATE SUMMARY: (I haven’t decided which to do yet) Kagome attends Nadare, an all-boys academy, because Kikyou, her cousin,has made it impossible for her to go to a normal school without having to move. Her twin brother, Souta, also is part of the reason to Kagome’s attendance to the school. While there, she finds it impossible to fit in, and the boys at the school just can’t seem to give her a break! One of them also seems to develop somewhat of a crush on her, well, him. Can she keep him and the others from finding out her secret? And if he does, will he still feel the same way?
“Villains”: Kikyou (somewhat), Naraku
Estimated chapters: These chapters I plan on making long, so I’ll say about 20-30.
Reason for rating: M for adult humor, language, and adult situations and scenes
Reason for writing: Simply a “What if…”. I thought this one would have an interesting plot in this story, along with at least a little bit of humor. That and I love Shakespeare's "Twelfth Night"
Author's note: I found no other fic like this one and the idea excited me. But I'm slain between doing the summary or the alternate summary. Maybe I'll just make two different stories...
Title: Fear Me Not
Category: Inuyasha; a Feudal Fairy Tale
Genre: Romance/Humor (or Romance/Action/Adventure)
Summary: Kagome's an average girl, living in an average town, with average friends. The only above average things in her life are the Band of Seven, a mafia-like group of seven men, their leader Bankotsu, the most feared man in Japan who controls not only the people around him, but the police too, and her pride, which gives her the courage to talk to him.
Pairing: Bankotsu - Kagome
“Villains”: Renkotsu, Naraku, Hiriki (Ooooh, I just love making up characters that go so well with the plot! Then again, he's just a possibility. I might not even include him!)
Estimated chapters: Erm... umm... uh... more than 20, less than 40.
Reason for rating: Definitely M for adult humor, language, and adult situations and scenes
Reason for writing: My mom told me a story about her when she was younger earlier, so I decided to add a few changes and twists and make a story of my own :D
Author's note: I like this idea very much! It should work out perfectly in the end. Not much more to say about it though. lol.
Title: Lost
Category: Harry Potter
Genre: Romance/Action/Adventure
Summary: Hermione and Draco get attacked and wake up in the middle of a forest. Without any supplies to start off with, they have to rely upon each other and their instincts to make it through. But with injuries, predators, and moody personalities that get in their ways, will they be able to get through it alive? And will they set aside their differences in hope of finding something stronger than friendship?
Pairing: Draco - Hermione
“Villains”: Voldemort, Death Eaters, Lucious Malfoy, various forest creatures, and the weather
Estimated chapters: Eh... a...lot?
Reason for rating: M for adult humor, language, and adult situations and scenes
Reason for writing: I was searching for a story like this earlier, and since I couldn't find one, I figured I might make one!
Author's note: I love stories where the characters have to rely on one another to get past whatever situation they're in. And this one, I think, should be very fun to write, as well as to read.
Title: Let's Pretend
Category: Inuyasha; a Feudal Fairy Tale
Genre: Romance (Ooh... absence of humor)
Summary: Rin wants a mother. Sesshoumaru wants peace from all those bothersome questions about a possible future marriage. Kagome wants revenge against Inuyasha. What to do to make everyone happy? Perhaps pay Kagome to be the mother and fiancee, thus resulting extreme jealousy in Inuyasha's part? Maybe so.
Pairing: Kagome - Sesshoumaru
“Villains”: Naraku, Inuyasha (it honestly depends on how you look at it)
Estimated chapters: Umm... many.
Reason for rating: M for adult humor, language, and adult situations and scenes
Reason for writing: I'm reading a book (romance, if you must know) and it sparked a new idea.
Author's note: Anyway, I adore this book, and so I'm hoping this story turns out slightly like that one, only with a different plot somewhat... there's no revenge in the book either.
Title: Heal Me
Category: Inuyasha; a Feudal Fairy Tale
Genre: Romance (maybe tragedy too, haven't decided whether or not Sesshoumaru will live yet. lol.)
Summary: The great Lord Sesshoumaru is sick with a deadly demon-inhabiting virus and poor Rin doesn't know what to do. She stumbles upon Kagome at the river and begs for her help. What will happen to the Taiyoukai of the West? Will the reincarnated priestess be able to heal him and his heart? Or is he destined to pass away under her care?
Pairing: Sesshoumaru - KagomeALTERNATE SUMMARY: The great Lord Sesshoumaru is sick with a deadly demon-inhabiting virus and Rin needs to care for him. Can she get past the pride of her caretaker and find a way into his heart? And can she find a way to get rid of the nasty virus which is rumored to have killed every demon it's settled in?
ALTERNATE PAIRING: Sesshoumaru - Rin
“Villains”: Naraku
Estimated chapters: Why do I even have this section? I'm not going to know how many chapters I'll have. Er... 30.
Reason for rating: M for adult humor, language, and adult situations and scenes
Reason for writing: I had a dream about this. Not a night dream, a daydream; only a few minutes ago. lol.
Author's note: Ah, this idea's okay. It's not one of my best, but I'll live with it.
Title: Stuck Together (to be renamed)
Category: Inuyasha; a Feudal Fairy Tale
Genre: Romance/Humor
Summary: Kagome's friend, Eri, gets her handcuffs for her birthday as a joke. She accidentally leaves it in her bag and takes it to the Feudal Era with her. She comes across Jakotsu and, in anger, cuffs him to her. What happens as they spend their days, weeks, and months cuffed together? Well, a lot actually.
Pairing: Jakotsu - Kagome
“Villains”: Naraku, Inuyasha (again, it depends)
Estimated chapters: 20 or so.
Reason for rating: M for adult humor, language, and adult situations and scenes
Reason for writing: My brother was watching TV and I looked over and the cartoon had two people handcuffed together. So this idea came from that. (how simple)
Author's note: I love this idea! Don't be surprised if there's a new story soon! Just think, how will they go to the bathroom? Bathe? Get dressed? Sleep? Oh the possibilities...
Title: Love Me Too
Category: Naruto
Genre: Romance/Humor
Summary: Sakura's been watching Gaara for a long time, thinking how lonely he must be and how he could live without loving someone and being loved in return. But when the two are put on a "mission", together, she decides to quit denying the feelings she has for him and be open. When she tells him of her feelings, and he doesn't kill her, she takes it as a sign that maybe, possibly, he could grow to love her too. But will Gaara love her? Or won't he? Pride and fear just might take over.
Pairing: Gaara - Sakura
“Villains”: Various Ninja who attack them on their mission
Estimated chapters: A few...dozen.
Reason for rating: M for adult humor, language, and adult situations and scenes
Reason for writing: -sighs- I've become a Gaara/Sakura fan. And a big one at that. I'm talking YouTube videos, reading the fanfics (I read 7 yesterday... and none were oneshots), rooting them on while watching the show, daydreaming about it... So, I decided to write one of my daydreams. And voila! Here's the idea!
Author's note: My first Naruto fic... wow. lol. The summary doesn't say much about what else will happen. And yes, I know I said I liked love to form way later on, but this is an exception, because without it, it doesn't work. And besides, love will form later on... for Gaara, that is.
Title: Accidental Marriage
Category: Inuyasha; a Feudal Fairy Tale
Genre: Romance/Humor
Summary: Kagome's a sophomore in high school, Sesshoumaru's a junior in college, and the only connection they have is Sesshoumaru's brother, Inuyasha, who's infatuated with Kagome. Well, Kagome takes a Cultural Research class as an extracurricular activity, and it just happens to be at Sesshoumaru's college... and Sesshoumaru is in it too. For a month, each pair of students will spend a month at a family's home and learn about their cultures. What happens when such a simple ritual as walking around the table and under a plant gets them married? And what about when the wife of the family tends to be a little matchmaker and uses her cultural traditions to get the two closer?
Pairing: Sesshoumaru - Kagome
“Villains”: Inuyasha (kinda sorta), Kagura (again, kind of)
Estimated chapters: 30 ...or so.
Reason for rating: M for adult humor, language, and adult situations and scenes
Reason for writing: It came to me one night and I felt it had potential.
Author's note: I love this idea! No stealing this (or any of the stories, as a matter of fact...)!
Title: Oh Brother!
Category: Inuyasha; a Feudal Fairy Tale
Genre: Romance/Humor
Summary: Kagome's mother has been without a husband for a long time, and she's never once expressed a wish for finding a new one. Until now. Kagome put up with it, happy to see her mom happy. But when wedding plans begin and the bridesmaids flutter about, will she still feel happy? What about the fact that she knows nothing about the man her mother is in love with? What about his sons, one in particular, who Kagome finds herself trying to get along with? Marriage really does change a person's life.
Pairing: Sesshoumaru - Kagome
“Villains”: Inuyasha? (I don't know...)
Estimated chapters: 712. Kidding... 20 - 30
Reason for rating: M for adult humor, language, and adult situations and scenes
Reason for writing: My sister and I had a conversation about this. lol. It was about falling in love with a guy who's dad was seeing your mom (or vice versa) and they ended up getting married. Would it be alright to still love/marry the boy? And I said yes, since they wouldn't be blood-related. But she said no...
Author's note: Weeeeeee! Fun! The summary sucks though, I know.
Title: A Bottle of Love
Category: Kingdom Hearts
Genre: Romance/Humor
Summary: During a dangerous storm on the island, Sora and Riku get caught in the rain. Hearing the siren go off and seeing the people flee from streets and their homes to get to one of the island's storm cellars, Riku and Sora follow. When they finally enter one of the four small cellars located in the center of Destiny Islands, they see many familiar faces. So, since they are now stuck with nothing better to do, Yuffie proposes they play a game— spin-the-bottle. (who'll be playing: Sora, Riku, Kairi, Wakka, Selphie, Tidus, Roxas, Pence, Olette, Hayner, Seifer, Rai, Fuu, Cid, Leon, Cloud, Irvine, Tifa, Yuffie, Aerith, Axel, Demyx, Zexion, and Saix... long list. lol)
Pairing: Many pairings, mainly Riku - Sora... and Roxas - Axel... and I guess Tifa - Cloud
“Villains”: None
Estimated chapters: 1 (Gasp! What's this? A oneshot? No waaaay...)
Reason for rating: Depends... either T for some adult humor, some language, and some adult situations or M for adult humor, language, and adult situations and scenes
Reason for writing: As I sat and watched my friends play a rousing and amazingly entertaining game of spin-the-bottle, I thought of this idea. Mainly because two of my guy friends shares a heartfelt kiss. lol. Best night of my life. (I didn't play, of course. I'd never kiss one of my friends. It's too awkward. lol)
Author's note: It's not my fault that I've gotten into Riku - Sora pairings... so don't hurt me! Anyway, I really like this idea. I think it's kind of creative. I don't doubt that there are probably millions of other spin-the-bottle fanfics on this site, but I've never read one before. lol. So this is new for me.
Yep, lots of new stories still being planned. I’ve actually began scribbling some lines of a few of them, too!
If you like my stories now and would like to read more of them, or like one of these ideas and want me to begin it, just e-mail me and ask. :)
My requests for other brilliant writers on ffnet
Title: (Author's choice)
Category: Inuyasha; a Feudal Fairy Tale
Genre: Romance (maybe humor... maybe angst... maybe something else?)
Summary: (Here's what I would like, but anything close to it's okay. Hell, you can even ignore the religious part completely. lol) Kagome's life has consistently revolved around her family's faith and religious antics. The temple was a safe haven and prayers were done daily. But Kagome was never entirely religious— she was more of a curious soul open to everything. So one day when her curiosity takes over and brings her to her grandfather's bedroom, where books, antiques, relics covered walls and tabletops, she unlocks a passage from hell to the very temple she lives in, letting her meet the devil himself. Fear inspires her to talk back, to make him leave, but the passage is closed for another (period of time). What will her family say when she begins to develop feeling for the rude, arrogant, and evil-minded satan? Is heaven completely out of the question for her now that she was helping the devil survive in the human realm? But would heaven even be heaven without the devil there beside her? (The devil isn't really the devil. Well, no, I guess he is, but he'll have to be another character. Like maybe Naraku? Know what I mean?)
Pairing: Kagome - Inuyasha, Kagome - Sesshoumaru, Kagome - Bankotsu, or Kagome - Naraku
“Villains”: (Author's choice)
Chapters: Around 30, give or take a few. Basically more than 10 and a slow journey into love.
Rating: M, please!
Reason for idea: I was reading this book, and the main character's thoughts were just deviating all over the place, and one line that had nothing to do with the plot in the first place stuck out to me. 'Who could love the devil?' So I thought; that's not right, even the devil deserves love. And this idea took place.
Email me if you decide you want to do one! More requests to be figured out soon! :)
My idols on … those who’s stories have made me laugh, cry, hate, love, think...Keep in mind however, me being the hypocritical little authoress that I am, not all of these stories follow my 'What I like & don't' list up top. Most of them do, but a few were exceptions. For all of these, I just absolutely adore the idea of the story and a lot of the scenes were written well enough to make me squeal and leap from my chair with glee!)
Harry Potter
- Callisto Callispi - "The Passion of Hate and Love" - Draco/Hermione
sara83 "Forbidden Temptations" -Draco/Hermione
Halfling - "Scales and a Tail" - Draco/Hermione
Suggaro "Alliance" -- "Catch You Catch Kagome" - Bankotsu/Kagome
SangOtaku6 "Assassin Cafe" - Bankotsu/Kagome
Sleep Walking Chicken "Broken Glass" - Kagome/Inuyasha
Eiune "As My Daughter Wishes" - Kagome/Sesshoumaru
Aiwendil Amaurea "Means to an End" - Kagome/Sesshoumaru
x0SilverFeathersx0 "Human Enchantment" - Kagome/Sesshoumaru
- Cassidy Jewell - "Family Disaster" - Kagome/Sesshoumaru
AnimeFreak-TrunksPan-Lover4evr "You Only Think You Know Me" - Rin/Sesshoumaru
RabidAnimeGurl "For Rin" - Rin/Sesshoumaru
zensho "Flowers in the Snow" - Rin/Sesshoumaru
Kingdom Hearts
- Dualism - "Advanced Theory" - Sora/Riku
- Meleiyu "Love Your Servant" - Roxas/Axel
Ah, there are so many more! I plan on putting the rest down soon enough! And this list is always expanding, mind you.
E-mail and a note
Well, that's all for now. I occasionally add more to my bio-- such as new story ideas, new pairings, new things to the "about me" section, and of course to the "journal". So if you enjoyed reading... or if you even did read, lol, check back again sometime to see what's new! Also, feel free to send me a message or e-mail if you have a story idea, challange, or request that you'd like me to write, or you can just talk. lol. I very much enjoy reading what my reviewers write, and if you decide to write too, that'd make my day.
E-mail: unhushed_tears@
~ Dragon