Dramatic Orchestrations

Chapter One: Dreaming Dreamers.

Somewhere the world was flat and filled with grassy fields that seemed to stretch on forever, glistening with dew that had yet to burn up in the afternoon sun. Somewhere the sky was blue and the air was hot and thick. Somewhere there was an ocean, warm and endless like a good bath. Somewhere there were humans.

But not here.

Here there were mountains, jagged and gently sloped alike, rising up as if to touch the heavens. Here the sky was an impossible mix of gold, orange, and silver, and the air was thin and cold like all proper mountain air should be. Here there was snow, a frozen ocean glittering like fallen stardust. Here there were Fae.

His family had lived and ruled here for millennia, and would continue to do so, but…

But something was changing.

Just a gentle shift in the wind, just a brief twist in his heart, was all that he could feel right now. More would come, he was certain of it. More would come, and for better or worse, his kingdom would change. Something large was just over the horizon, something that would define an entire age for his people; he could only hope that it would all be for the best.

Music, soft and lulling, filled with smooth violins and a tinkling piano. It was such a pretty waltz, the kind of thing that no one listened to anymore. That was the only thing she was aware of for a while. Then, slowly, her other senses kicked in. It was dark and cold and she was in a… ballroom?

Suddenly, one by one, as if sensing her new awareness, sconces lit along the walls, then some candles on tables scattered here and there, next three fireplaces nearly twice her height roared to life, and finally two massive crystal chandeliers began to burn brightly. All of the light was fire based, so the once dark room now seemed alive with flickering shadows, everything dancing in time to the waltz that came from nowhere.

Quietly she walked around the enormous room examining everything. The floor was made of beautiful rich wood; the walls were covered in soft purple, red, and gold tapestries; and the ceiling seemed to rise up forever, studded by the two chandeliers on either end of the room.

The waltz slowed and reached its end, and for one horrible moment everything was still and silent. The shadows seemed to lengthen and freeze, and despite the heat pouring out of the blazing fires, the room suddenly seemed deathly cold. Fearing the stillness beyond all reason, she froze as well, waiting, and watching her breath come out in crystallized puffs. Then the invisible players picked up again, this time with a sprightly court tune that probably hadn't been played in centuries. Mollified, the shadows began to move once more, and if she looked hard enough she swore she could see them form the silhouettes of graceful dancers. And yet she was still technically alone, for not a physical soul was to be seen. Vaguely bothered by the entire scene, she began to edge her way around the great hall, looking for an exit.

"Leaving us so soon?" The voice was no more than a whisper, but echoed throughout the entire room.

"I don't think she's ready to join our dances yet," another voice answered.

The shadows seemed to freeze, and if they had possessed eyes she had no doubt that they would all be looking right at her. Discreetly she tried to move a little closer to the door that she had found. Just as she seemed to reach her escape the giant double doors slammed shut with a resounding bang.

"Now, now, we can't have you leaving before the real fun gets started!" the first voice chuckled.

"Yes, the party's barely begun," a few new voices shouted out from the far side of the room.

"It wouldn't do to have one of our guests of honor leave before the other one has even arrived!"

Panicked, she whirled around, quickly grabbing one of the door handles and began to yank viciously. It wouldn't even budge, but the shadows were starting to close in on her. "Leave me alone!" she cried, her voice sounding distorted, as if coming from under water.

"I told you she wasn't ready yet," the second voice sighed.

The first voice sighed as well, in annoyance. "She doesn't have much time to prepare herself. We're doing her a service, helping her get ready for what is to come. There isn't much time before he'll decide to make his first move."

Silently the doors swung open, and without even sparing a glance behind her she ran through them, out into the corridor and…

Sarah Williams bolted out of bed like she had been shot and stared around herself blearily, wondering what the hell she was doing outside the warmth of her blankets.

A/N: I've been an avid fan of all Henson productions for as long as I can remember, but I hadn't seen Labyrinth until just recently. Needless to say this is my first Labyrinth fic, so I apologize if the characters seem somewhat off. I have just about all of this story planned out, so I think the biggest problem to tackle will be motivation (hint, hint).

And to those of you reading 'Renfield Wasn't Crazy' I apologize for my delay in updating. At first I was busy with the new semester starting, then I was being lazy, and now my attention has shifted. That's not to say I have no intentions of finishing it, I'm merely warning you that there are likely to be more delays ahead until my attention shifts back.

Anyway, please tell me what you think: loved it, hated it, thought it was ok, and why! The only way an author can improve is if you tell them what they're doing right, and what they're doing wrong. So be a dear and help a struggling artist out.

Disclaimer: I own very little, just a few ideas. But, oh, what those ideas can become!