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![]() Author has written 26 stories for Gargoyles, Aliens/Predator, Transformers, and Transformers/Beast Wars. Greetings! If you are reading this it means you've stumbled upon my little collection of fics. Feel free to read any or all of them, leave a review, or if you feel so inclined tell your friends :)I absolutely adore readers! Without you guys my writing would be just obsessive little Word files on my computer, so thank you from the bottom of my heart for taking the time to read my wares. Enjoy and happy reading! LISTEN UP!! I HAVE AN STORY YOU CAN LISTEN TO! Awhile ago I had the great privilege of having one of my Transformer stories "Tinman" get produced into an audio drama. Certainly a high point in my life and it makes me very proud. Go to this link to hear it in all its awesomeness! : www. firefics. com I HAVE A NEW WEBSITE!!!! Thanks to my lovely fiance we have built a new website for my fanfictions and audio dramas! It's called [link] There you will find my Tinman audio drama (the one I'm still so proud of), links to my fanfiction site and of course my artwork. But this is what has me all excited: In the near future there will be MORE of my stories turned into audio dramas! My fiance and I will be creating our own studio and together transforming my fanfictions into audio! This has me very excited and I will be sure to inform you all of any big events. But if you want to check it out click the link and you can listen to Tinman ALL over again Once again thank you the readers for making this possible for me! ENJOY! TAKE A LOOK! TAKE A GANDER! I also create some art to go along with some of my stories. If you'd like to look go to: http:/// A Transformer Quiz I picked up from Deviantart. Read or Use if you like :) 1- WHO'S YOUR FAVORITE TRANSFORMER? Truthfully I've got a lot but... But it's probably Ironhide or Starscream 2- WHAT WOULD YOU DO IF YOU MET YOUR FAVORITE TRANSFORMER? Stand before them in total shock and awe, unable to speak...OK there's a strong chance I'd be squealing like a fangirl or giggling with elation. If it was Ironhide I'd start a conversation and ask him to pick me up. Starscream I'd just take his picture and hope he doesn't step on me like the little human bug I am. BUT if I knew I could get away with it without suffering a horrible death, I'd eat a sundae off of his cockpit :D then I'd make him take me for a ride (sigh...in my dreams)
Ironhide would probably talk to me but Starscream would shoot me or step on me (Hey he's a Decepticon right? What else would he do?) The twisted side of me would want to be his pet.
Maybe country for Ironhide...Starscream doesn't like music
Actually I do, she's called The Succubot
The only thing she wants to do: give them their ultimate "sexual" fantasy and then devour their Spark
Ironhide, hands down...Optimus comes in second...Jetfire in third
Wearing a cowboy hat and doing a country line dance (YEEE HAW!)
Now that's hard...I LOVE so many of those Cons. Starscream is a consistent favorite though...I also enjoy Soundwave + his Cassettes, Megatron, Thundercracker, Lugnut, Skywarp, and Blitzwing
Playing Energon Pong or some other drinking game with the Autobots :D 11- WHAT WOULD YOUR FAVORITE AUTOBOT AND DECEPTICON DO IF THEY MET EACH OTHER? Fight...they've been doing it for millions of years 12- WHO IS YOUR LEAST FAVORITE AUTOBOT? Honestly other than the three I listed I'm not wild about the Autobots...BUT there are a few I'd run off a cliff first...Huffer because all he does is whine, Seaspray because I hate his gargling voice, or Rodimus because let's face it he's the stupid shit who got Optimus killed...oh and the Twins from the 2009 movie...they were just annoying. 13- WHO IS YOUR LEAST FAVORITE DECEPTICON? Galvatron. Come ON! You can't replace Megatron! I wasn't wild about the Fallen for the same reason...cool design, lousy character 13- IF YOU COULD MARRY YOUR FAVORITE TRANSFORMER, HOW MANY KIDS WOULD YOU HAVE? Whoa! What makes you think I could survive any form of copulation with a giant robot or that copulation is even possible?! But...if I was of their species and they do indeed procreate...I'd just have one little bot :) 14- WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE TRANSFORMERS PAIRING? I've always enjoyed the Ironhide X Chromia pairing 16- HAVE YOU EVER CALLED A TRANSFORMER HOT? Yep. Perhaps not in public but OH yeah I consider giant robots a hot item 17- IF YOU COULD TRANSFORM INTO A CAR, WHAT WOULD IT BE? Hmm...not too familiar with cars but if I could be a vehicle I'd like to be a bright blue Mustang...BUT if I were a Con I'd definitely go the Starscream route and change into an F-22 Raptor...those things are just bad ass and mean looking. 18- WHO'S YOUR FAVORITE FEMALE AUTOBOT? Chromia...lucky gal got Ironhide! 19- WHAT SIDE WOULD YOU JOIN? Realistically? The Autobots because they'd actually let me and not kill me on sight...but I swear I'd still want to join those Cons if they promised not to kill me...heck I'd settle for being a pet if I was treated well. A Transformer quiz I took: Apparently I'm Soundwave...DUN DUN DUN! And scarily enough I'm most like the Decepticons...hmm...is that because I'm a teacher?! http:///quizzes/transformers/Kiryugoji/which-transformers-animated-character-are-you/index.php Soundwave 79% Blitzwing 67% Lockdown 67% Lugnut 63% Megatron 58% Ultra Magnus 58% Optimus Prime 54% Wreck-Gar 54% Starscream 50% Bulkhead 46% Grimlock 42% Wasp 42% Bumblebee 42% Jazz 38% Shockwave 38% Black Arachnia 38% Omega Supreme 38% Prowl 38% Constructicons 33% Blurr 25% Swindle 21% Sentinel Prime 21% Ratchet 13% |