Author has written 13 stories for Transformers, DC Superheroes, Transformers/Beast Wars, and Justice League. Interests: languages, photography, psychology, cooking, swing dancing As you guys can see, I've mostly devoted my written fanfic efforts towards Transformers. I have also written a couple pieces relating to DC comics, although at the moment only one is up here. This spread of fanfic is mostly due to what age I got into the different fandoms, as I didn't start writing fanfic until many years after beginning to read it in a number of fandoms. Right now the past few years it's been Transformers! I try to mostly finish my stories before I start posting them here, so that I can give regular updates, but it doesn't always work that way. Just look at the sad update rate on Headaches and Heartaches. But I promise I won't abandon a story! At least, not any you'll see. I've got several abandoned stories sitting on my harddrive, but fortunately my policy of "don't post until x way through the fic" has prevented any dead fic heartbreak. |
Arch-Nemesis (24) Bunny MacCool (19) Burenda (28) Dwimordene (64) Frozenflower (18) Lady Thundera (19) | Leia (35) Lnzy1 (27) LStarrunner (13) Marie Nomad (164) Merlin Missy (90) Nightwind (33) | Reichenbach (233) Scribe (50) Son Bunny (4) the Prince's Jewel (27) Vicky-V (116) |