Hi! L. Emmist here! Well, I said that zilch would come after "The End." Therefore, I present to you my Zilch-Notes.

Zilch-Notes is a section dedicated to my fabulous reviewers! Thanks to all of you! I'd like to respond to some of the reviews personally. People who reviewed more frequently got more replies because I had more to say back to them. Those of you who didn't get any replies, I'm still boundlessly grateful for your reviewing. Y'all are the best.

At the bottom is a slightly more complete list of all the things I *don't* own, that were referenced in The Wheel. And below that is a list of the things I do.


(Note: The number represents the chapter of the review, the name is the person who reviewed. The response is . . . the response.)


(Second Note: My deepest apologies if I mistake your gender. Y'all are so wonderfully non-self-centered - mostly - that I often don't know whether you're a lady or a gentleman.)


1) SparkLinh: You're the first reviewer! Congratulations! You earn a special place in my heart. Thanks so much for your review.

1) Lisa-Ann: Yep. Guess you understand how foreshadowing works.

1) oobergoober: You caught me! I *am* KAA! . . . heh, unfortunately not. Go fish!

3) Jinako-chan: Well, congratulations to you, too! You've earned yourself a character in "The Wheel." Sorry, he's a guy. But, still. I wanted to get the idea of an M/C or M/R out of the way early, but didn't feel like just coming out and saying it. So I invented J.I. Nakochan to prompt Marco to say it for me. Enjoy your namesake!

3) Green Eyed Girl: I need to go find whatever it is that was that funny, in there . . .

4) Taylor: Mm-hmm. Wordy is a very good description of "Yeerk."

4) Ziltron: That's an impressively bizarre review. You caused me some concern for you, there.

4) Kat: You know, I was afraid people hadn't gotten that joke. Glad you did!

6) Jinako-chan: No, it wasn't Rachel in morph. For that, you're gonna have to wait until I start publishing "The Nothlit Chronicles." In progress.

6) goddessofvenus19: Yeah, I was a little concerned about that, too. Ah, well.

6) ________: Ax is a magical goat? Gee, and all this time I had thought he was an Andalite. You don't happen to know Ziltron, do you? Because that was every bit as bizarre as his/her review.

7) Poswotle: Good note about Ax! I worked on that through the rest of the story. And I'll do what I can to remedy the situation when I write "The Heretic." Also in progress.

7) goddessofvenus19: You know how all through the story there were spaces after and before the thoughtspeak brackets, Like this? That was because FFN eats your thoughtspeech if you write it standard form. Thus, I missed everything in your review beyond, "sighed Jake," and "Good Ax! He learns! Etc."

8) Lisa-Ann: What are you doing reading Animorphs fanfiction? Go translate your French!

10) Kat: You know about this review. Way to go!

12) flying: I'm sorry, I really tried to put in a little R/T! But seeing as how it's all from Marco's point of view, and Rachel doesn't let her soft side show around Marco, it was quite difficult. I worked it in where I could. There's some at the end, just for you!

13) Taylor: I'm still sad MWG ended!

13) Jinako-chan: Would you believe I've never seen an episode of Buffy? I was writing that, crossing my fingers that I wasn't saying something contrary to Buffy-lore!

14) Lisa-Ann: Obviously, I worked your complaint (and my response) into the next chapter. So I don't really need to say anything about that.

14) flying: Me too!

15) Alikat: All will be revealed in time, young Jedi.

15) Jinako-chan: Ah, that's because it wasn't *Cassie* reading the books! Actually, I just made them mysteries because I needed something suspenseful, but didn't think she'd read Tom Clancy. So I left it at a happy medium.

16) Alikat: Yes. I do. It's my favorite thing to do. If you read my stories, you'd better get used to it!

17) Nacho: Perceptive.

18) Jinako-chan: Yes, I love making you paranoid. Just like I love messing with Alikat's mind. In reference to Chapman - nope, he didn't. It would have been interesting, but it also would have distracted from the story. Didn't want to get off on that tangent.

18) Alikat: Gee, thanks.

19) Noyze: Scary, ain't it? Same here!

20) Alikat: You know, I probably shouldn't derive this much enjoyment from the sound of a brain short-circuiting. Yet, I do.

20) Taylor: Actually, you're spot on. I guess that five percent of your brain is tootling along quite nicely.

20) Lisa-Ann: Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah . . .

21) Qoheleth: Sorry.

22) flying: Yes, it would have. Too bad he didn't really exist . . .

23) Rachel: No, but you do have an identity problem and a stuck Caps Lock button. If you're really the real Rachel, I'd like your signature.

24) Qoheleth: Of course not, silly! I'm Robert Heinlein!

25) oobergoober: Which random names?

26) Toria Wildman: Yep.

26) goddessofvenus: Canst be?

26) G: I'd love input on how to improve the Mary Sue scene. Any thoughts?

26) Mikhail: Okay, you caught me. Keep buying Animorphs books, the royalties are great! Love getting those checks! . . . no, just kidding. But if I *were* KAA, you can bet your ears that I would post here on FFN.

26) Lisa-Ann: You're welcome.

27) oobergoober: Actually, the cliffhanger thing is intentional. It brings people back to the story. And it makes for very fun reviews! Like this one.

27) Kiota: I do, believe me. Thanks for reading.

28) oobergoober: Because grizzlies, unlike gorillas, can swim really well. The Yeerk, as a grizzly, would take out Marco first. So he'd have to demorph before it did. Also, if he dove down, the Yeerk would just follow him. Neither of those are really workable plans, I'm afraid.

28) flying: Like this: "The End."

29) Alikat: Hm. Yeah, I think so.

29) Jinako-chan: Well, I was going to end it there, but since I don't want you to cry . . .

30) Jinako-chan: Nope, the National Guard didn't see. Interesting idea, but the climax has come and gone.

31) DJ Eagel: Congrats to you, too! The "First Person To Review the Last Chapter" award goes to you! . . . and thanks.

31) oobergoober: Thanks, that means a lot to me.

31) goddessofvenus19: Glad you enjoyed it!

31) Lisa-Ann: The reason nobody died was because I was setting out here to write a middle-of-the-series Animorphs book. I patterned style, chapter length, and format after KAA's books. "The Wheel" is just one of the series. To kill off anybody would have been to mess up what I was working so hard for. If you want to see character death, just wait 'till The Nothlit Chronicles and The Family.

31) Nacho: Thanks. And don't worry . . . I will.

31) Jinako-chan: Thanks for sticking with me through this story, Jinako- chan. Nope, you didn't read too much into it. ::Smiles:: And don't worry . . . coming soon to a FFN near you: The Heretic. An Animorphs fanfiction by L. Emmist.

31) Alikat: Did I hear somebody ask for an encore? Well, I just might have something here for you . . .

I do not own, in character, concept, form, or fashion, any of the following:

The Animorphs, "The Crocodile Hunter," "Titanic," Nintendo, Mario Tennis, Abercrombie and Fitch, the continent of Africa, the two yellow lines, the works of Shakespeare, Disney's "Tarzan," Apollo 13, the Police, 9-1-1, "A Knight's Tale," Valhalla, Cinnabon, Heisenberg's Uncertainty Principle, the CIA, "Hail to the Chief," "Buffy the Vampire Slayer," "Dracula," "Xena: Warrior Princess," Snickers, the French Revolution, "Friends," McDonald's, "Love is in the Air," Dasani, King Kong, Ann Darrow, the National Guard, Ford, Honda, Chevy, Toyota, Ferrari, "20,000 Leagues Under the Sea," the Air Force, the Model T, "Star Wars," Tom Clancy, or Robert Heinlein.

What I *do* own is the following:

KrayZ and the Loons, Encore Studieau, Sold2U, The Wheel driving school, Pulse of Passion, the swimming mime bicyclists, Cassie's mystery novel, Crush Marco's Self-Esteem Week, and BoBo.