![]() Author has written 52 stories for Final Fantasy IX, Final Fantasy X, Jak and Daxter, Wild Arms, Valdemar universe, Xenosaga, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, Angel, Halo, Stargate: Atlantis, Farscape, Transformers/Beast Wars, Andromeda, Nightmare Before Christmas, Tales of the Abyss, Avatar: Last Airbender, Hellboy, Beyond Good & Evil, NCIS, Tales of Vesperia, One Piece, Transformers, Persona Series, Beauty and the Beast, Megamind, Hawaii Five-0, White Collar, Person of Interest, Almost Human, and Hercules. Updated - 1/12/2015 So it's 13 years now, since I've joined this site. $@#% I'm getting old. Important PSA #2: My writing these days is pretty staggered. I'm trying to keep up, but a lot of my latest chapters have received so few hits, and even fewer reviews, that I'm not even sure if people are enjoying them anymore. Or perhaps I'm just forcing myself, and I'm not entertaining any longer. I suppose time will tell, and I'll simply stop and/or end stories that are being overlooked or overshadowed. There's a ton of other ideas I can, and want to, write about. Working On Now Soul and Bones Just because a story isn't listed here, doesn't mean it won't be finished. I'm sticking to One Piece stories for now, and perhaps from now on. I'm almost 28, and life must go on. Beta Reader Status: The number of things I have on my plate is immense. Likely, I won't be returning to the Beta Reader scene, unless my profession as a chef somehow lands me with extra free time (HAHAHAHA). Medical Update: So I'm basically going to have chronic ueveitis for now and ever, it seems. It's only slightly cumbersome when I want to write, and I have to take breaks from being on a computer. And oh boy, I've got rheumatoid arthritis (in all joints, wrists and fingers included), and a whole slough of inflammation related conditions, 'cause I've got an immune system that's glitchier than Windows 98. Basically, I'm not 30 yet, but my body is @#*$ed. Not gonna let it get me down, though. Bio: Name: Laura |