Author has written 19 stories for Farscape, and Harry Potter. Life news! I am older, not much wiser but rather more published than I used to be. ;P If anyone if interested in reading my original novel, "The Disposable", due to be published on 1st April 2020 (no joke!) please google "The Realm of Katherine Vick" or "Thinklings Books" for more information. :) ORIGINAL BIO: I'm me. :) Or if you want more than that... I'm in my late twenties sigh (I don't like getting older...), British and female, and I while away my non-working days writing stories and making a nuisance of myself on the internet. I'm a fantasy writer in my spare time and an avid Farscape fan, although I have been on a bit of a Harry Potterish bent of late. I'm a big fan of the characters of Pilot and Aeryn (in Farscape) and Remus Lupin (in Harry Potter - what can I say? I seem to always go for the quiet, intelligent ones with dark secrets and hidden depths...;)) and I possess a large sword. Other than that, I'm perfectly normal (and if you believe that you'll believe anything!) Due to the recent banning of review responses in the body of the fic, I have now begun to post my replies on Live Journal. Links to the relevant entries are below for any who want to read them. :) Responses to Imperius 21-48 - http:///110813.html |