![]() Author has written 29 stories for X-Files, NCIS, Castle, and Sherlock. Hello! Welcome to my profile! There is something that is bugging me. On the Kill Ari episodes from NCIS, Gibbs says that Ari is trying to kill people he "cares" about, starting with women first. But the first shot he fired was at McGee. Not a big deal, but still bugs the bejesus out of me! I have a few pet peeves. For starters, don't say 'ex-Marine'. Ever. There is no such thing. If you say that to a Marine, you will just piss them off. Not that I'm a Marine. I'm not. I would never survive boot camp. Second, don't say, "I'm bad at summaries." People will then think you are bad at writing. At least, I will. And one thing that always gets to me, people who hold stories hostage for reviews. "If I don't get this many reviews, I'm not posting!" That's pretty selfish of you. If even one person reads it, isn't it worth it? I generally will not leave a review if a story says this. Unless I really really REALLY like it. I try to reply to every review I get. Sometimes I don't get to them all, but that doesn't mean I don't heart you any less. If the review is pretty nasty and mean, I may not reply. Not because I don't appreciate any criticism, but because if I reply right then, I may not be nice about it. I love NCIS. That's pretty obvious by the stories I have written though. My favorite pairing is Gibbs and Abby. A lot of my stories are them, though not all. I also like Tony and Ziva. I occasionally will mention them in a story as well. I try to write stories and include all the characters, but it doesn't always work out that way. And I LOVE Jimmy! When I write him, I like to put him in a stronger, more confident role, though not always. He has great potential! Stories with a romantic Gabby relationship are: Stories with Gabby friendship are: Stories with Tiva or mention of are: Stories with Tabby or mention of are: One of my newer favorites is Castle. I just love Rick's relationship with his daughter, Alexis. I hope to write more with them soon. I have written one story for The X-Files, one for Castle, and 26 for NCIS. My Story List X-Files You Just Lost The Game Castle Grandpa Castle NCIS Hang Ups Disclaimer!! |