Author has written 27 stories for X-Men, X-Men: The Movie, X-Men: Evolution, Metal Gear, xXx, and Transformers. Vivienne Grainger wrote an absolutely gorgeous fic in an AU-ish verse that bridges 'Four Lives' and 'Seeker' – in which Will discovers that if he thought being around giant, alien robots was confusing, it really has nothing on being dead. It's called 'Death Duties' and can be found here on FFNet. Go read, because it's pretty and awesome and the stories on this profile will still be here when you're done! :) And Seeker!Will got fanart! Excuse me while I descend into incoherent squees over the sheer awesomeness that is waxburden/noctaval :D It's awesome and amazing and absolutely fantastic! Thank you so, so much :heart:! Art - the Promise (from chapter 5, with Ironhide trying to offer a little comfort and reassurance to Will) Mostly on hiatus for, uh, quite a few years by now. I'm leaving my old fics up for nostalgic reasons and because I don't really like deleting stuff. I'd like to rewrite most of them but the time and inspiration is lacking since I'm out of most of those fandoms. If you enjoy them, awesome! If not, it's fine, too, I know they could use some work but that's probably not going to happen :) I do numbers for a living, so I like to write to unwind a little with something completely unrelated to work. The occasional fanfic, which usually gets posted, but mostly original fic, which does not. Feedback is loved and tends to feed the fanfic side, but is absolutely not demanded. If I didn't write because I loved it, I shouldn't be writing at all ;) Suggestions are loved as well (and will very likely get written if the plot bunny bites) but when it comes down to it, I write what I have fun writing, and that does sometimes mean some cracktastic bunnies sneak in -cough- I'm currently entertaining myself with 'A Series of Four', since I have a bit of a soft spot for that style of meme. Just about all of them can be read as stand-alones. The stories are so far posted in somewhat chronological order, but some of them do overlap. I've got a few more planned, but my brain got invaded by Seeker!Will, so he's getting a bit of attention at the moment. I'll get back to the 'Four' fics eventually, though :) Four Conversations, part 1 ('Four Conversations That Ironhide Had With William Lennox... and One That He Didn't (Yet)'. Ironhide, ranging from right after the 2007 movie and until the day after RotF) Four Conversations, part 2 ('Four Conversations William Lennox Had With the Autobots... and One That He Didn't (Yet)'. Will Lennox, one day after RotF and a week onwards) Four Things ('Four Things Samuel Witwicky Brought With Him From Diego Garcia... and One That He Didn't'. Sam, ½-3 months after RotF) Four Injuries ('Four Injuries Ratchet Fixed... and One That He Didn't'. Ratchet, 4-5 months after RotF Four Oaths ('Four Oaths That William Lennox Kept... and One That He Didn't'. Will Lennox, ranging from shortly after the 2007 movie and until about half a year after RotF) Four Lives ('Four Lives Optimus Prime Saved... and One That He Didn't'. Optimus Prime, 5 months after RotF and until about 1½ year after RotF) Four Times ('Four Times Samuel Witwicky Reconsidered His Choice of Career... and One Time He Didn't'. Sam, 2 months after RotF and until about 2½ years after RotF) Four Targets ('Four Targets Ironhide Hit When It Counted... and One That He Didn't'. Ironhide, 4 months after RotF and until about 1½ year after RotF) Four Songs ('Four Songs Samuel Witwicky Heard From Bumblebee... and One That He Didn't'. Sam, one day after RotF and about a year and eight months onwards) Four Days ('Four Days William Lennox Spent With Barricade... and One That He Didn't'. Will Lennox, about 3 years after RotF) Four Threats ('Four Threats That Sarah Lennox Made... and One That She Didn't'. Sarah Lennox, about 3 years after RotF) Four Traps ('Four Traps Someone Almost Fell For... And One They Still Just Might'. Ensemble, about 3 years after RotF) English is my second language and British spelling is what I learned in school. Hence stuff like 'colour', 'honour', 'artefact', and the like. |