Author has written 26 stories for Ninja Turtles, and Star Trek: 2009. I assume because you are reading this that you are interested, so I'll try to make it worth your time. My pen name is Tori Angeli, full name Maria Victoria Angeli. It is not my real name. It is not the name of my Mary Sue counterpart. Actually, the name initially belonged to a minor character in an original story of mine a few years back. I detested her--she was one of those disposable villains who tries to blackmail the main character into sleeping with her, things like that. A viper. She was killed fairly quickly in the story, but I liked her name so much that I decided to go with it for a pen name. In high school I dabbled in BTVS/ATS fan fiction under alias "Crescendo," but very little of that saw the light of day, and I mostly did it as a point of bonding with a friend of mine. I wrote a little LOST fan fiction during its first season, but ended up being so swamped in college work that I didn't write much of anything for some time aside from a little original fiction. And music. Lots and lots of music. Now that I have gotten my World's Most Useless Degree, I am beginning to turn to more mature topics--specifically, talking anthropomorphic turtles who fight crime with MAD NINJA SKILLZ. Like most children growing up around the late 80's and early 90's, I watched the old Ninja Turtles cartoon. Like all 5-7 year old girls back then, I had a crush on Raphael. I watched and watched the movies. I played with the action figures. I probably grew out of it about the time the rest of my siblings did. After that, the turtles were simply sort of fond memories that brought vague feelings of nostalgia until the 2007 movie came out. The movie was so badly advertised that I didn't know it had come out until my friends suggested we go see it. We did, and I didn't expect to like it. I had a blast. I went home and looked up old episodes on YouTube, and eventually discovered the new cartoon series. I liked that, too. Eventually, out of curiosity, I ventured into the fan fiction area and was shocked to find a great number of truly gifted writers in the fandom. Many are my age or older. Inevitably, I started getting ideas, and inevitably, I signed up. There isn't a lot to say about my writing. I try to come up with fresh takes on less overused ideas. I will never write MPreg. |