Reviews for Little Black Dress
Razzmatazzy chapter 4 . 5/28/2013
Like many players, I should imagine, I went running around all over the Normandy immediately after Kasumi's mission, hoping to get an incredulous response out of people. I, like many players, was sorely disappointed when none were forthcoming.

Therefore, this fic gets 100% approval from me! I laughed *so hard* at the male hoard flocking from their meal to the door in Shepherd's wake. GENIUS! Flustered Garrus is hilarious as well. Definitely looking forward to a reaction from Jack. Please continue!
soul-of-insanity16 chapter 4 . 10/4/2012
Mind-wrackingly simple and hilariously funny. Loved each and every word of your story. Update soon will ya?
Diclonious57 chapter 1 . 12/7/2011
I love this ship!

Their comments were awesome
Dragowolf chapter 4 . 1/17/2011
That was her plan all along! Kasumi would get them a romanic moment and then intrupet! Right when it was getting good!

Ohhh she's a clever one! But well now I guess Garrus won't feel so award at the "big night." well hopefully anyway...
Glimia chapter 4 . 9/12/2010
Woot! So awesome! PLEASE add the epilogue! I MUST know what Kasumi has planned!
JovianJeff chapter 4 . 8/6/2010
Very well done, the obvious distaste Shepard has with her outfit was well portrayed, and how it didn't seem to matter to Garrus showed just how taken he was with her. Kasumi's timing at the end was priceless.
BumbleBeePixie chapter 4 . 8/4/2010
Man that was intense, i actually crossed my fingers praying that Garrus would be able to get the necklace on. And damn kasumi!

Brilliant way to end the chapter though
jen4306 chapter 4 . 8/4/2010
Poor Garrus - so hard to see the bad-ass having such a tough time! But it is soooo sweet!

I have loved this story and I cannot wait to see how you complete it. Thank you for giving us something to make us all "giggle". So often there is too much angst, and I do love some happiness, as well!

Besides, Garrus is sooo cute when he is shy!
justsomebody2 chapter 4 . 8/4/2010
she...arrived at just the 'right' time! must really like teasing him, poor nervous wreck!

Your writing style is so... hmmm... interesting in the way of keeping tension, and image inducing (calling it good would not do it justice)

can't wait to see what you've got coming up next!
SomethingElseEntirelyThough chapter 4 . 8/4/2010
Oh damn you Kasumi! Damn you!

Really well written, forming mental images in peoples minds as they read is always a good sign.
Siha Krios chapter 4 . 8/3/2010
It's so cute and charming and funny! I just can't stand it! Love it!
northstar-rocks chapter 4 . 8/3/2010
::happy flail:: i reaally like the moment with the gloves, its very sweet :D
PhilosopherC815 chapter 3 . 7/27/2010
Just got done reading through the first three chapters! To quote Garrus, it's very impressive. I love the premise of crew reactions to FemShep's dress, and it's all in character, which is excellent.

The humor is a breath of fresh air. Most of the ME fics I read are angsty and dramatic. Keep going!
pepoluan chapter 2 . 7/22/2010
I oh so loooove Garrus vs Thane xD ... Thane you slick Romeo, you :D

And LOL on the "extra space on chest and posterior" thought xD

Nice humorous stuff! Can't wait to see your next update :)
JovianJeff chapter 3 . 7/22/2010
Hilarious! I loved how Garrus and Kasumi interacted. The plan was wonderful and just had that right edge of awkward. Thanks for continuing this!
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