Author has written 16 stories for Final Fantasy VII, Devil May Cry, and Mass Effect. Greetings! I've been writing for about 12 years and have studied Creative Writing since I mastered keyboarding. I'm 22 years old and live in the USA. Best way to describe me is funny and slightly crazy. I do have an original novel in the works and everyone that reads/comments on my writing will receive a signed copy when it is finally published and I become rich and famous. :3 I'm a huge fan of Final Fantasy, particularly Final Fantasy 7. I am a die-hard Cloti and that will never change. However, you will never, EVER see me write smut. Just isn't my kind of party. But humor, now, I can practically guarantee you hilarity in almost everything I write. I'm also a die-hard fan of Devil May Cry, and belong to that 2% of fans that does not read/like/write/want any yaoi in my DMC fanfiction. I do belong to that rare species known as the female gamer. I particularly like action games such as Devil May Cry, Uncharted, inFamous, Deus Ex and so on. Give me a good battle, a good plot, and a good character and I'm happy. I've also been playing Dungeons & Dragons for 11 years. Final Fantasy is a great weakness of mine and I've only played one game in the series so far that I really HATE. I've also recently gotten into Mass Effect (I know, I'm late to the party, but fashionably so) and I'm more than happy to giggle and gossip with folks over the trilogy. I have no shame. So, enough about me! On to the good stuff -- fanfiction! "I write for the same reason I breathe -- because if I didn't, I would die." -- Isaac Asimov UPDATE, SEPTEMBER 25TH, 2014: So, yes, I am still alive. But I highly overestimated how much free time I would have over the summer. I don't know what to say, guys -- shit just got insane. I have a boyfriend now and that does take up time as you all well know -- I've also dedicated myself to a lifestyle change, with a clean diet and regular strength training exercise. I'm trying to turn my quality of life around, trying to learn how to cook, and trying to learn a dozen other things (sewing, Krav Maga, martial arts, etc.) all at the same time. My life has exploded. School just doesn't help either -- I had to do work OVER THE SUMMER for this one class and I can't tell you how much that pissed me off. But there is hope! This is my last year of college. And with the job market the way it is, I won't be doing anything but freelance for a while. I regret to say that I've been so insanely SCHEDULED all the time, I haven't even had time to write my book in this insanity. Family issues aren't helping -- my parents are, after 39 years, on the brink of divorce. *sigh* Things just seem to get worse, but once I'm done and clear of college, I will be able to calm down a bit and gather my wits. The last two years have just really burnt me out when it comes to work on anything -- it's taking all I've got just to keep up. So I'm very sorry to leave you guys hanging like that, but I swear to God, I have no intentions of never coming back. Observe the quote above this text -- because that quote is true. And I'd never leave you guys (well, maybe if I went to Mars or something, but still...) I hope you guys can forgive me one day. I promise, I will make it up to you.
Life of Strife: A collection of one-shots dedicated to the worst days of Cloud's life. Have a gleefully wicked idea you want Cloud and Co. to suffer? PM the idea to me and I'll write it up! The First Time...: A collection of one-shots that detail the 'first time' moments of Cloud and Tifa's long relationship. Readers are HIGHLY ENCOURAGED to submit ideas for this collection! Every 'first time' a relationship can possible go through is to be detailed here, from first gift to first embarrassing date, to first fight. Anything you can think of, I'd be more than happy to make a story from it. The Shadow Broker Files: A collection of one-shots in the Mass Effect universe, some written for fun, some written for challenges, and others just written because my imagination keeps me up at night and wants to explain things. Thane/Fshep is my main pairing because of reasons, but isn't the sole focus of the collection. |
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