"Responsibility" is to be continued in "Officer on Deck!"

I'm so happy everyone seems to love this fic, and because I had so much fun writing it I have a sequel posted!

It's called "Officer on Deck!" and it's a series of short stories following the chaos that a kitten can create on the Normandy. Each chapter focuses on different characters and their interactions with C.O. Some are cute, some are awesome, some…should never be mentioned again.

The reason I'm posting the note like this is so any of my readers can find it and keep reading! I wouldn't want you to miss out on any of the madness!

Also, to anyone who's reviewed but was anon PLEASE sign in and PM me! I really would love to talk to you but I have no way to contact you if you're anon! So please don't think I'm ignoring you, I'm not!

Anyways, go read "Officer on Deck!" It'll make your day, I promise