Author has written 7 stories for .hack/SIGN, Final Fantasy VII, Mega Man, Final Fantasy VIII, and Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney. I used to write, under a couple of different pen names. It was when I was a teenager, still antisocial, and had no concept of restraint when it came to the internet. I made this profile, TheEndOfTomorrow, in an effort to distance myself from that child. I felt, when I began to make this profile, that it was just a step towards being an adult. That, ultimately, was a logical failing. I even changed how I carried myself in OOC - excessively formal, no-nonsense writing - when that's not really me. I was wearing a mask, and I loved it. I've come to realize, however, that mask was stifling my writing. My wish to not be identified was just cowering in fear, refusing to take credit for my writing as a person and instead trying to approach what's a site for recreation as a professional. I won't say I didn't gain some good experiences from it - writing Let's Meet Offline, in particular, taught me that my limits as a writer now are largely the same as they were under my old penname, Kiana Kyoka. I had trouble producing multi-chapter fiction back then, and lo and behold, the same thing happened here. It was arrogant of me to think I could simply make it happen, and a good story concept suffered as a result. I write now, if I write at all, as myself. Not as Kiana Kyoka, not as Tomorrow. I am simply and unapologetically myself, and..Fanfiction is for writing when I have the time (which isn't often) and for recreation. Some authors certainly achieve that impressive air of professionalism even on this site, but I'm not one of them. I can't be. Further, Tomorrow was actually a bid to make myself from author friends. It was a bad time in my life among many other bad times, and I figured that 'writing popular fanfiction was like printing my own friends.' What an incredible lie that was to tell myself, in the end. I adore reviews and reviewers, and it's not to say you can't form a friendship online - done it before - but is it possible when you take on this air of detachment and superiority that was Tomorrow? No, it's simply not. People pull away from you, or are intimidated by you. Beyond even that...this is not the place to be and go looking for human contact. Yes, the author-reader/reviewer relationship is one thing, but to expect anything more of it is foolish. In summation: the Tomorrow persona is dead. I am me, as a whole. I may or may not write, but when I do, it's to be read. Reviews are appreciated, PMs are welcomed, and you might get an IM client if you want to share. Thank you for your (hopefully continued) readership! |