Author has written 6 stories for Labyrinth. About me: I like my beer cold, my TV loud, and my Jareth evil. Here's hoping you do too! About my fandoms: Lurked in Harry Potter for forever and a day, but recently got bitten by the Labyrinth bug. Oh, and wrote an epic for ER, but pulled it after they killed off my favorite character. pouts ... Well, that and it had such stupendously purple prose that I have suppressed the fact of its existence. But enough about me: Tell me a bit about you! Or, at least, what you think of my writing. (snerk ...) No seriously. Do tell. Updates: 12/26/10 Back, with an offering for the last week of this year ... Thanks to all of you who have reviewed. 4/28/10 Back!! with a V-day one-shot. Only about two months after the fact. Heh. There's been a snafu or two with the chapters - sorry if you got ch. 2 twice. But at least you didn't write over chapter 3 of another work ... *kicks self* 7/13/08 PSA: Unfortunately, due to Real Life pressures and demands, I have to take a bit of a break from the fandom. I'll be back sometime in September. In the meantime, stay well. Oh, and I'm closing the poll. Thanks for voting, if you did. 9/15/08 I'm continuing "Thrice Upon a Time," so I'd love to hear what you think! |
AlisonHarvey (5) CailleachOidhche (2) dansemacabre (14) Dreaming One (2) Dryad13 (9) Heist (15) Jack Hawksmoor (20) | K L Morgan (0) KnifeEdge (14) LadyRhiyana (87) Memphis Lupine (40) Midnight Lady (3) Milligan (12) Pika-la-Cynique (4) poeteer (2) | Scattered Logic (33) SGCbearcub (13) Shiv5468 (26) white raven (20) WiccaRowan (13) Xaviere Jade (4) |