Author has written 129 stories for Gundam Wing/AC, Dragon Ball Z, Heroes, Doctor Who, X-Men: The Movie, Torchwood, X-Men, Punisher, Nightwing, Buffy: The Vampire Slayer, Supernatural, Justice League, Left 4 Dead, Watchmen, Firefly, Avengers, Arrow, Ultimate Spider-Man, Sailor Moon, White Collar, and Human Target. Hello! Time to update the profile just a bit. My fandom of choice at the moment is Supernatural and my main pairing tends to be Dean/Castiel, although I'll branch out into other pairings from time to time. In the past I've written fic for Doctor Who, Heroes, Left 4 Dead 2, various Marvel and DC characters and the occasionally foray into Buffy, Human Target, Watchmen and Firefly. I love slash and long, plotty stories, both of which you'll find here. Feel free to visit my LJ (the homepage link above) (Or, until that starts showing up again at http://. |