![]() Author has written 5 stories for Fairy Tales, Transformers, and Transformers/Beast Wars. Bio: I love to read. And fanfiction suits me just fine since I often come away from a great story and want more. But sadly the original authors don’t always deliver. Thus I swing by here to eat up all the fun things this community has (hence the account). Or get get ill from and regret venomously like the hangover I've managed not to have so far. Depends on what I stumble into and continue reading, for better or for worse. As for the stuff I post on here, do keep in mind that I’m not a writer and have no illusions of ever becoming one. I just happen to think up story ideas frequently and sometimes manage to jot them down (if I’m inspired enough). If you enjoy it, shiny. If not, you were warned of my potential suckage. Constructive criticism is more than appreciated. I don’t expect to stop sucking anytime soon if someone doesn’t point out where to plug up my mess. I'm into a lot of nerdy thing but above all else I'm a Transformers fangirl. So in the future most of my stories are probably going to be from that fandom. As a Writer: Other nerdy things I do: Other Stories I've Written: An Amateur Author’s [Derailed] Accountcutid- Complete! There is more I would like to do with this, but fear of continuing it any further might land me in the inescapable realm of Mary-Sue. Also, indulging Skywarp further is dangerous to my already compromised mental stability. Plot wise, it's me trying to study for an exam while my muse, Skywarp, seems to have other ideas. Not a romance by any means, mind you. The Spoiler spin-off story reference might never see the light of the internet, I'm that creeped out by it. Rated PG-13 for mild language and suggestive suggestiveness. Consent and Control 1: Chemicals React & Consent and Control 2: Best Medicine?- Complete! This is a role play between myself and femme4jack. It take's place in the cannon of the fan twisted movie verse at tf_matrix that I wish I had more time to play with. This this installment, I play Mikaela. Pairing: Ratchet/Mikaela Banes. Rating: NC-17 for mech/female. Codes: Het, Xeno (Transformer/human), Sticky. Summary: A routine lesson in the Med-Bay become a bit more hands on then Mikaela could ever have anticipated when her Non-Biological Extraterrestrial mentor proposes a very different sort of anatomy lesson. Fire and Fear 2: First Date- Complete! This is a role play between myself, Gatekat and femme4jack. It take's place in the cannon of the fan twisted movie verse at tf_matrix that I wish I had more time to play with. This this installment, I play Maggie. Pairing: Red Alert/Inferno/Maggie Madsen. Rating: NC-17 for mech/female, mech/mech, mech/mech/female. Codes: Slash, Het, Voyeurism, Bondage, Humiliation, Kinky, Xeno (Transformer/Human), Sticky. Summary: After finishing her application process and already recovering from her socket surgery, Maggie finds an urgent e-mail demanding that she report for a 'proper' interview. l\ .M. /l the above is credited to Vaeru (who you should already have on your author alert and favorite list) Story Status (as of 12/03/11): Monkey Wrenches - In The Drafting Stage. (AKA: Grease Monkeys2) It finally has a title! This one is still gonna be a while, but I do have the first arch scripted and the rest of the story outlined. Just a matter of fitting in the pieces and stealing them out. I don't want to risk posting anything yet since I might want to deviate later. And nothing gives me worse writers block then trying to type in a direction I'm not feeling anymore. Also, since Done Driving and Drunk Doing has become a prequel I'm taking even more time to hammer out where the characters fit so it can really work as a coherent ongoing story with multiple characters and plot-threads. [Not]Designation: Spoiler (One Shot) Complete! This never seemed like a good idea at any time, but I typed it anyway. Taking place in the never-to-be-touched-again alternate universe of my Designation: Spoiler story, this is basically my reaction to all those authors that just have to write a forced sex scene for their original characters. If you're looking to feel sympathetic for someone in this situation or live out this type of dark fantasy, you have definitely come to the wrong rape story. Done Driving and Drunk Doing - In Progress. (Subtly Post Grease Monkeys) This is a story concept I just had to explore. And then my muses for Mikaela and Ratchet got bored and wrote their way into chapter 3, making this story a bridge between my Grease Monkeys and Monkey Wrenches story line. For overall inspiration, I’m going to blame having watched The Hangover back-to-back with both Transformers movies. So as far as the overall story is going to flow: chronological order is considered overrated (much like in The Hangover). I like to think the chapter titles will be blatant enough for you guys to not get too lost on the general sequence. I know Maggie and Jolt already are. Mikaela and Ratchet an the other hand are just having too much fun waiting for their spotlight to return. Designation: Spoiler - In Progress. A one shot turned full blown story. Even though it doesn't seem to have many readers I can't stop writing it. It's almost cathartic to flesh out Spoiler's character as she gets further away from who I am/was (but admittedly a much worse version) and really comes into her own (much to the chagrin of anyone I write her in the presence of). In other words, she’s an Anti-Mary Sue. Its also a fun side project to work on which makes me feel somewhat productive while I continue to piece together school work and other story ideas. Though this one will continue to drag by in updates because of the lack of viewer pestering. Can't be helped, my writing runs on feedback (condemning or complimentary). Grease Monkeys - Complete! My first attempt at Transformers fan fiction that apparently worked out alright. Took a while to really plan out, but damn did everything come together better then anticipated in the end. For me it filled in a lot of the plot hole left behind by the second movie and established a fun romance that's more coherent then random. I've come to Extra thanks to all the faves, alerts, and especially reviews. You guys totally gave me the steam to actually get something like this done. Jill the Giant SLayer - On Hiatus. I finally got to the point I was gunning for and have since lost momentum. |