Author's Note: Huh, you actually stuck around after the long wait and that public service announcement against drunk driving (which was not so thinly veiled within the confines of an erotic fanfiction). Shiny. This chapter fast forwards back to the present and is brought to you with too much help from Sideswipe. Initially I was at a loss for how to make it build on what 1 and 3 already did without feeling like filler before the sweet, steamy smut that is scheduled to come next. An idea came not too long after I posted the last chapter and for the longest time I fretted about how exactly to pull it off. Once again, this is a paralleled chapter where the first and second parts take place at the same time and mirror one another. Only, now it's connected even more then I initially planned and I'm stoked to see if I succeeded in portraying it.

Disclaimer: Just borrowing since all recognizable characters and music legally belong to their respective owners.

Related Music: - The Pipettes - One Night Stand

Done Driving and Drunk Doing

Chapter 5 – Last Night's One Night Stand

I left you alone,

At four in the morning, not a stitch to wear

'Cause you ignored my warning

Mikaela was nowhere in sight by the time Maggie dragged herself from the shower and into their shared bedroom. Good, she thought. I have enough to think about without the outside world's help, especially with another impromptu interrogation session. Already she remembered most of what happened last night and exactly what part she played in all of it. First was getting into a car that had just drank and was about to drive. This intelligent decision was, of course, followed by continuing to drink, stunt driving, getting a tramp stamp, and then hiding in a closet from Ratchet-who apparently had a rotary saw in his hand- after pissing him off. Fucking brilliant, Mags.

Letting out a pent up sigh she slumped into a clothes covered chair, not caring that the towel partially slipped from her body. Though after spotting that freaky metallic shimmer from between her legs she hastily pulled the damp cloth down around her more tightly. Even after all the time spent scrubbing and soaking, that damn metal still wouldn't come off. It was like a layer of super glue that refused to peel off her fingers no matter how much she picked and scratched at it. Her nails were practically worn down to stubs from trying and she lamented losing the expertly applied coat of her favorite coral nail polish from the wasted effort.

Sitting up straight, Maggie reluctantly decided it was time to seriously think about how last night's one night stand had her up a gum tree concerning her career aspirations. And she had been so sure that she found the perfect calling that came with both government perks and top-secret clearances for her to play with. Most computer analysts were trapped in cubicles for years while she landed this position right out of college. But now…

Technically her new position on base was already accepted before she even flew out here. She didn't even have to get stuck living in some military barrack since Mikaela was more than willing to take in a permanent roommate. Did Maggie dare try to back out now after all the arrangements had been finalized and her security clearances officiated? Last night was supposed to be a chance for her to socialize more with her future neighbors and coworkers. That it also happened to be the same night as some celebratory banquet just seemed like a lucky perk. So much for a good first impression, she thought bleakly. Already taking up the mantle of intergalactic office floozy before even seeing the office. Was her dignity really worth the fancy position and all the perks it came with?

Unwilling to answer that just yet, Maggie scanned the bedroom-turned-make-shift-garage for a distraction. Her suitcase was spotted peeking out from under one of the many neglected clothing piles. To get to it she had to step over an engine block and around a truck's grill that was currently being used as a bra drying rack. Kneeling before it she carefully considered her wardrobe options. She chose a shapeless college t-shirt with a pair of khaki capris to thoroughly hide her legs. Everything else packed seemed either too professional or too revealing for the mood she was in. The computer analyst was just topping off her shut-in look by tying her hair back when the need for coffee made itself known in her jittery hands. This brought her to the only seemingly organized space in the entire room; Mikaela's coffee station. On it was one of those fancy machines that used pre-ground coffee in specialized cups rather than the filter-and-can-combo she was used to. Looking over the vast selection of specialty blends, she decided on the simplest and boldest looking flavor before starting the contraption. She allowed herself to become lost in the heavenly smell that the rich dark liquid brought. When it was done, the smoky bitter taste seemed to take away the rest of her worries as she settled in to avoid the judgmental world for at least the rest of the day.

Then a forceful bang was suddenly heard low on the door. "Crap," Maggie cursed while fumbling to keep her mug from spilling. I'm so not ready for whoever the hell that could be right now.

After righting herself she eyed the door suspiciously just as the impatient sound repeated itself several more times. Grudgingly accepting that she'd been avoiding the inevitable for long enough, she braced for this next confrontation. But upon opening the door Maggie found herself face to giant silver kneecap. Tilting her head back she followed the brightly reflective metal plating up to a subtly smirking Autobot that easily stood around 15 feet tall, balancing on wheeled feet. It took a moment before she realized that this was the mech that had accompanied Jolt to her table last night.

"Tall, silver and nosey," she recognized aloud.

Without missing a beat he countered, "short, blond, and reclusive." The Autobot's camera-like eyes then flickered with a curious head tilt. "And still in once piece; even after last cycle."

The suggestive slur of his tone had Maggie crossing her arms warily. "Was there any doubt?"

"Ya did leave the party with Jolt, of all mechs."

Now what was that implication supposed to mean? Sure Jolt wasn't exactly a gentleman, but from what she could remember he was downright careful and strangely sweet to her. At least when he wasn't being a condescending bastard. With a more exaggerated accent then usual she replied, "No worriers then. As you can see, I'm apples."

While casually resting his elbow joint on the roof of her building, a bright beam of blue light shined up, and then leisurely down, her body. The action was eerily reminiscent of a bloke blatantly giving her the once-over. Only far more invasive than flattering.

He must have noticed her indignant glare because he shamelessly explained, "I was just seeing for myself."

"Well I hope it was satisfying, cause that's the last peek you're going to get." The blonde's hand rested on the doorknob, more than ready to make her retreat.

"Defensive and sassy too. No wonder ya caught Jolt's optic so fast. Too bad that's not the only thing of Jolt's ya caught."

Maggie really, really, didn't want to rise to the bait. She needed to step back and slam the door on him. Under normal circumstances, that would've been so easy. Especially considering how much this mech reminded her of a sleazy guy in a dingy bar. Minus a couple feet, plus a few layers of skin and he was a spitting image in attitude and body language. It made the prospect of denying him all the more satisfying. But an urge to itch between her thighs stayed her hand.

Gulping down her pride, the analyst reluctantly asked, "so how do I get it off?"

Using the building for support, the Autobot smoothly bent down closer to her level, a sly smile playing across his robotic features. But the abrupt movement wasn't nearly as startling as the silence that went with it. No matter how faint, every movement she could remember Jolt making came with a noise. Not that Jolt rattled like a desktop from the 90's, but by comparison something this big and heavy shouldn't move with dead silence. Not even a hiss of hydraulics or light scraping of metal on metal accompanied the graceful crouch his frame shifted into.

Then, in an almost too serious voice he finally answered, "sunbathing."

"Excuse me?" Maggie didn't even try holding back the scoff in her tone.

A grin that was both mechanical and smooth suddenly broke apart the mech's plated face. "I'll explain everything once we get going. Now go grab a bathing suit so I can help ya with this. Or come naked. Your choice."

Fantastic, she thought irately. I get the chance to work with aliens and so far all the ones I talk to are perverts. Typical. But she really did need someone's help with this and he already knew about it anyway. Also, the less people that found out about her, uh… 'condition' the better. Maggie wasn't sure how many more direct hits her reputation could take in the span of 24 hours. And while going off alone with another Autobot definitely wasn't the best idea, at least she wasn't drunk this time around. Mind made up, Maggie turned her back on him to storm over to her suitcase for the second time that morning. She settled on the most modest looking bikini she owned, a simple dark blue Ralph Lauren with a band across the top and full bottoms. She slipped it on while careful not to look down at her thighs. From there she donned the longest cover-up she owned and an already packed beach bag before stepping back outside.

Instead of a tall, gloating robot she was greeted by a silver Corvette Stingray. There was no denying the car was gorgeous. He was stylized in all the right ways from the strong lines melding into smooth curves in all the right places. Even without being a car enthusiast like Mikaela, Maggie could appreciate a good looking ride. But while his alt mode was definitely sleeker than Jolt's, it somehow felt so much less inviting, even as he opened his driver's side door to her.

Hesitantly she placed her hand on the hood but didn't get in just yet. "I'm trying to make it a habit to at least know someone's name before I climb inside them," she said comically to try and break up some of the tension weighing down on her.

"Sideswipe," the speakers practically purred.

Self-consciously she looked around to make sure no one was watching before she slid into the seat. She felt it contour to her body a little more than necessary but decided to ignore that for a more pressing concern. "Alright, start talking. What is this stuff and how the hell is tanning going to take it off?"

The computer analyst barely felt Sideswipe pull out from in front of her building as he picked up speed to head off from base and towards the nearest coastline. Getting impatient she was about to ask her question again, only much more forcefully, before he suddenly spoke up.

"Nanites, and by destroying the organic cellular structure they're currently fixated to."

Maggie blinked once, then twice. It did nothing to lessen her aggravation. "Will you quit dicking around and give it to me straight, already?"

An obnoxious static burst emitted from the speakers before she heard his cocky voice again. "Think about it, however hard that might be in a sweet ride like me," he teased. There was an eccentric buzzing pause before he added, "those nanites aren't going to adhere to damaged tissue for long. Your epidermis is already dead bio-cells anyway. So ya just need to make your skin more uninhabitable and Jolt's portable sensory array will peel right off it."

If this had happened to anyone but her, Maggie would be intellectually intrigued by the entire situation. But that wasn't the case, so she was just curiously disturbed. "Ok I guess I get that part, but what about these nanites… what are they exactly? Some sort of robo jizz or did I get an intergalactic STD?"

Around her the car rumbled in laughter. It would have felt nice if it didn't feel so creepy. "No no, nothing like that. They're just another means of data collection for us."

Despite herself, Maggie felt a little hurt by that. "So was that all last night was to him? A drunken experiment to be sampled and tested in a lab later?"

"Wrong again," Sideswipe announced while taking a sharp turn that barely jostled her from his seat. "A simple scan can tell us most anything we want to learn about most anything. In your case I'm guessing the nanites simply gave him a more… intimate external stimulus." There was an eerily thoughtful pause before he added, "almost like forming better wireless connection by using an improvised adaptor for the uplink."

"That doesn't make me feel any better."

"And why should it? The purpose of those was probably to make him feel better, after all. It's not like your access port had anything for Jolt to make a direct connection with."

His cheeky attitude made her feel even dirtier and she hunched in on herself. Maggie had been trying to deny it all morning but knowing what she did now made that impossible. It wasn't like they simply got smashed and went streaking. They… did stuff. "So I definitely had sex with him last night, huh?"

"Oh yeah," Sideswipe affirmed too cheerily as he pulled up onto an empty beach, tires unhindered by the loose sand. "Or at least close enough. Now come on out so we can get ya nice and… situated."

"Has anyone ever told you you're a filthy pervert for a supposedly advanced species?"

"Don't think ya have the right to judge, lil' femme. I've seen your internet. I know about rule 34."

She just barely reigned in a laugh while stepping out from him, beach bag in hand and scowl stubbornly in place. Nothing about this was funny. Maybe it would be when she looked back on it in a few years and had a ridiculous story to never tell anyone. Ever. But right now, not so much. To distract her from the foul mood she switched her focus to the scenery. The beach Sideswipe chose was pretty enough, and thankfully very secluded. Making her way closer to the water, Maggie found a place to set up her towel and lie down. From behind she heard the faintest mechanical whirl, signaling the quietest transformation she could ever remember hearing. Turning, she saw he was already a robot again as he too easily skated his way towards her on wheeled feet.

Turning back to the waves she pulled the cover-up over her head before bunching it together to use as a makeshift pillow. As she sat down a stray thought nagged at her. One she fixated on like a koala on eucalyptus. "Ok, so this is going to help take off the nanny things on my skin, but what about the ones that he got, well… inside me?"

"Oh those? They'll probably just sluff right off during your next fertility cycle. So right now you're infertile since an egg won't be able to adhere to your uterine walls."

"So free birth-control for a month. Guess that's a silver lining."

"Just like your silver lined vagina," he pointed out.

"Fuck you."

"What, Jolt wasn't enough?"

Maggie shot him the dirtiest look she could muster, which wasn't hard considering her mood.

Sideswipe's glowing blue eyes just beamed right back at her pompously. "Yeah, who am I kidding, no one could ever be enough compared to me."

Getting tired of his cocky attitude Maggie pointed out, "Oh, like you would know how to please a human."

His tone was less lecherous and more teasing as he said, "wouldn't have to know. That's what learning's for."

"Well you've picked the wrong tutor," Maggie announced sternly while applying sunscreen everywhere that her actual skin was exposed. "I'm officially retired."

"Ya say that now," he prompted insistently.

"Yeah, and I'll be saying it later, too." With that, she flopped down against her towel unceremoniously. The feel of the sun against her was heavenly. Spreading her legs a little more, she allowed it to reach where she needed to feel it the most. She'd get what was under the bathing suit later when she had a chance to sunbathe alone or at least with Mikaela as a look out. But for now, she tried to just enjoy the moment.

Then Sideswipe spoke up again. "Sheesh, femme, you're giving off a worse glare then Ratchet's heinous paintjob."

After lobbing the bottle of sunscreen at him, Maggie settled back down on the beach. The sweet sounds of his outrage at her getting synthetic slime all over and between his armor plating lulled her into relaxation at last.

You thought it was special
You thought I was wrong
But now I'm telling you
Baby, as I sing this song


I saw you cross a crowded room
You smiled at me and made my heart go boom (BOOM!)
I looked at the scoresheet, and saw a seven
So I walked up to you and said
"Baby did it hurt when you fell from heaven?"

Ratchet's energy reading could not be detected within the vicinity as Jolt exited the wash-racks and faced the Med-Bay. Good, he determined. There is already far too much data for me to sort through without the distraction he presents as an external stimuli. For the most part, he now had access to several files pertaining to the solar cycle before. From what he could discern, Jolt had clearly engaged in multiple levels of reckless endangerment. This was subsequent to extensive property damage, defacing the hindquarters of a carbon-based native, as well as having disrespected, and then fled from, a commanding officer. I loath to recall a time when I was more disappointed in myself.

A harsh exhale of air emitted from his vents as he slumped against the outside wall, allowing the heat of the natural environment to dry his armor. After a brief olfactory analysis he was disquieted to note that the time spent cleansing his frame did little to remove the organic odor which persistently clung to him. It somehow managed to seep into his very core, as though it were a virus; clinging to program files and adamantly resisting deletion no matter the innovations he attempted to implement in order to remove every trace. Reluctantly he disabled his scanning equipment. He would simply have to wait until his systems properly repaired instead of engaging in another futile attempt to purge himself of her.

Shifting against the building, Jolt affirmed that he needed to consider the repercussions from the previous cycle's unorthodox social escapade and how it will impact his future prospects. Initially the blue mech had been elated upon discovering The Prime's transmission. It affirmed that a treatise was being established by Cybertronians with new allies. Whereas many of his comrades remained scattered and alone, he had been reunited with his faction and their illustrious leader. Yet after this…

Upon arrival he had formally pledged his services to this unit and the Earthling's military compound as well. Despite having the Chief Medical Officer and capable warriors within this unit, Jolt's field medic protocols are valued and combat proficiency respected. Could Jolt really retract his word now and simply leave? He already detested the interaction he was required to have with the humans on a regular basis. Thus the unnecessary social gathering was not an event he anticipated going particularly well for him in the first place. And now my otherwise stellar reputation has been tarnished, he realized dejectedly. That even stationed with the likes of Sideswipe, I can be considered the primary sexual deviant on this base. Was no longer being alone truly worth his reputation, his pride?

Reluctant to process the matter further, Jolt focused on the entrance to the unoccupied medical facility. He was assigned a task, however menial and demeaning, that would be the first step in redeeming himself in the optics of his comrades. He begrudgingly pushed his frame off and away from the wall to progress towards his objective. Upon entering, he was met with a rather abysmal sight. The typically meticulous room was littered with containers that belonged in drawers and splashed with substances that belonged in their respective containers. The cabinets appeared to have been ravaged and three exam tables were overturned. Most ruinous of all was the gaping fissure that he had torn through the floor into the lower levels that were still not thoroughly fortified. It would be long tedious work, something his still recuperating systems were not properly fueled to handle. Then he took note of Ratchet's medical-grade energon dispenser. While not the most tantalizing energy source, it certainly would allow him to recalibrate and thus reach his optimum level at a much more efficient rate. After activating the initiation sequence, Jolt already felt his hydraulics hissing in relaxation at the sight of the radiant roseate colored fluid flowing into a cube. He didn't even bother to register the taste as he filled his previously abused tank with the cleansing fuel.

At the same moment an incoming transmission abruptly pinged on his intercommunication system. "Slag,"Jolt swore as he recognized the heavily encoded signal. Sideswipe…

With the empty cube deposited beside it's dispenser he pensively considered the intrusive hailing for his attention. Reluctantly, Jolt opened the link to accept the transmission. It took several clicks for the connection to be validated before the firewalls reestablished themselves, enclosing the two Autobots on a secure and private line. Typically Jolt considered such precautions unnecessary outside of battle and covert missions. Yet considering the sensitive nature of this conversation, he was grateful for the additional precautions.

Once the connection was firmly established, Sideswipe's too cheerful voice demanded, ::What the frag did ya do to this comm link? Sounds like someone's unlubed hinges got stuck in overdrive.::

::You know perfectly well that any interference can be traced directly back to your abysmal attempt at synthesizing high-grade energon. What did you amalgamate that concoction in, a smelter?::

A flare of approval from Sideswipe trickled along their link. ::One night with an organic and mild mannered mech, Jolt, gets himself reinforced back-struts.:: There was a peculiar pause before he sardonically added, ::Didn't see that coming.::

Jolt was in a foul enough mood and, as he initially discerned, this conversation would only worsen it. ::Is there no one else available for you to beleaguer? I have work detail to attend to.::

::Heh, ya mean punishment?::

::Semantics,:: The blue mech sent back sharply. ::Now if you would excuse me, there is a facility in disarray that requires my attention.::

The line went silent and for a moment Jolt allowed himself to believe Sideswipe had completed his mission to berate a fellow comrade's predicament. That was until a faint purr was heard over the comm just as the silver mech stated, ::Too bad that's not the only area ya left a mess last night.::

Beguiled back into the conversation, Jolt made an assumption he calculated would end it indubitably. ::If you are referring to the construction yard I inadvertently vandalized, I am certain that Ratchet will direct me to it once I have repaired his Medical facility. Besides, there is no reason to expedite those repairs since that facility is only for the humans.::

::Actually I'm now transmitting to let ya know I just located a, uh… unconventional spot ya missed. One that typically requires a more sensitive touch then what I figured ya for.::

This time it was nigh impossible for Jolt to miss the suggestive tone from his fellow Autobot. ::What, pray tell, are you implying?::

::Hold on a click, I'm also in the middle of something right now,:: and with that the line crackled out, effectively putting Jolt 'on hold'.

The blue mech ground several gears in frustration before placing a now empty cube next to the dispenser. Indulging his annoyance would have to wait, at least until his assignment was complete. After surveying the wreckage once again he emitted a groan as he began clearing the floor. The minor debris was removed first, followed by wiping up each spilt substance. He discarded the refuse in the designated waste disposal before moving on to putting away and organizing the supplies that were not destroyed. He then proceeded to set each exam table on its correct side before lining them along the center of the room meticulously. Looking over his progress with approval he nodded before assessing what would cause him the most grief this cycle; the breach between the upper and lower levels of the facility.

He would need to acquire the correct materials for this aspect of the repair so in the meantime he set about to prepare the fissure for closure. Choosing through his arsenal carefully he was able to convert weaponry into tools for this task and utilized his medical expertise to add a certain finesse to the maintenance. Now that the flooring around the hole was situated, the blue mech took a moment to appreciate his handiwork. Though it did not last long as the return of Sidewipe's voice once again pinged for attention.

::Sorry about that. Now where were we?::

::You were about to impart on me what it was you were insinuating.::

::Oh right, that. Nothing much. Just letting ya know in advance that ya'll likely owe me for cleaning up after ya.::

Jolt looked from the outside organic world visible through a window, to the hole in the floor that required menial labor more suited to a maintenance drone then himself. The longer he allowed Sideswipe to prolong this conversation, the longer it would take to complete this assignment. ::I do not have time for these antics. State your exact businesses, however inane it may be.::

There was a faint burst of static interference, followed by, ::what do ya remember from last night?::

Jolt stiffened at the question, optic guards narrowing. ::My memory banks are none of your concern.::

He heard Sideswipe click at him admonishingly. ::Then it's a good thing I already took the initiative and found out a few tasty bytes of data on my own.::

Jolt felt the energon in his tank churn indignantly. ::I allowed you entry past my firewalls to have a secure, private conversation. If you dared to take advantage of that, so help me, I-!::

::Reign in the lightening treatment there, Jolty,:: Sideswipe cut in placatingly. ::I'm shocked ya'd think I'd even consider doing something so crudely invasive. Then, with a smugness Jolt had not heard in his comrade's voice since the disappearance of Sunstreaker, Sideswipe added, ::especially considering how other intel gathering techniques are way more fun than scanning through your boring-aft programming.::

Jolt's processor whirled with possibilities, most of which did not bode well for him. In no mood to become lost in uncertainties he pointedly requested, ::Cease this frivolity and simply give it to me, as directly and thoroughly as possible. This INSTANT!::

::Heh, that's what she said.::

Jolt balked. Sideswipe had used this particular human colloquialismon him several times before. After getting past its seeming randomness, Jolt devised that it contributed nothing but an unnecessary level of crudeness, effectively vitiating any intelligent discussion. Thus far it remained one of his least favorite facets of human culture on an ever increasing list. ::You know very well I have no patience for such idioms. Especially that one.::

::No really,:: Sideswipe insisted. ::That's basically what she said. Just as heated but way less pretentious.::

Jolt's optics flickered once, than twice in befuddlement before realization flashed across is HUD. ::Remove yourself from the vicinity of that human THIS INSTANT!::

::No can do, Jolty.::

::And why is that?::

::Kinda hard considering she's inside of me at the moment.::

The outraged disbelief Jolt was experiencing must have been strong enough to silently broadcast over their connection. His accidental emotional reveal was soon answered by an image upload from Sideswipe. It depicted an all too familiar human seated within the silver mech's interior. Her hair was pulled back out of her face, giving him a clear view of a frown that might have actually matched his own.

Jolt filed the image away for further scrutiny later and abruptly focused the majority of his processing power towards discerning where exactly Sideswipe was transmitting from. Finding that his target was on the move, the blue mech abandoned the still unfinished floor repairs and darted outside the Med-bay for a better signal. With the help of Ratchet's medical-grade energon still coursing through his lines, he was soon able to access many of his auxiliary systems with ease. In particular he focused on tracing Sideswipe's trajectory pattern. A task that would have been easier if his comrade was not distracting him with a continuous onslaught of image files. Each one was of Maggie at different angles with that same expression of displeasure Jolt still found himself relating to all too well. The silver mech finally ended the slideshow with the audio file. It was her voice asking Sideswipe a question Jolt very much did not wish to know the answer to: "So I definitely had sex with him last night, huh?"

::Ya know,:: Sideswipe began in an overly jubilant tone. :: I never woulda figured ya for a human humper. Heh, guess it really is the one ya'd least expect.::

Jolt emitted a disgruntled burst of static at the unseemly accusation. ::I did not have sexual relations with that human::

::My scans say otherwise.::

Finally locking onto the silver mech's coordinates-an isolated coastline located off the main travel routes-Jolt leapt forward and hit the ground with all four wheels spinning. The rough transformation didn't even register as he pushed his speed well past the capabilities of his altmode's terrestrial counterpart.

All the while, Sideswipe continued to berate him. ::Guess the simple stimulus of repetitive data collection wasn't enough for ya, eh? Needed to rev it up to enhance the experience. Kinky.::

The gravity of the situation was pressing down upon Jolt with each of Sideswipe's crudely derogatory comments. The sensation was rather reminiscent of the reentry process into a large planet's orbit. While rounding a sharp bend in the road, the Chevrolet Volt reluctantly transmitted, ::this demonstration of your intel is unnecessary. If you are going to use it to coerce me into one of your schemes, then by all means, state your impetuous demands.::

::Why Jolt, you dent me. I'm not some Decepticon extortionist like Swindle, I'm your friend. And as your friend, I just went out of my way to help ya out over here by completing my mission. A simple, "thank ya," was all ya needed to say.::

The word 'mission' unnervingly lit up in Jolt's HUD. ::And what mission, pray tell, is this particular farce a part of?::

::To get ya to loosen those joints and enjoy yourself. Sure ya took more advantage of the opportunity then I planned. But no worries, I got this sector taken care of.:: A teasing hum traveled through the connection just as the silver mech added, ::it was all assigned and carried out by yours truly. Off the record to ensure your privacy, of course.::

::Oh, of course,:: Jolt repeated with a flare of condemnation. His engine rumbled darkly as the coast line came into view.

Through the dense foliage surrounding it, Sideswipe's gleaming silver frame was easily identified. Beside him the human femme lay sprawled out on the ground. Jolt briskly transformed into his bi-pedal form before stepping onto the loose earth. It gave way under his weight, masking his typically strident steps unlike most of the planets terrain. When he was several car lengths away, a peculiar metallic glare originating from Maggie caught his optic. Locking on to her lounging form, Jolt's sensors detected a faint beacon emanating from her. A flare of trepidation caused him to abruptly brake when he recognized the coding of his nanites.

Apparently Sideswipe noted his blantant scans and proceeded to interpret them incorrectly. ::Not bad, eh? Nearly got her stripped down to the protoform,:: the silver mech goaded.

Before Jolt could launch himself into another digital altercation, his human interceded with a non-lethal projectile. She propelled it weakly from her position, still managing a direct hit that coated the silver mech in synthetic lubricant. Despite himself, Jolt reveled in a surge of pride as he closed the distance between them.

I don't love you
I don't want you
If you think that this is cruel
then you should see what my friends do
I don't love you
I don't want you
Leave me alone, you're just a one night stand to me