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![]() Author has written 27 stories for X-Men: Evolution, X-Men, Knight Rider, Transformers, and Transformers/Beast Wars. Thank you for taking the time to read my stories and even my profile. A long time Transformers fan, hence my stories, with the movie verse and heavy G1 influence. I write fanfics for the fun of it to bring a smile and provide an escape. Life has enough of its own sorrows. I choose to be light and laughter in times of darkness to others. Thank you to all my friends over the years and welcome to new ones. I could not do it without you, God and inspiration. 2020 year update April 2020 : New goal. To post a new chapter at least once a week in one of the fics. Granted, it may be the drabbles one but I am getting it in gear and posting more. Cannot leave readers hanging after all. Pet peeve of mine and I need to work more on creative writing. New fics and updating regular ones: New "Nothing is Small," the backstory of your favorite G1 shows. First up is SOS Dinobots. An insight or possible explanation into why so many things made no sense in the episode. Newer "A Broken Matrix," the story of Solspark, a femme and former Matrix carrier now on earth and challenge sworn to Jazz but not spark mated. Contains Wreckers, Cybertron history and healing from your past while training as Special Operations. Darker with more angst, relatively. Next four chapters are in progress being worked out to interrelate history and continuity. Ongoing "When nothing else fits." 100 word drabbles or short stories. Some are self contained, others a running mini fic over different chapters. Updated all the time but not at any specific amount of time. "Annabelle, Aliens and Abductions." Back in progress. Action continues with Soundwave kidnapping Annabelle to Cybertron. "If an Autobot do not do the following (part 2). Updating. Current story arc: Baby Bumblebee and how Drift became an Autobot. Next: Baby Arcee and who raises who? Other fics with chapters being written but not posted yet include Prime vs the Pebbles, Elita's Revenge, both "Addicted" fics and Essence of a Spark. I plan to do others but no guarantees on how soon posted until I catch up on these. Fan Fiction Fics that were inspired by the fics or an idea in them (They're great writers too! And many are friends. Good friends :)) ladyofdarkstar http://www.fanfiction.ws/s/5315741/1/What_Comes_Around fantasyaddict101 http://www.fanfiction.ws/s/5736864/1/A_Loss_Of_Essence cairistona http://www.fanfiction.ws/s/7024273/3/A_Sticky_Situation (chapter 3) SunlightOnTheWater http://www.fanfiction.ws/s/7457116/1/Battle_of_the_Cops mollie3 http://www.fanfiction.ws/s/6041307/1/Optimus_Sparkling (chapter 12) Clifjumpersfangirl http://www.fanfiction.ws/s/5480762/1/Somethings_Missing Clifjumpersfangirl http://www.fanfiction.ws/s/5558356/1/Sideswipe_VS_Hedgehog Clifjumpersfangirl http://www.fanfiction.ws/s/5542970/1/Dancing_with_Cinderella Tenshi of Light21 http://www.fanfiction.ws/s/5275176/1/Autobot_Pranks (chapters 13, 21, 43, 60 specifically) MoonRose91 - Rule 35 http://www.fanfiction.ws/s/5317304/1/Rule_Number_35 Katsuko1978 http://www.fanfiction.ws/s/5380042/1/Addendum ladyofdarkstar http://www.fanfiction.ws/s/5325064/4/Redemption (chapter 4 specifically) mistflyer1102 http://www.fanfiction.ws/s/4634839/20/Welcome_To_Earth (chapter 20 specifically) tatyana witwicky http://www.fanfiction.ws/s/5553868/1/Guidelines_for_living_with_Robots greenleafprince http://www.fanfiction.ws/s/5515300/1/When_the_Cons_are_away_The_Bots_will_play botosphere http://www.fanfiction.ws/s/5541628/1/Transformers_for_Christmas littlemewlugia http://www.fanfiction.ws/s/6250288/1/For_the_Race_Prime_Protector (chapters 9,10) femme4prime http://www.fanfiction.ws/s/5949063/1/You_Know_You_Are_Addicted_To_Cyberporn And sorry if I missed anyone else. Please e-mail me to add yours. I am trying to update this. TRANSFORMER CONCEPTS I keep getting the same requests to explain and where I found the information. I stick mostly to canon and tf wiki but here is a few of the most common answers below. If you want to use these explanantions, feel free. They are public knowledge EXCEPT sparkbite. Credit us two girls and use as you want. CANON- the authoritative, official historical version. In other words, in the 1980’s G1 cartoon, Optimus was a Prime who shared his bond, spark energy or life force with Elita One after she overdid stopping time to save him from the Decepticons. Canon has him Prime and not Bumblebee or Arcee as the Prime and his mate is Elita One not Firestar or Override. Same episode had Ironhide with Chromia, Ratchet with Moonracer. Their pairings are canon and part of the trademarked, patented, official copyrighted and legally owned universe. SPARK- Sparks are canon in the Transformer universe. It is the life force or soul of a Transformer. It is a physical entity protected inside a mechanical shell that makes up the bots protoform or shell or chassis. As long as the spark is intact, the body can be rebuilt or transfer a spark to a new shell. When the spark is gone, the Transformer is gone. In Transformers the ultimate guide, both Megatron and Prime have “spark chambers” to hold their sparks. A metal shape around pure energy. I use the idea of the spark transfer to relate to the little sparklings or baby Transformers. Transformer canon instances have established that a spark holds all of an individuals memories, along with their "essence" or personality. Mentioned by Prime himself in a Transformer movie. A Transformers behavior can be modified through programming but there will be a conflict between the programming and the "true" nature of the spark within. Breeding is an intact spark transferring into a new protoform and that being have a personality, and can experience life through external sensors. The outer shell can change, including alt mode or loss of parts via battle damage but the same soul or essence of that spark / Transformer. I researched this on tf wiki under terms “spark” and “personality component.” BREEDING - I referenced the movie verse with the Allspark being transferable energy, the G1 cartoon where Wheeljack made the new bodies for the Dinobots to inhabit, and The Dreamwave More than Meets the Eye where the protoform or shell is made then infused with a spark to become a living Transformer. There are family units as the G1 Wheelie (not movie verse truck with that name) crashed with “his parents” and the twins Sideswipe and Sunstreaker are “twins.” In the modern movie verse, the ancient Primes refer to Optimus as “their last descendant” and the Fallen called the other robots “his brothers.” The Dinobots have mini babies that help bring Cade a beer and set the curtains on fire. They have a way of reproducing more energy than physical, have families and infuse a protoform with a spark. All of the above is recorded in tf wiki under the term “reproduction” and in the cartoons, Dreamwave comic, and movie verse. SPARK CALL- A term referring to spark mates being able to recognize each other’s sparks as a single entity. Spark call reassures the mated pair they are one spark, one soul combined and is only felt by them and between them. Sparklings will recognize their parental units but not feel that spark connection, only that it exists and never what that couple is doing. SPARKBITE- The protective reaction of the spark to defend itself to the offlining if needed. The sparkbite warns another mech not to attempt a spark merge on a mech or femme that is spark mated already. Credit goes to fellow writer and friend ladyofdarkstar. Wonderful example in her "What Comes Around," chapter 33 when Lydia's sparkbite gets Josh. ( Not official Canon...but good enough it should be) CYBERTRON TIME - EARTH COMPARSIONS Breem – 8.3 minutes Joor – 6.5 hours Orn – 13 days Vorn – 83 years. Think V for a Very long time. Onward to the stories... and thanks for reading this far. Feel free to e-mail me at gmail as crazycatlady159 with comments or need help with a story idea. I am always around but not always online. Until all are one, Layra Knight aka hummergrey |