Family Memories
Sam was awake but he was unwilling to get out of bed. He opened a bleary eye and saw that it was just after ten in the morning. He groaned into his pillow. Being awake this early on a summer day was a new record for him. He tried to go back to sleep but it was impossible. He had never noticed before how much noise the chirping birds made. He lay there with his face screw up in concentration, trying to will the birds into silence with his mind. It didn't work. The birds seemed to get even louder.
"So much for me being a psychic, or whatever they call themselves," Sam muttered. A new sound joined the chirping. Mojo was barking angrily at something. There was a whirling sound that was caused by metal being arranged. This was followed by a loud crash. Sam nearly fell out of bed in surprise.
"Optimus!" Sam gasped. He jumped out of bed, got his feet tangled up in the blanket and nearly fell over. He managed to make it halfway across his room before he finally fell. He stepped on a book that was lying on the ground and lost his balance and fell to the floor. Sam jumped to his feet swearing under his breath. He ran out of his room and down the stairs. The source of the commotion was clear when Sam ran into the backyard.
Optimus and Mojo were standing side by side looking at something that was lying on the ground. Sam approached the pair and saw that the thing on the ground was a big piece of black metal.
"What's going on?"
"Sam," Optimus said nervously.
"What's," Sam began again. "Wait," he said pausing, gazing at the black metal. "Oh man, is that dad's grill?" Optimus winced. "Oh man, dude, you're in trouble."
"It was an accident," Optimus replied. He glanced down at Mojo. "This creature appeared out of nowhere and ran at me. I would have stepped on it but managed to avoid it. My actions then caused my foot to collide with the grill." Mojo barked in agreement.
"Well let's take a look at it." Sam walked up to the grill and began to examine it. Optimus hurried forward to help, Mojo right behind him. Sam tried to turn the grill upright but couldn't. He glanced at Optimus who completed the task with one finger. Sam circled the grill examining it.
"Is it damaged?" Optimus asked.
"No, you lucked out."
"Good. I would not desire having to tell your parents that more of their property was destroyed."
"Yeah, that would be bad. Plus it's a good thing our neighbors are completely oblivious to what goes on at my house." Sam glanced down at himself. "Um, once I get out of my pajamas, what do you think we should do today?"
"Hey!" a female voice shouted. Sam and Optimus turned towards the house and saw Judy running at them. "Where do you think you are going young man?" she asked Sam sternly.
"No where mom," Sam replied. "We were just figuring out what we are going to do today," he added, gesturing to himself and Optimus.
"I know what you can do. I'll bring it out!" Judy turned and began to run back to the house. Mojo barked at Optimus then ran after Judy.
"No mom!" Sam cried desperately. "You promised me you wouldn't do this anymore!"
"Sam?" Optimus asked questioningly. Sam only groaned in embarrassment. Optimus soon got his answer. Judy was hurrying towards them with her arms full of gigantic books. She set them down on the ground. Optimus focused on the top book and saw that it read Family Memories in fancy cursive script.
"Check this out Robot Man," she told Optimus. She opened the album and held it against her chest so that the photographs were facing out. She pointed to a picture. "This is Sammy when he was a month old." Optimus knelt down for a closer look. A baby boy was wrapped in a blue blanket and was sleeping. "And this is a picture of Sam when he was three. He was having a temper tantrum." The boy in the picture had wild hair and was apparently throwing his food at a wall. "Here he is eating ice cream. A few seconds later he dropped it and cried nonstop until we got him some more." A trio of pictures showed a young Sam holding an ice cream cone, the ice cream lying on the ground as Sam cried, and the last showed Sam happily holding another ice cream cone.
"Ok," Sam said. "Enough of the embarrassing pictures mom."
"Wasn't he cute?" Judy asked Optimus, ignoring Sam's comment.
"Yes, he was very cute," Optimus agreed. Sam groaned.
"Oh, here's one where he went on his first amusement park ride," Judy said pointing to another picture. She continued through the photo album and when she finished, went on to the next one. Sam nearly fainted in embarrassment when the photos of him being toilet trained were shown to Optimus. Judy seemed to enjoy showing off the pictures of her son. It was clear that Optimus was amused by the photos. His optics were shining brightly and he seemed on the verge of smiling.
"Well that's the last of them," Judy said. Sam sighed in relief. "We can look at the family videos next."
"No, no, no," Sam said, his face bright red. "Those are even worse! No more amusement at my expense."
"Let's not embarrass Sam anymore," Optimus said. Sam nodded and smiled gratefully at the Autobot. "We can continue tonight with the videos. Gives the boy a chance to recover." Sam scowled at Optimus.
"Good idea," Judy agreed. "Have fun today you two." She gathered the photo albums into her arms and returned to the house. Sam only stood there scowling at Optimus.
"I am sorry Sam," Optimus said. He sounded like he meant it but his optics were still shining brightly. "It seemed very important to your mother to let her show me what she did."
"What was all that about giving me a chance to recover?" Sam retorted.
"Simply an idea that would allow you to recover from embarrassment." Sam continued to stand there and scowl. Optimus sighed before adding, "The photo albums and the family videos will help me to understand your life in a way the stories you told me never will. Look at the situation from that point of view."
Sam sighed. "All right. I can do that. I'll go get dressed in something else besides my pajamas so we can do something." He started to walk back to his house but paused. "Answer one thing first. You found those pictures amusing didn't you?"
"Yes I did," Optimus answered truthfully. "They are very amusing." Sam scowled and opened his mouth to reply but Optimus waved him off. As Sam was heading back to his room he saw Judy kneeling in front of a cabinet. Video tapes lay scattered on the floor.
"Not this one," she was muttering. "This one doesn't show enough footage of Sam. This one is better but I don't know about it…" Sam scowled once more but inside he was smiling.