![]() Author has written 9 stories for Transformers, Transformers/Beast Wars, and Mass Effect. UPDATE AUGUST 18: Health still not great, but am bouncing back slowly from my last big bout of illness where I lost a chunk of weight. Ended up being hospitalized for 3 days after returning to the hospital with worsening symptoms twice more in as many days. Had more blood tests done than I can count and got pumped full of saline and a fluid mixture to get some general nutrients and minerals back into my system since my digestive system wasn't doing its job properly. Was a full month before all my symptoms from when they started finally eased off. Had lots more tests since then. They thought might have immune disorder somewhere in my gut but the tests for that just recently came back as normal. Had to have several weeks of B12 shots and have an in-hospital iron infusion to be done soon since my got wasn't taking up any from food for a good while. So far all tests point to some kinda autoimmune disorder/disease (potentially in my lower spine) or an autonomic disorder (lower brain automatic function nerve signals). Making some progress to diagnosis at least. Have dabbled a little in writing. Mostly doing art stuff atm, but should have my own PC within next month or 2. Update 06/22/2016 My health has taken another beating in the form of either bacterial or viral gut infection after seeing Cardiologist. Still waiting on final pathology results. Had 2 short hospital stays just to get tests and rehydrated. Still fighting whatever has been messing up my guts going on now for over 2 weeks and have lost far more weight than I have ever before. I can say I'm well beyond done with it. All creativity dead in the water. Though can say have officially been diagnosed with rare Vascular Elhers-Danlos Syndrome, associated POTS (Postural Ortheostatic Tachycardia Syndrome) and rare Inappropriate Sinus Tachycardia. Next stop is neurologist to see if anything besides the EDS causing my muscle weakness, tremors and all round clumsiness. I'm a barely walking mess to say the least. Trying my hardest to get back on the wagon and finish things like I desperately want to, but health seems to want to keep screwing me over. Hopefully with visit to Neurologist and whatever this thing is I have passing I'll be able to get final results on EVERYTHING and start the long road to getting better. Thanks to all those who've been so amazingly patient and new readers. I promise nothing is dead! I WILL finish my stuff! Update 04/15/2016 Haven't been doing well health wise for a few months now and also focusing a bit more on getting back into my art. I developed kidney issues in early December 2015 that weren't resolved until late March 2016. Kidney stone. Yeah they hurt a lot on the way out (more moving between kidney and bladder), though yet to be worst pain I've ever had. That's mostly sorted itself out now, but its made me and my doctor (and hospital doc) pointed aware that there is something going wrong with my heart. Potentially a genetic issue I've had forever that I'd been dismissing the symptoms of and blaming pains on Fibromyalgia, that's been stirred up and made worse by the ordeal with my kidney. The whole thing put my system under a LOT of stress for those months through pain, reduced function and frequent internal bleeds in the kidney.Going through lots of diagnostics atm to figure out exactly what's going on and get a final prognosis. That will hopefully be in the next few weeks. In the mean time very tired a lot, laying around a fair bit to ease some symptoms and having a lot of bad shaking issues making me pretty clumsy and starting to effect my ability to use a keyboard properly without getting fat fingered and making silly mistakes. Hopefully when this is resolved be able to get back into being able to do both art AND writing. Got so many things sitting there staring at me demanding I work on them/finish bits of them. Written out so many base plan ideas it ain't funny! Fic Progress: Unexpected Side Effects: Chapter 10 53% complete Unexpected: re-write/tweaking Chapter 8 - 80% complete Towards the Future: Chapter 8 - 28% complete 4 starter fics for TF, Avengers and Thor fandom in the works to help keep the brain ticking over and generally writing down ideas for potential other fics. I can also be found on; AO3: Ashion - /users/ashion DeviantArt: |