Apologies for the long wait.
Loki walks down the strangely familiar route as he dodges between mortals. He had first arrived at Stark's Tower before suddenly realizing the mortal was not occupying it. A sense of unease had hit him then, the notion of not knowing what to do, not knowing where else to go. He had looked upon the city with confusion, deciding his next step. The streets blurred together with the bustling of bodies all around.
It was sensory overload as he tried to navigate himself. The quick use of magic would have helped and it tempted him immeasurably but he chided himself. This was to be his home now, he thought, he needed to assimilate. He needed not to rely on such things so heavily.
He wondered how Thor ever did it.
There was too much noise, too much distraction. Car horns at every interval, footsteps, music at every corner. Loki found himself stopping more than once, trying to calm the nervousness that bloomed with him. There were eyes upon him, casting their gazes giving him a once over. Loki looks down upon himself frowning.
He supposes Midgardian's were yet accustomed to the other realms, the sheer diversity of it all. Of course his attire would appear...strange. He passes by a shop's window and slows looking at the faceless men just beyond the glass. A fabric market, his mind supplies. His eyes drink in the clothing before he turns to those on the streets and observes those around him. He moves then, slipping into a small alley. With a quick motion his own clothing changes in a shimmer of emerald light. Loki looks down on himself, fidgeting with the strange feel of it. The tunics here are tighter, more form fitting and for a short time Loki thinks it odd.
Loki continues along the streets then, turning when he sees familiar landmarks. He stops short below a rather mundane building and looks up. It speaks of no grandeur as it connects to all the other buildings that blur together of brown and grey . Even now, as he looks up with apprehension, can he sense all those that dwell within.
He walks up to push the stained glass door and frowns when he meets with resistance. He tries again holding his strength, before noticing the odd contraption placed to the side. Ah, he thinks finally, a lock. He wonders then why mortals are so quick to lock themselves away from others. Why they are so quick to fear. There was much trust in Asgard, he remembers fondly, where the doors of homes were open to those passing. Such was the custom. Here... strangers are barred, turned away without thought.
Unlocking the door with a swipe of his hand across the lock he enters the building. He walks up the unkempt stairwell and heads down the hallway. Loki stops in front of an inconspicuous brown door and raises his hand to knock until it falters. He hears laughter, the kind that only occurs with closeness.
His hand slips down to his side as he looks away. Perhaps it was foolish, trying to make amends... make friends. Forgiveness was seldom a thing he crossed. He inhales deeply and raises his hand once more. He knocks gently twice and steps back. The laughter, he hears, dies down almost immediately and Loki swallows. There are footsteps, quick but cautious and his heart beats faster.
Loki lets his face drop, readying himself as he hears the fumbling of chains unlock.
As the door opens his lips perk only slightly.
"Good morrow, Captain."
The mortal, he sees, frowns deeply as he holds the door in silence. As it continues to stretch the small smile on Loki's lips fades. He has does something wrong, he thinks as a sudden sadness fills him. To render the mortal so, he has offended him.
Loki blinks.
"Forgive me, If I have trespassed on your time... I will take leave" He says quickly as he looks to the exit.
"You're okay..."
He looks back to Steve, hearing more than a statement in his voice.
"We all thought your injuries... Tony said Thor took you back to Asgard for help. "
"I am whole." He says simply, not wanting to say any more.
He does not miss how Rogers' gaze tilts to the lines still marring his skin. They are softer now, healing well.
"Thor is..."
"Well, for now." He supplies easily, "However, if he continues to neglect his duties as Crown Prince, the Allfather will see to that."
Loki smiles fondly to himself before he notices the frown on Steve's face.
"Fret not, Captain." He placates, "Thor sends his warmest of regards."
"Well." Steve smiles. "It's good to see you again, Loki."
Loki falters at the mortal's words. He wonders then, if the mortal's words were of finality, an end to the conversation. He had simply thought if he had returned to his brother's friends... was he a fool? Loki stands there, unsure of himself.
"Sorry, I'm being rude." Steve says suddenly, and steps back, opening the door. "Come in."
Loki looks beyond the threshold into the small apartment before back to Steve.
"If I may?" He says hesitantly.
Steve gestures further. Loki bows his head and moves forward. He turns and watches the mortal close the door behind him, observing the strangely ineffective chain be locked across once more. Loki then follows Steve not knowing what to do next. As they leave the confines of the hallway Loki slows his pace as Steve continues on. He eyes Barton and Romanoff sitting beside one another, gazing at him. Loki observes the glass bottles in their hands and the empty plates around them, covered only in the crumbs of a long gone meal.
Ah, he thinks, he has interrupted their pastimes.
"I doubt Fury knows about this." Barton mumbles as he lifts the glass to his lips.
Loki makes note at how Natasha simply leans back in her seat. It is subtle, he thinks, how she is able to confirm ones question with silence. He stands there feeling the tense atmosphere.
"Barton." He hears the Captain say dangerously.
"Look." The archer says leaning forward until his hands rest on his lap. "There was a deal remember? No Thor, no pass."
"Without Loki where do you think we'd be?" Steve shoots back. "We'd be dead by Doom's hands."
"Yeah no shit and without Thor, Loki would have levelled that city remember that?"
Loki keeps his gaze forward.
"Look." Loki turns his attention to Clint as he realizes it is directed at him. "I'm glad you're okay and all, but you know you can't be on Earth without Thor."
"Then I will leave, if that is your wish, Agent Barton." Loki finds himself saying softly.
"Loki.." Steve tries until he is interrupted.
"Why did you leave Asgard?"
Loki looks to Natasha as the others fall silent. There is a moment, where he thinks it easier to refuse to answer. The shame of admitting the truth was harder than denying it completely.
"I asked why you left Asgard." She says cutting him off from moving around the question.
He 'tsk's with annoyance as his nostrils flare. To command him so directly... Loki pushed the anger down, swallowing his pride.
"There is nothing I can do that will contribute to the betterment of Asgard." He says finally. "My talents... were requested elsewhere."
"Thor sent you back?" She asks.
It takes a long time before he nods.
"He thought... we agreed it was better that I make a path of my own choosing. I understand that it has been made without proper consideration it seems."
An emotion crosses the mortal's face. Loki narrows his eyes, distinguishing several types that were able to fit, but does not get the chance to decide.
"You want to help?" Steve asks confused and Loki shakes his head.
"I told you, I wish to make a new path for myself." He says to a saddened expression on the Captain's face. "However, it would be rather mundane to simply observe your realm pass by."
Loki turns his head as Barton groans standing up. The mortal rubs his face, trying to clear his red eyes before sighing.
"You're the Cap, Cap." Clint drawls out. He rounds the sofa, holding his empty bottle. It is only when he is at the fridge does he speak again. "Hurry up and say yes. If I'm going to regret anything tonight it's going to be having another of these."
"It is settled then." Loki smiles devilishly, clasping his hands behind his back.
"Don't get ahead of yourself." Natasha murmurs. "Fury needs to be informed, unless you want SHIELD agents targeting you at every corner."
"Let them try." He challenges, matching her tone. Loki does not miss how her lips perk...if only slightly.
"First we need to know where you will be living?" Steve asks. "We need to arrange things like we've done with Thor."
Loki turns to him then, with honest confusion. There is a small moment hesitation before a breath of laugher escapes him. Perhaps it is the separation of cultures that confuses the mortal, Loki does not dwell on it. Lightness blooms across him as the possibilities of mischief begin to show. Midgard, he thinks, was the right choice.
"Good Captain, you invited me in." He smiles as his brow lowers. "I thought it obvious."
The words take a moment to settle on the mortal before realization hits him. The sound of Barton opening another bottle echoes through the kitchen.
"But this is a one bedroom apartment..." Rogers trails of.
"Perfect." Loki says leaning forward with grace. "I've never really needed much."
Seven months later
Thor lands heavily onto the concrete wincing only slightly as it cracks beneath him. He stares at the breakage with a troubled face. Taking a few glances around he uses his boot to scuff the dirt around. Pleased with his attempted hide he smiles and continues forward. It had been a long and arduous few months within Asgard. He had tried on many occasion to sneak down to Midgard to see Loki, his friends and Jane but his duties had always come in the way. He had seen to Jane first, knowing he had neglected her the most. He smiled as he walked to Stark's mansion with a small skip in his step. With a gentle jump he flew over the gates blocking his way.
Thor frowned.
How many of these dwellings did one mortal need?
Within moments of seeing the Mansion beyond the long path Thor felt his brother's magic surround him. It was gentle, inquisitive as moved around his body. Loki was ever as sharp to his surroundings it seemed. Thor leaned himself into the gesture, letting his own energy entangle with his brother's in a silent reply. The energy draws back quickly as Thor answers its call. He does not even make the entrance before Loki is at the door's threshold, eyes alight and a smile gracing his lips. Thor's heart warms at the sight, seeing such contentment within his brother. Heimdall had described as much, but as Thor thinks on it, seeing it for his own eyes...
He was glad his brother had found a place.
"Brother!" Thor greets with open arms as he nears Loki.
He wraps himself around his brother, lifting his tiny frame slightly off his feet. Loki, he feels, does what he can to reciprocate even against his bone crushing embrace.
"It's been too long." He says.
"I can't breathe, Thor." Loki says as evenly as he can.
The scents of Midgard permeate around his brother, his clothes, his hair. It is a different sensation entirely and one Thor is unused to. Ever had Loki smelt of the oils and scents of Asgard. As he pulls back he too notices the other subtle changes before him. Loki's hair is shorter, neater like the ways he used to wear it. His tunics are of Asgard and yet, Thor notices, hold small traces of Midgardian influence. Thor tilts his head, it is... different.
"Come!" His brother says finally and tugs at his arm. He obliges happily letting Loki pull him inside.
"There he is! Big old blondie decided to show." Stark raises a glass from his place at the bar. Thor nods his head at Captain Rogers leaning next to Stark. Steve is quick to return the gesture with an amused grin. He looks to all his other friends gathered around Stark with a mixture of amused and worried faces.
"You received my letters?" Loki asks quickly.
Thor turns his attention back to his brother.
"All of them." He replies.
"You brought what I asked?"
"That and more brother." Thor says as he unhooks the satchel from his shoulder.
"Excellent." Loki mutters as he quickly steals the bag from his hands.
Thor smiles as his brother is quick to move to Stark, his attention on the task ahead. He moves to meet them at the bar and is able to pick up their conversation.
"You've talked it up Loki, let's hope you are a man of your word."
Loki, he sees, stares Stark down dangerously as his hands move without need to see.
"Always." Loki says flashing his teeth.
Tony hums nonchalantly, seemingly not believing him.
Thor takes Stark's glass from the table and smells the contents.
"I'm impressed Stark, you've committed to water."
Stark swivels on the bar stool with a raised brow.
"I've been promised the greatest drink of my 'insignificant mortal life'. " Stark says with his hands. "Of course I'm going to follow the apparent rules."
"I'm surprised you've drunk real actual water for three days." Steve says seriously.
"Had to." Tony replies quickly. "Loki here said if it mixed with anything else it would probably kill me."
"You exaggerate." Loki says as he pulls out the bottles of strange colored liquid. "Rendered helpless I believe the term I used."
Tony turns to Thor then, raising a knowing eyebrow.
"My mistake then." He drawls out.
Thor chuckles.
"Is this even legal, in Asgard, making moonshine?"Clint says as he leans over to watch Loki's handiwork.
"How else do you pass the time on a hunt my friend!" Thor finds himself saying as he slaps Barton hard on the back. He looks at his brother rolling his eyes. He wondered then at the strangeness of mortal laws. Then again, such beings were fragile.
"It is done." Loki finally says, pouring the purple liquid into a shot glass.
Tony eyes it with doubt.
"Seriously, all that for well... that?" He gestures towards the glass before him.
"Just drink it." Natasha says.
Tony glares her down as he lifts the glass.
Thor leans down on the bar the same as Loki, resting his head onto his arms as he waits knowingly.
"It doesn't even look like-"
"Drink it chicken shit." Clint says.
"Fine." Tony says before he downs the purple shot in one go. The glass clinks loudly as Tony hits it down. He clenches his jaw, flashing his teeth as he shakes his head. A noise escapes him while he slams his hands down a few times.
"It burns like coconuts!"
"Like what?" Thor asks.
"Don't ask. "Natasha murmurs beside him.
Thor waits for Tony to calm down and soon he straightens his posture. He leans to Loki as the other mortals assess their friend.
"You made sure to water down the potency, yes?" He asks his brother.
His brother shrugs casually with a small smile.
He attempts then to scold his brother, to chastise him but soon movement catches his eye. Steve is quick to move behind Tony as he tilts back in his chair, eyes wide. Slipping his hands under Stark's arms Rogers lowers him to the floor, concern etched onto his face.
"Is he okay?" He asks without looking up.
Clint, Thor watches, kneels down and pats Tony's cheeks. He is silent as he stares into Tony's strangely smiling face.
"Yea, he's just tripping."
Natasha sighs, moving from her place.
"I'll go get a pillow."
Thor stands there, away from the others content.
He knows Stark's ramblings have been put off for at least day.
"I thought I'd find you here." Thor hears.
It had been a long day indeed since his arrival. He had snuck out quietly after the feast and admired the scenery of the balcony. He had looked up to the cloudy sky and had frowned. With a deepened breath what was left of a darkened night all but disappeared. Thor much loved a clear night sky.
Asgardians had always appreciated the stars, always revered its meaning. They were how they sent their loved ones off, immortalizing them in light.
He turns his head only slight, acknowledging Rogers.
"Your brother does the same thing sometimes."
Thor smiles as he bows his head. He looks aimlessly into his glass, swirling its contents.
"Did you know he used to enjoy the company of the world?" Thor asks when he finally looks at Steve. "Loki always loved reading underneath the palace trees. Ever was he outside, causing mischief. It would take me hours to try and find him. "
Thor looks beyond then, eyes distant.
"Used to," He mutters to himself, "it is rare these days to find him under the sun."
Thor pushes himself off the railing to turn around and stare into the mansion.
"How is he?" He asks Rogers.
Steve turns to mimic his position. They watch the others talk as they sit around Stark. Loki's eyes, he sees, are softer, happier.
"It was rough at the start." Steve admits beside him.
"I apologize for his way, son of Rogers. I did not intend him to deport you from your home."
Steve waves him off.
"It was only for a few days. He much prefers to tinker with Tony's things now."
"I wish to thank you Steve, and the others."
Steve pats him on the back.
"It's what friends do."
Thor shakes his head.
"You've given my brother purpose again. For that, I am in your debt."
Steve says silent then as he takes a sip of his own drink. It is a few minutes after that Thor straightens, seeing Loki make his way to the door. With sharpened suspicious eyes, Thor watches his brother gaze at them.
"Come, you dolt." Loki says from the door.
"Aye." He smiles and moves forward.
He feels Loki's hand on his back, pushing him eagerly inside. He listens to his brother, his free hand moving enthusiastically. He will make the best of his time, Thor decides, before he must leave for Asgard. There is a moment of knowing, feeling, that his decision was the right one. He sits quietly beside his brother and simply observes his friends around him. Hearing Heimdall's reports just did not do it justice, he thinks. Seeing for it himself, how far his brother had come.
Yes. The right decision.
Placing his glass down, Thor slings his arm over Loki's shoulders, a gesture familiar to them both.
"Come friends." He booms loudly. "Tell me of my brother's adventures."
And oh, does he listen.
It is only when, as they wind down for the night does Jarvis announce another visitor. They turn their heads wearily, seeing Banner slowly enter the room, dragging heavily duffle bags with him. As he nears their circle he throws down what bags are left on his shoulders with a tired look.
"Friend Banner!" Thor booms.
Bruce, he sees, pushes his glasses up and looks to Loki. His eyes move quickly to an unconscious Stark and Barton drawing on his face.
He sighs.
"I've missed stuff again, haven't I?"
A big thankyou to all my readers. We have reached the end. I have another story in the works so fret not. Keep an eye out :)
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