Hi guys, please rate and review I read will read everything you throw at me. Where this fic goes depends on you. Possible character deaths, just so you know.

Perhaps it was not the smartest thing he'd done baiting the Archer. Well Selvig worked on a device to get them back to Asgard via the cube, S.H.I.E.L.D had put him back into containment, and Stark was not surprisingly his first visitor. Loki was sitting at the far side of the cell head leaning against the wall willing the after effects of the Hulk's attack away, and watched as Stark stared him down nursing a glass of scotch.

"Pity, you didn't bring one for me."

"Didn't think I had one left that was strong enough for you, seeing as you did destroy half my bar, and my tower, and New York."

He closed his eyes as a smile threatened to bloom across his features. "Oops." Listening as Stark walked away it wasn't long before the Archer came to have his say. He marched in a dark look on his face.


"Barton, there is hardly anything else you can tell me that I don't already know." Loki drawled. He kept his face smooth watching as Barton's took on a purple hue.

"Go to Hell."

Loki tilted his head to the side confused. "But I saw her just last week."

Barton's nostrils flared and he turned marching out of the room. Loki didn't see anyone else for a long time. The God of Mischief was bored. Lying on the metal cot, he watched the security camera across from him. After a few hours curiosity got the best of him. He watched the guard just outside through the window in the door. The man was facing outside not even looking inside the room. Loki returned his attention to the security camera, and casually flicked a stroke of magic at it. A muffled voice came from the door and the guard walked in and stared at him. Loki lifted an eyebrow. The man mouth gapped opened and closed like a fish. The man turned a walked out a hand to his ear piece.

Loki chuckled to himself and without taking his gaze off the retreating guard, he flicked another stroke of magic at the camera causing it to flicker back on.

Loki dozed. As fun as it had been messing with the guard, manipulating shadows in his peripheral vision, causing random loose objects to fall over in his wake, sending disembodied whispers to his ears, it had gotten a little boring after a while. So Loki dozed and waited. They needed nothing from him right now it was safe enough to sleep; he doubted Thor would allow them to do anything to him until they returned to Asgard. And he needed rest. His body needed some time to recover.

It was a long while until Thor walked in with another agent Loki didn't know, who was carrying a case. "They love to be official don't they?", he thought. Loki sat up blinking the sleep from his eyes and stretching his stiff muscles. The metal perch had not been the most comfortable of places to rest. Thor had his eyes downcast, for that moment.

"Cat got your tongue, Thor?" The golden haired god chuckled, a nervous rumble in his chest.

Thor's face turned serious. "You've made the mortals nervous, brother." The agent opened the case unceremoniously. Loki leaned closer to the glass trying to peer inside the case and stopped. The shackles of course were to be expected, but lying in the red felt beside them was a metal muzzle. Loki's face went blank and he stared straight forward. A muzzle. He was going to go back and walk through Asgard in a muzzle. He was distantly aware as Thor put on the muzzle and shackles. As the shackles went on Loki shivered involuntarily, an odd feeling shot up his limbs and he blinked. He stared forward not showing any emotion, not acknowledging any look Thor sent him.

The agent started speaking in a monotone. "Mr. Stark and Mr. Banner were able to isolate your energy signature enough to interrupt any attempt you make to escape. Should you try to teleport, or…..do anything else, these may prove…..inconvenient." Loki gave no sign that he had heard as Thor came forward and led him out of the facility.

It didn't matter; they all thought he was a monster anyway. They wouldn't be thinking of him as a prince of Asgard any longer. The other avengers had joined them outside. The smug look on Barton's face told Loki he was responsible for the muzzle. That mortal would not be smiling next they meet, he would be sure of that. S.H.E.I.L.D. provided a government vehicle. The other Avengers followed in own vehicles. They drove to an open area near what Barton had called Central Park. Loki could feel the hum of the Tesseract's presence in the car. But he didn't look at Thor as he felt his eyes fall on him. They stepped out of the black car and Thor pushed him forward none too gently. Loki swept his gaze across the surrounding Avengers. Eyes full of anger, suspicion, hostility, and caution met his.

Thor stepped in front of him brought forward the device containing the Tesseract, and looked at Loki expectantly. Loki complied meeting Thor's stormy gaze for the first time and grabbing one of the golden handles of the device. Thor looked at his surroundings once more, before turning the golden handle of Selvig's device and engulfing them in blue.