It had been a week since Genji had come to him in Hanamura. A week to consider all that had happened between them, all that had happened in the ten years since. The younger Shimada had left him a "gift" by his offerings; a communicator. When his brother had mentioned that the world was changing, that he needed to take a side, he hadn't thought it would be quite so literal. He knew the symbol that marked the communicator: Overwatch, the very organization that had put the final nail in the coffin for the Shimada-Kai. He had mixed emotions about the group. On one hand, they took everything he'd had left of his old life and wiped it off the map save the Shimada castle itself. On the other hand, in doing so they had, in a way, given him a second chance with nothing to tie him down. He held onto the communicator for three days, feeling the weight of it in his pocket like a stone, before swallowing a lump in his throat, his pride maybe, and opening the communicator to the only connection available at the time: Genji.

Now he sat beside the other in a helecarrier as it took them to somewhere called "Gibralter". Despite Hanzo's coming to terms with that fact that this was Genji now, it still felt so wrong. His brother was alive, but only just barely by most people's standards, and he was not the wild boy that he remembered from their youth. He was calm, collected, and at peace with himself and the world around him.

"When we get to Gibralter, I'd like you to meet my Master, brother. He is the one who helped me become who I am and I am sure that he can help you as well." Genji said softly. Hanzo only acknowledged the statement with a soft grunt, proof that he was listening while also showing his disinterest. The thought of meeting the person who had helped Genji, who had put him back together after Hanzo had torn him down, made his stomach twist in knots. The idea of meeting any of the people in Overwatch left the archer with unease. Those who knew Genji personally surely knew of what Hanzo had done and those who did not would likely know his families history. As far as he was concerned, this whole idea was a catastrophe. Still, Genji seemed so sure, so sincere in his belief that Overwatch is what Hanzo needs, the one thing that will truly turn things around for him, that Hanzo finds it is the least he can do after all that had happened.

It takes a whole day for the helecarrier to get there, landing just as the sun rises. Genji stands first, comming in to let the others know they've arrived before turning to Hanzo and holding out his hand. Hanzo stares at it, hands clenched to keep from reaching out as he stands.

"Come, we must not leave them waiting..." he said as he walked to the door. Genji said nothing as he followed, easily taking lead as they stepped out of the carrier. Gibralter was plain compared to Hanamura, all metallic greys with little to no plant life. The only real color the base had was the Overwatch symbol plastered on the wall and the blue computers that sat in the walls.

"Welcome back, Genji." a female voice greeted over the loudspeakers.

"Thank you, Athena. Where are the others?"

"Winston and Mei Ling are in the labs and Tracer is checking in on another possible new recruit."

"What of McCree?"

"Right here, Darling!" a man spoke from the door across the way in a thick southern drawl, his arms outstretched and a cigarillo clenched between smiling teeth. He swaggered over to Genji, placing his hands on the younger Shimada's waist. Hanzo immediately bristled at the intimate action; who was this man!?

"It is good to see you again, McCree. This is my brother, Hanzo." Genji gently pulled away and motioned to his brother. The mood in the room immediately shifted and Hanzo felt on edge.

"Is that so?" he asked, gnawing at the butt of his cigar.


"Nah, it's fine darling." McCree waved his hand dismissively as he walked towards Hanzo. The eldest Shimada forced himself to stand still, glaring down his nose at the taller man. He felt like he should duck, that he should get away from this "McCree" but if his brother trusted him...
He should have followed his gut instinct because not a second after that thought had past McCree delivered a sharp left hook to the jaw, metal meeting flesh and bruising bone. His vision swam and he found himself leaning on the hull of the carrier, one hand to his aching jaw and cut cheek.

"That's for Genji." the cowboy hissed, his voice full of venom.

"I didn't ask you to." Genji shot back, his voice even but carrying a tone of severity. McCree looked taken aback, stepping towards the other.


"I don't want to hear it, McCree. I did not bring my brother here so you could assault him."

"Babe, considering everything he's done-"

"I have forgiven him!" Genji stressed the word "forgiven" as if it would make the other understand but all it got was a disbelieving huff.

"You can't be serious! He-"

"Enough. We will discuss this later." Genji said with nothing short of finality. He turned away from McCree, who chewed harder at his cigar in irritation, and reached for his brother. Hanzo pushed his hands away, glaring at both of them.

"Is this your idea of a welcome, brother?" Hanzo hissed.


"Don't you get snippy with him!" McCree barked.

"Enough!" a third voice boomed, grabbing all their attention. Was that...a gorilla?

"Winston." Genji sounded relieved, probably worried that things would escalate to a full on fight.

"McCree, is this how we great new members now?" Winston asked gruffly as he walked over to the group.

"Do you even know who that is!? That's the dog that tried to kill Genji!" he howled in indignation. Winston only gave him a stern look as he replied:

"I know exactly who he is and he is welcome here just like everyone else. Need I remind you that your own record isn't exactly spotless?"

"I didn't try to kill my own kin." He hissed through clenched teeth. McCree looked around and, seeing that no one would side with him, threw his hands in the air and turned to Genji with a look of tired defeat.

"I'll see you later, darlin'." He sighed before giving a quick glare to Hanzo and then, turning on his heel, walked out the way he came. All watched him go before attention was brought back to Hanzo, who immediately tensed up as Winston came closer.

"I'm not going to attack you, I promise." he soothed, keeping an arm's length between them. "I'm Winston, welcome to Watchpoint: Gibralter Mr. Shimada. Welcome to Overwatch."