Altered Destines 14

Seeing the great metropolis planet of Cybertron at long last Sentinel could not resist but do a little dance for joy. An Elite Guard crew member gave him an odd look but said nothing about it and left him to it. Sentinel knew he had to get ready for the docking procedures but he just wanted to stand there and marvel at his home. It felt like eons had passed since he had seen it and he just wanted to take it all in.

Stuck on an organic mudball had nearly driven him insane. The natives creeped him out, the Decepticons nearly overwhelmed him, and working with a bunch of space bridge rejects caused him nothing but shame. Bumblebee and Bulkhead acted like infants, Prowl was always disappearing without telling anyone where he was going and that old rust bucket Ratchet had the nerve to lecture him on what it meant to be an Autobot. Just because he fought in the war didn't give him the right to tell him how to act. On top of all that, the little organic pet, Sari, was always pestering him and telling him how to act on her planet. The frightening thing about her was that Optimus had entrusted her with a key that contained the power of the AllSpark. What was he thinking doing such a thing?

"How Optimus handled all that, I'll never know," he muttered, heading back to the bridge.

When the Steelhaven showed up at long last Sentinel was so happy he began to cry. He was surprised to see his replacement was the infamous Springer, an Autobot who was even a Prime, yet somehow was given the authority to lead Optimus' old team. Sentinel didn't care if it meant he can go home, so after a series of briefs and debriefs Springer was ready to take over as the Autobot Earth Team Leader. Before Sentinel left the Autobots actually gave him a decent send off. They admitted Sentinel was a right pain in the aft but there were times when he did a good job. They asked if Sentinel could give a few items to Optimus back home. Springer had brought some gifts from Optimus to the Autobots and they actually treasured the silly trinkets. Thinking that he had least owed them for their somewhat decent hospitality, Sentinel promised to deliver them to Optimus. He even asked Prowl if he had anything to give to Jazz but he said nothing.

It didn't take long for them to dock and Sentinel practically sprinted out of the ship so he could once again walk upon his beloved home. If there weren't other mechs about he'd be on his knees kissing the floor like a mad mech. There was a welcome committee with some media bots and some of his fans and a few senators but nothing that grand or spectacular. For once Sentinel didn't care, he was home and that was all that mattered.

"It is good to see you again Sentinel Prime," proclaimed one of the senators, shaking Sentinel's hand. "You're a shining example to us all, leading a small team of Autobot delinquents on that primitive planet."

Sentinel basked in the praise but he had to leave quickly. As he approached his homeworld he received a transmission from Cliffjumper who informed him that Ultra Magnus wanted to see him the moment he got back. So after some poses for the cameras, a few autographs here and there and a number of handshakes, he ran off to a shuttle that would take him to the Elite Guard Complex. Getting comfortable he sat down in a puffy mesh chair and browsed the media and gossip pads before him.

"I've been gone for a few cycles and I missed out on a few things," he mumbled to himself as he picked up a popular gossip pad.

The front page had an interesting start but it was the stories inside that Sentinel liked. Skimming the pages he spotted a few interesting stories. Rosa had released a new album in an alien language, Tyger Pax opened a new theme park that was built overnight, a senator got in trouble for being caught in the red light district and many other stories that were just silly. The pictures were fun to look at and Sentinel could never get enough of how silly the mechs in the photos looked when they realised someone was filming them. Near the "Cybertrons Coolest Couples" section, Sentinel merely glanced at it for he wasn't a fan of celebrities love lives until he spotted two particular names,

"Ultra Magnus and Optimus Prime."

Turning to the page he found a single column dedicated to them accompanied with a single photo. The headline of the column read, "Ultra Magnus to be a Sire?" Sentinel almost choked on a gasp as he read the column.

"The great Ultra Magnus had openly confirmed three orbital cycles ago that the disgraced Optimus Prime was now his official bondmate and now there are rumours circulating that Optimus Prime will be bearing his Sparkling. When asked Ultra Magnus stated that both he and his bonded had talked about it and both decided to spark one once they were officially bonded. In a recent photo Optimus Prime shows visible signs of the early stages of Carrying but at present this can only be speculated."

Sentinel could hardly believe it. Optimus and Ultra Magnus had already become Bonded and were now expecting? He knew he had been away for a while but this whole thing happened so fast. He should be happy, for once Ultra Magnus became a Sire he would have to retire from his position as Magnus, thus leaving it open for Sentinel to take over, but as he studied the photo of Optimus he noticed how off he looked. He didn't look happy despite the small smile he put on. In fact he looked as if he didn't care.

"It's not a hot topic nowadays."

Sentinel almost jumped when a voice came out of nowhere. Looking around he was surprised to see Longarm Prime sitting in the corner. How did he not notice him? He was fairly certain he was the only one in the shuttle before getting on. "I've been here before you even got on," chuckled the friendly Prime, as if he knew what Sentinel was thinking.

Sitting up and brushing off his shock, Sentinel huffed at him. "How do you always manage to stay hidden in plain view like that?"

"I've had practise," answered Longarm, smiling sweetly. "So you must have seen the news about your old friend. Bonded to the Magnus and now believed to be Carrying. Funny how things like that turn out."

Sentinel frowned. "Well they had a thing for each other apparently, in fact back on Earth Ultra Magnus confessed his love for him right there, now that was weird."

"Weird?" repeated Longarm, expressing his curiosity.

"Strange story but Optimus rejected him at first and then the very next day Ultra Magnus brought him back to Cybertron for treatment. I guess he wooed him some more until he finally gave in."

"All that in the span of a single day?"

Sentinel nodded. "Well whatever," he mused, relaxing into his chair. "Once those two start a family together, the Magnus position will be all mine for the taking."

Longarm didn't seem to care. "So how was Optimus, before he left Earth?" he asked.

Sentinel shrugged. "Miserable and moody. Oh, and he was sick too, that organic mind illness or whatever it is, but his team didn't buy it. Apparently his team were mad at him when started hoarding extra rations for himself, something that I actually never expected he would do. I tried drinking that oil garbage, and it left a yucky taste in my oral cavity. Made me ill when I learned it was made from long dead organic life forms."

"Optimus consumed extra rations?" mused Longarm. "Why would one consume extra rations? It's not in his nature to do such a thing. Unless he was partaking in extra duties, that took up a lot of energy."

"Not really," answered Sentinel. "He helped out on the Steelhaven for a bit, and just moped in his rundown base for a while. Some leader, am I right?"

Longarm said nothing, and appeared to be deep in thought, his friendly face now appearing serious than normal. Sentinel frowned, staring at Longarm with a pair of uneasy optics. Whenever Longarm became inquisitive, it made him feel a little bit off. Longarm was generally friendly, but sometimes he just creeped him out, especially that red thing on his helm. Thankfully he arrived at his stop, meaning he could now flee from this awkward atmosphere.

"Well it's been fun Longarm," said Sentinel, standing up from his seat, "but now I have to dash off. Magnus needs to see me, and it's probably very important."

Longarm said nothing but waved farewell. "I hope we can talk soon?" he offered, watching as Sentinel left the shuttle.

Feeling relieved to get off that awkward ride, Sentinel quickly made his way to the Elite Guard compound to meet with Ultra Magnus. A few 'bots who knew him waved at him, saying that they were pleased he had returned, and giving him praise for defending an organic world from the Decepticons. Sentinel could not help but give them his signature smug grin as he headed straight for the elevators. Pressing the call button, he began to imagine what was awaiting him when he stood before Ultra Magnus. The Magnus title along with the Magnus hammer, given to him with a shower of praise and affection. He could almost see it.

As the elevator doors parted for him, but before he could enter, a pair of hands suddenly shot out, grabbing Sentinel and dragging him forward. Sentinel cried out from surprise as he stumbled into the elevator, and slammed against a wall. Getting his senses quickly in order, Sentinel looked before him to find himself staring into the visor of an angry Autobot.

"Jazz!" barked Sentinel, furious that he was being handled this way by the white cyberninja, "unhand me before I make you run you in for assaulting a senior Elite Guard Autobot!"

Jazz didn't even flinch as Sentinel threw him the threat, and his grip upon him tightened. "When I'm through with you, you won't even have the function to give such threats!" he hissed.

Sentinel cringed a little as Jazz appeared to not show any concern over the threat. Those usually worked in Sentinel's favour, but now that it hadn't he actually didn't know what to do. "Look, whatever's got your gears grinding, I hardly doubt it was my fault," he said, trying to be civil, "I mean, I've been gone for quite some time."

The cyberninja released his hold on Sentinel and stepped back, his glare still fixed upon the dark blue mech. "As always Sentinel, I'm gettin' blamed for the crazy stunts ya pull but not this time."

"What are you talking about?" hissed Sentinel, glad that the elevator was now moving. Hopefully some guards will show up at the next stop.

"Why the frag do ya think Magnus summoned both you and me?" snapped Jazz, "we're both his prime suspects for what happened with Optimus and-"

"Optimus?" Now Sentinel was even more confused. "What does he have to do with any of this?"

Jazz sighed in annoyance, and pulled something out from his subspace. He produced a data pad containing what looked like medical reports, and captured footage of Sentinel in a shop. "When Optimus came back, they discovered he had something in his systems that altered most of his personal functions," explained Jazz, "the compound that was discovered in his system happened to be used in an illegal aphrodisiac, known as Sparks Delight EX."

Sentinel felt his spark quiver at the mention of that product. "I-is that so?" he said, trying to remain composed.

"There was no way Optimus could have gotten any, since he was on Earth when the stuff came out, but I happened to have acquired footage of a certain someone purchasing the stuff." Jazz waved the data pad again, the footage displaying Sentinel purchasing the very item. "You were the one who had it, and somehow slipped it to Optimus!"

"B-but-... I did no such thing!" lied Sentinel, "and besides, it wasn't illegal at the time I bought it!"

"So you admit you purchased it!" snapped Jazz.

"Y-yes, but you have no proof that I was the one who gave it to Optimus," continued Sentinel, "I mean for all we know, Optimus was the one who stole it from me and consumed it without even thinking." Jazz said nothing at this, so Sentinel saw a chance to continue. "He was consuming extra rations on board, and he must have mistaken it for energon."

"Optimus ain't the type of mech who steals," argued Jazz, "you were the one who purchased it, and you had the motive to do it!"

"What motive?" snapped Sentinel.

"The moment you learned Magnus cared for Optimus, you were keen to get them together as I was, only you had a whole other reason," explained Jazz, "you knew that when a Magnus gets bonded they end up retiring, leaving the Magnus position open for you to get your greasy servos all over it. I should have known that you would do something like this, when I told you it wasn't working out between them."

Sentinel could feel the energon in his veins run cold as Jazz continued to accuse him and he knew he couldn't hide it any longer. "S-so I helped them a little, so what!? They're together now aren't they? We both got what we wanted!"

Jazz still didn't look pleased. "Sentinel, did you really think that you had the right to drug someone just so you could get what you want?" Jazz leaned in so close that his visor was all that Sentinel could see. "The moment we get in that office you better come clean or else I'll drop every last bit of evidence against you and that would make you look just as bad."

He could feel his chances of becoming Magnus slipping away as the elevator came to a stop and the door swung open. Jazz was already stomping out and towards the Magnus' office and Sentinel had to scramble after him.

"Can't we talk about this?" pleaded Sentinel, "c'mon Jazz I work my art off to get where I am! You can't ruin this for me!"

"Make this easy on yourself and tell the truth for a change," barked Jazz, completely set on dropping the bomb on the Magnus.

Sentinel cringed and one last idea popped into his head. "Don't you want to hear about Prowl?" The mention of that name made Jazz stop dead in his tracks. "I think he still misses you," continued Sentinel, hoping that it would do something to help him out of this. "I mean he never said anything but he clearly misses you." Jazz looked over his shoulder and was about to say something when another voice came into play.

"Sentinel Prime. Jazz."

The two mechs looked up to see Ultra Magnus standing before them, his expression was both serious and calm as he ushered them into his office. "Come along, lets get this over with."

Sentinel could have sworn his spark went offline for a split second and all he could do was follow Jazz into the office, the door slamming shut behind them. He had never felt so scared like this as he stood before the Magnus, predicting that there was going to be a lot of shouting, curses and a swift punishment. He tried to keep composed alongside Jazz as the Magnus took a seat behind the large desk, his expression had yet to change.

Before he could even open his mouth to try and defend himself Ultra Magnus suddenly spoke. "Well I believe that I owe someone an apology," he said as he glanced over at Jazz, "Jazz I wrongly accused you of something that someone like you would never do. I suspected you for the wrong reason and I admit I was quite angry at the time, so for that I am sorry."

Jazz remained stationary but Sentinel could sense the small joy the cyber-ninja was now feeling. "No problem sir, I understand," replied Jazz professionally.

Sentinel flinched when the Magnus suddenly looked at him. "Sentinel Prime," he said in a low and almost dangerous tone, "I take it you know why you're in here?"

He gulped hard and wasn't certain whether to nod or shake his head. "N-no...?" Sentinel wanted to punch himself.

Ultra Magnus sighed. "Sentinel Prime, I have full reason to believe that you had drugged Optimus Prime with an illegal drug in order for him to fall into a berth with me." He said that with a straight face but those optics showed a deep anger. "Tell me if I'm wrong?"

He couldn't think his way out of it. He had no choice but to come clean and pray to Primus that this wouldn't destroy his future, but even he knew that was unlikely. "Sir I swear it was just a drop," he explained hastily, "it w-was just to help move along your relationship with him, I-I was just trying to help you get the 'Bot you like and-"

"Regardless, you gave Optimus a drug without his consent. No matter what your intentions were it was still an illegal act." Despite what Ultra Magnus was accusing him of his tone of voice sounded oddly calm, as if he was upset by this whole thing but wasn't showing it. "As a possible candidate for the Magnus position I do not expect this sort of thing to happen."


"Woah, hold it!" Jazz suddenly spoke up. "He's committed a crime and he's still a candidate for your position? Shouldn't he be getting thrown out of the Elite Guard for what he did?"

Even Sentinel was a little thrown off by this. Ultra Magnus sighed heavily as he continued. "I had already discussed this with Optimus... and he's refused to press charges." Seriously? Both mechs couldn't believe it. "However Sentinel you will be returning to training Autobot recruits until further notice."

Sentinel cringed, he hated training new 'Bots. He had to take the position in order to quickly climb the ladder he needed for the Elite Guard position. "Sir I-"

"That's it!?" Jazz was clearly furious by all this. "Sir, with all due respect this is the only punishment you're gonna dish out? Training new recruits? I know we're all stretched thin but-"

"Hey, don't argue with the Magnus," hissed Sentinel, not wanting to get a harsher punishment then he already had though he could not help but think that Jazz was a little right.

Ultra Magnus sighed again and clasped his hands together. "It is true we're all stretched thin and believe me Jazz I am planning an even harsher punishment for Sentinel here but for now I need everyone to work together until this level of security has dropped a little." The Magnus then looked up at Sentinel. "Sentinel... did you encounter Megatron whilst deployed on Earth?"

The very mention of the name made Sentinel cringe. "I did," he confirmed, "a few times, and each time I fought him off valiantly!" His attempt at trying to sound magnificent didn't seem to work.

"Did he... say anything to you?" asked Ultra Magnus, "anything regarding Optimus Prime?"

That was an oddly specific question. "Um... I don't think so," muttered Sentinel, though as he thought about it some more a memory did pop back into his head. "Well on my first confrontation with him he did say something, which at the time I thought was strange."

"And what did he ask?" demanded Ultra Magnus.

Sentinel thought hard about that day where he and the Earth Autobots had to stop the Decepticons from stealing construction equipment and from out of the blue Megatron appeared. Sentinel didn't want to admit it but he was almost terrified when he saw him. The warlord seemed only interested in stealing the equipment then he did with the Autobots but when he saw Sentinel he said,

"Pity. I preferred the other one."

"Of course I didn't know what he meant by that at the time," continued Sentinel, "but since you mentioned it I guess he was talking about Optimus?" If that were true then Sentinel could not believe that even the infamous Megatron preferred Optimus over him.

These words didn't seem to please the Magnus and his face was filled with worry with a hint of anger. "Did he say anything else? Anything at all?"

"Regarding Optimus? Not really, nothing that springs to mind," replied Sentinel. "I rarely saw him after that."

"I'm sorry to cut in sir," said Jazz abruptly, "but what does any of this have to do with the current situation?" The cyber ninja seemed confused and annoyed at how this meeting was turning out.

Ultra Magnus sighed heavily. He rubbed his brow as he leaned back into his chair and the two mechs felt a little uneasy at the odd tension that crept into the room. "You two are part of the Elite Guard and at the moment you two are loyal Autobot soldiers. I believe you need to know this for the uncertain future. To be absolutely certain you two understand I'm initiating protocol alpha."

Both Jazz and Sentinel were aware of the protocol and went into radio silence as all frequencies were locked out. The pair of them were wondering why on Cybertron they needed to go into such a state but it looked like Ultra Magnus was going to explain.

"As you two are aware... Optimus Prime is bearing a sparkling," said Ultra Magnus.

Sentinel wasn't expecting that. Ultra Magnus initiated protocol alpha for that? "Congratulations by the way," said Sentinel anyway, trying to sound sincere. "I'm certain you'll be an excellent Sire."

"It's not mine."

That caught Jazz and Sentinel completely off guard. "S-say what?" stuttered Jazz.

Was this the reason protocol alpha was initiated? The whole point of the protocol was to discuss top secret topics that were to never leave the room they were spoken in. Despite this Sentinel was shocked to hear this news. "Are you saying... Optimus cheated on you?"

Ultra Magnus shook his head. "No, it is far more serious than that."

"Sir, I'm confused," said Jazz as he scratched his helm. "Protocol alpha isn't meant to be used to discuss personal things like this."

"And... er... how is it more serious?" Sentinel was equally puzzled.

Ultra Magnus frowned as he explained further. "During our last visit on Earth Optimus Prime had an encounter with the leader of the Decepticons whilst out on a solo patrol. Despite his efforts to flee from him, Megatron..." Ultra Magnus sighed once more. "Megatron forced himself upon him."

It took a moment for those words to sink in. It sounded like a lie at first but it came loud and clear from the Magnus' own mouth. The more the words repeated themselves over and over in Sentinel's mind the more the image he had of Optimus began to crumble and was replaced by one he had trouble comprehending. It didn't sound real at first, like words you'd hear in a dream or something but this was reality.

Sentinel had always seen Optimus as someone he had to surpass, to prove he was better than him no matter what, thus he always saw Optimus as a worthy obstacle. He hated being compared to him so he tried to prove how better he was than the Autobot Academy dropout. To learn that Optimus had been... violated, and by Megatron no less, brought up old and unwanted feelings, feelings that Sentinel didn't know how to deal with. He was confused, disturbed and strangely uncertain upon learning this horrid truth. He couldn't even find the words to speak.

It was Jazz who spoke first. "That... happened whilst we were on Earth?"

Ultra Magnus nodded. "Yes. Optimus had tried to conceal it from us but he eventually revealed the truth to me."

It was then that Sentinel realised why Optimus acted so strange during his final days on Earth. His bizarre mood swings, his out of character personality. All that time Optimus had been coping with a horrific attack and told no one, not even his teammates. As he thought back to those days with this new information these unwanted feelings began to stir wildly inside Sentinel.

"W-wait? Are you saying that he's carrying a... he's not... oh Primus he is ain't he?" Jazz words continued to voice his horror over learning the truth.

"Yes Jazz, it is as you believe," confirmed Ultra Magnus, "Optimus is carrying the sparkling of Megatron."

Sentinel suddenly found him thinking back to the days when he was a cadet with Elita and Optimus, when all three of them had their whole lives figured out. Elita wanting to reach a high ranking security position within the Elite Guard, himself desiring a high ranking command position and Optimus wanting nothing more but to lead a squad of Autobots to protect the innocent. After all that had happened Sentinel didn't believe Optimus deserved the future he so desperately wanted... but he didn't deserve this.

"How can that be?" Jazz was still trying to let it sink in but he wasn't having any of it. "Autobots and Decepticons can't breed together, it's impossible."

"Not impossible, just highly unlikely," corrected Ultra Magnus.

"And the reason you're sayin' it's yours is...?"

"So that Megatron doesn't learn that an Autobot is carrying what he'll no doubt declare to be his heir," explained the Magnus. "As long as Cybertron and its enemies think it's mine, the less we have to concern ourselves with Megatron sending out his agents to steal it."

This wasn't real. It couldn't be. Optimus was a capable mech and Sentinel could not deny that a small part of him wanted to be just like his old friend, but years of resentment and jealousy clouded his better judgment. Optimus wasn't a mech who would have a warlord ravish him and force him to carry his hybrid sparkling, he was his rival and that was how it was supposed to be. Why? Why didn't any of this make any sense?

"Sentinel, you've been rather quiet," said Ultra Magnus suddenly.

Sentinel flinched upon hearing his name and looked at the Autobot commander, his own complexion had turned rather pale. "I... um... I..." Sentinel couldn't even think of how to respond.

Ultra Magnus could see this and he frowned, almost looking sympathetic. "To conclude on this matter, Optimus is indeed bearing a hybrid sparkling and only a selective few are aware of this. This is not to be shared with anyone, for if this does get out you can count that Megatron will do everything he can to get it for himself, along with Optimus." Ultra Magnus stood up, tall and proud. "Am I clear?"

Both mechs nodded, their faces still betraying their shock of the news. With the protocol lifted Sentinel was the first to leave but Jazz remained behind.

"Sir, I am deeply sorry about the situation regardin' Optimus and all, but about Sentinel's punishment..." It seemed Jazz was still not satisfied with how the whole affair went.

Ultra Magnus sat back down and looked at Jazz with pitiful optics. "It was Optimus who told me that punishing Sentinel would gain nothing. Despite his desire for power and glory, he can be a worthy Autobot and a good soldier. Also I think this news has actually caused him some distress. Whatever happened between him and Optimus in the past, there is still a bond between them that has yet to fade away."

Jazz but his lip. "I'm... sorry sir," he said.

"For what?"

Jazz wasn't sure what for but deep down he felt the need to apologise and that it was somehow his fault.