EvilBunny91: . ! It's been like what...TWO years since I last updated this?! I'm so,so,SO sorry for everyone who's been reading this and waiting for for more. Fear no, for I'm not going to abandon this fic, even if it will take some time to update it. My life's been really busy ever since I started university of aplied sciences, and there been all kinds of stuff going on in my life. And I was having serious writer's block concerning this chapter, I just couldn't make it work properly. But now I finally did it, and hopefully I'll be able to write the next chapter soon. In the mean time, enjoy the new chapter.
The Birth Of The Future
Chapter 13: Evil Business
The Decepticons were celebrating. Their mission had been successful. They had managed to kidnap the sparkling of Optimus Prime. And they had survived with only minor wounded 'cons. High Grade was brought to the Rec. Room and toasts were made. The Decepticons were getting drunk like there was no tomorrow.
But one mech wasn't celebrating: Starscream. He had been ordered to look after the sparkling. He glared at the crying sparkling, who was squirming in his arms. He held her at arms length, not really wanting to deal with her.
"How come I have to sparklingsit? I'm the Second in Command! Sparklingsitting is the job for femmes!" he whined.
"Your complain: unnecessary. Starscream: inferior, Megatron: superior. Suggestion: do as you are commanded." the all-too-familiar, monotone voice of Soundwave was heard.
Starscream growled under his breath as the Third In Command walked in. He had never liked Soundwave, he was nothing but Megatron's lapdog. And there was no way stopping him from reading your mind, so anyone had to be careful near him. And his monotone voice was getting to his nerves.
"I'm the Second In Command! I should be there celebrating with others, not sparklingsitting some puny Autobot-brat!" he yelled at Soundwave.
Soundwave just shook his head as he started the check some monitors. At the same time, Thundercracker and Skywarp stepped in the room.
"Hey, Sreamer! How's the sparklingsitting going?" slightly over-energized Skywarp jeered at him.
Starscream was about give him a rude remark, when Megatron came into the room. He knew better than anger the Decepticon Warlord.
"How are things going here?" he asked, clearly enjoying watching Starscream trying to handle the squirming sparkling.
"Fine, lord Megatron, but the little brat won't shut up!" Starscream spat, trying to hold the sparkling as far from him as he could. Megatron decided to ignore the tone he was using.
"Aww, maybe a song would calm her." Skywarp hiccupped over-energized and started to sing.
The other 'Cons in the room flinched, because Skywarp's singing sounded like a techno-raven with a sore throat. And him being over-energized just made it worse.
Poor little Starfire only became more upset. First she had been taken away from her parents, and then being surrounded by scary 'bots. She was also hungry, and no one had given her Energon. And now one of the scary 'bots was making terrible noise. She didn't know anything else to do, so she started crying louder than before.
The Decepticons in the room, minus the singing Skywarp, tried desperately to cover their audio receptors. Skywarp's singing was bad enough, but now the sparkling was crying even louder. Thundercracker reached his arm to smack Skywarp on the head which stopped his singing.
"Hey! What was that for?!" Skywarp snapped.
"You aft-head, you just made her cry louder!" Thundercracker snapped back.
All the 'Cons turned their heads towards the little femme. She just didn't seem to stop her crying. Starscream was getting really irritated, he had been listening that brat's wailing for hours.
"Will you shut up already?!" he snapped and started to shake her body.
Starfire suddenly stopped crying and went still as Starscream shook her. She felt an uncomfortable feeling in her tummy. Her little sparkling's body wasn't used to such harsh movements, so it reacted in a harsh way. Starfire gave a big hiccup before ejecting her waste tanks… all over Starscream.
"Oh frag!" Starscream shouted as he was covered in sticky spew. "Disgusting!"
Thundercracker and Skywarp started to laugh, they could hardly stand still from their laughing. Even Megatron couldn't help but chuckle. Starfire on the other hand hadn't liked that at all, and she started crying again.
Starscream snarled as he glared at Starfire. He had never been so humiliated before. He looked like he would kill the sparkling on that spot.
"Why you little…" before he could do anything, Soundwave snatched Starfire into his arms.
"Starscream, that's enough!" Megatron ordered." You are not needed right at the moment, so dismiss yourself to the wash racks."
Starscream muttered something under his breath as he walked out of the room. He gave Starfire one last glare before leaving. Thundercracker and Skywarp followed him, both still laughing.
Megatron glanced at the still crying Starfire. Soundwave started gently cradling her in his arms, knowing it would calm her. After few minutes, Starfire's crying turned into silent sobs.
"Bring her here, Soundwave. And go make her some low-Energon." Megatron ordered.
Soundwave handed him the sparkling and went to get the low-Energon. Starfire was still sobbing in Megatron's arms.
"You'd better start behaving, young lady, if you know what's good for you. No one messes with me." Megatron said with a cold, yet calm voice.
Starfire went silent and looked up at Megatron. She could sense his powerful, yet frightening spark. He was so scary, and yet familiar to her. His spark reminded her of her father, but his spark contained so much bad feelings. She was so confused about all this.
Megatron was also looking at Starfire. She looked so weak and vulnerable, but her small spark was powerful for someone her age. Just like Optimus. Megatron had never felt so much loathing towards a sparkling. Her being his niece didn't make him feel any sympathy towards her. He knew if he didn't dispose of her soon, she would grow up as a threat. And Megatron couldn't risk having any more threats.
But he didn't know how to proceed with his niece. He could always just simply kill her and break his brother's spark at the same time. But it seemed too easy. He wanted Optimus to feel great agony for losing his sparkling for good. He wondered if he could reprogram her into a Decepticon. That would surely break Optimus's spark. And if Starfire would disappoint him one day, then he could kill her. So, eventually there would be no future for the Autobots. Yes, that sounded like a good plan.
Megatron was interrupted from his musing, when Soundwave came back with the low-Energon. As he got closer to Megatron, he handed Starfire to him.
"Feed her, Soundwave. Once you're done with that, put her to recharge. And then I want you to start to work on those mind-control chips you've been working on. Make sure that she's ready to be reprogrammed to become a Decepticon." Megatron ordered him as he turned to leave.
"Status: the sparkling most likely can't handle to procedure. Too weak in mind. Consequences: her mental state could become seriously damaged. Conclusion: not recommended." Soundwave answered.
Megatron turned around quickly to face him. Anger flashed in his optics as he looked at his TIC. "I didn't ask for your opinion Soundwave, and I don't care if her mental state becomes damaged or not! Just do as you're told!" he snarled, surprised that his TIC had actually questioned his orders.
Soundwave bowed his head, his face showing no emotion. "Yes, lord Megatron."
Megatron gave a slight nod of approval and stormed off, leaving Soundwave with Starfire.
Soundwave felt a slight touch, and looked down at the sparkling. She had patted him on the chest and looked at him with an expecting look on her face. Soundwave realized she was hungry, having raised his cassettes before, and brought the bottle on her mouth.
Starfire started suckling immediately and onlined her optics. Soundwave watched her as she drank, taking in the innocence she hold within.
Once Starfire was finished, Soundwave lifted her gently against his shoulder and burped her. Then she gave out a yawn, and Soundwave knew she needed recharge. He started to walk towards his quarters.
Soon he reached his quarters and brought her in. He walked over to his berth and placed Starfire there. Suddenly he realized how she was looking at him: sadly, pleading. He didn't even need to read her mind to know that she was asking him to bring her back to home, back to her parents.
"Your request is logical, yet in vain. There's nothing I can do for you." he told her, even if he knew she wouldn't understand him. He reached his hand and brushed her helm gently. "I'm sorry. Now, go to recharge."
As in cue, Starfire yawned before onlining her optics and falling into recharge. Soundwave stood up and pressed a button his chest. "Ravage: eject!" he ordered.
The black feline-like cassette came out of his chest and stretched his limbs before looking at Soundwave.
"Stay here and watch over the sparkling. Make sure she is undisturbed. " he ordered.
Ravage nodded before jumping into berth next to Starfire, and wrapped himself around her. Soundwave gave them one last look before he left his quarters and went to his workshop, so he could work on the mind-control chips.
Megatron made way to his quarters, rather annoyed at how much trouble his niece was already making. He wanted to deal with her quickly so he could go back to fighting the Autobots and win the war.
As he reached his quarters, punched in the code to pen the doors and entered inside. The light of his quarters were turned off, so he couldn't see a thing, and there was no sound to be heard. And still Megatron knew he wasn't alone.
"I should have known you'd sneak your way in here." he talked into the darkness.
A soft laughter could be heard, and Megatron saw a pair of green optics glowing dimly in the direction of his berth.
"You make it sound like it's a bad thing, my liege." a feminine voice answered him in an amused tone.
Megatron turned on the lights, revealing a femme sitting on his berth. She had black armour with silver highlight all around her body. Her face was greyish and her optics were green like toxic. She was wearing an amused smile on her face.
"If I didn't know any better, I'd say you don't enjoy my company." she replied in a silky tone, as she got up from the berth and made her way towards him. Megatron allowed her to wrap her arms around his waist from behind.
"One can never be too careful around you. You can never tell what you are hiding within your body." he said before taking a hold of her and spinning her in front of him, dipping her downwards a bit.
The femme chuckled at this. "You should know by now that I won't hide anything from you." she purred as she reached her hand to brush his cheek. "You should also know I'd do anything for you. You are my everything, my lord."
Megatron grinned down at her. She was truly the deadliest femme he had ever met, but that was exactly what attracted him to her. She might have been the master of secret weapons and one femme no mech should ever trust, but she was right; she worshiped the dirt he walked on and she wouldn't try her tricks on him…at least the deadly ones.
"You've always known how to bring a mech onto his knees, in more than one way." he said before dipping his head downwards and pressing his lips against hers. She returned the kiss eagerly, wrapping her other arm around his neck, and placed the other on his chest.
Their kisses became more heated as they brushed their arms around each other's bodies. Megatron brought his mouth to her neck, kissing and nibbling it. The femme's passionate moans were driving him crazy, and he felt a familiar twitch in his interface panel.
"Why don't you show me how much you care for me…Visera." he whispered as he picked her up his arms and carried her to his berth.
...To Be Continued...
EvilBunny91: I hope everyone enjoyed this chapter. And as you probably noticed, I introduced my new OC, Visera, who seems to have something going on with Megsy. I hope you like her. Please tell me how felt about it, and I'm open for suggestions and ideas. So please, R&R!