Chapter 1

Subtle Hints

A loud thunderous boom rung through out the base as the shift change started. Mechs and femmes roamed through the hallways getting to their respective personnel areas. Hearing some footsteps from out side his room, Jazz sighed. He stared at the ceiling and grabbed some nearby energon. It had been 3 weeks since he had awakened from his stasis lock in the med bay.


A soft blue light skittered over the dark room. Groaning, Jazz took the time to give himself a self scan before investigating where he was. The first thing he saw were the pointed tools laying in an unorganized group next to the berth he was on. They only partly shined as his visor's light hit them. They had on the residue of dried energon. Jazz felt a small shiver go through his body from top to bottom. They looked so lethal in the dark, laying in a clattered clump. A spurred thought came to life.

"They must have forced the Hatchet to go into recharge. He'll probably be complaining about them tomorrow about how they could rust." He felt better speaking to himself.

The room was empty and darkness engulfed most of the room. Thinking to himself for the time being, Jazz wondered how he had gotten into the med bay in the first place. Relaying the last of his memories he replayed the decisive battle of Mission City. Everywhere there was noise. The buildings had collapsed and the glass in the city sparkled in the sunlight as they crunched and shattered apart from one another. What eh remembered most was the surging malicious voice that had befallen him and made him spur his supposed last final words.

: "You wanna piece o'me?!" :

: "No, I want two!" :

His spark buckled against its casing as he refelt his wires pull themselves apart and the fiery pain of feeling himself disconnect from his torso and the rest of the world. Had they won the battle? How did the others fair? The memory seemed as fresh to him as a new shipment of high grade.

A single static fuzz found its way around his spark. It was confused; concerned in a way. As it became stronger Jazz recognized it.

"Oh, Prowl……wait, Prowl?!"

His spark flung itself at Prowl's presence, constricting it self around it. He felt Prowl's emotions stutter through their bond. First there was surprise, then doubt, and finally utter happiness. Jazz knew it wouldn't take long for Prowl to come find him. The emotions he felt from their bond were disturbingly strong and he figured that if something had happened to him to make Prowl feel that way, Prowl himself would tell him the details. He waited impatiently until he heard a soft whoosh come from the door. The dim lights from his visor lighted up Prowl's face as he entered slowly.

"Jazz?" Prowl said softly waiting hopefully for a reply.

"Hi Prowler." Jazz replied. A smile slowly making its way on is face plates.

Prowl moved quickly over to Jazz's berth and embraced him. When he entered, his facial features were hard and straight and his lips held a thin line between smiling and grimacing. But now they weren't as stiff and his faceplates softened up as he held his lover. But just as quick as his faceplates changed, he sent an electrical surge through Jazz.

"Ow! What the frag was that Prowl?!"

"What the slag were you thinking?! Going against Megatron alone! I could have lost you Jazz!"

Prowl's door wings flittered as his mixed emotions went through him. Jazz didn't say anything back, but Prowl felt the sadness and the regret vibrate through their bond. Prowl then filled their bind with his love and he felt Jazz's pain slowly leave.

Jazz gave a happy purr as he was held by Prowl. It had been such a long time since he had felt this peaceful in his beloved's arms. Gently moving himself higher, Jazz nipped Prowl's neck wiring and smirked, waiting for him to respond. Prowl's door wings twitched and raised themselves higher. Jazz could feel the flirtatious smile rise on Prowl's faceplates as he answered his need. He was really lucky tonight. Flirting wasn't usually in Prowl's nature.

"I always wondered how I ended up with such a tenacious glitch like you Jazz."

"It takes one to know one Prowler."

Jazz moaned as he felt Prowl's digits slide down his spinal chord.

"Someone needs to be sent to the brig for bad behavior."

"Chain me to the wall Prowlie…"

"I'll do more then that Jazz."

Prowl gave Jazz a playful kiss as his hands rubbed against Jazz's thighs.

"I'll give you a one way ride to the Matrix and back."

Making his hand grab an invisible string, he pulled his arm up and down and blurted 'choo choo'!

"I'll ride with you all night long."

Prowl chuckled as he laid Jazz back on the berth and followed on pursuit.


The next morning the base was awake and filled with excitement since he had awoken from his stasis lock. He had learned that they had won the battle and that he had been in stasis for an amazing 3 years. After getting a few scans from Ratchet he thanked Primus that he had awakened and he thanked him for the fact that the Hatchet hadn't found out about the night before.

Now here he was stuck in his quarters 3 weeks later while everyone else did their work. Another loud boom echoed through the base. Jazz didn't like the thunder from outside, but he loved the sound of the rain. He had been in these temporary quarters for a week since the bottom floors of the base underground needed to go through some technical maintenance checks. Now he was on the top floor where the room had a single window. Jazz felt warm as he watched the rain stream down the pane. The dreariness outside made him feel drowsy. Grabbing some more energon, he laid back down on the berth he and Prowl shared and guzzled it down. He started to head for another one.

He had been taking a lot of energon lately. He couldn't explain why, but it seemed that he was always low on energy no matter how much he drank. He figured that his systems were still getting used to be out of stasis and being fixed from Mission City. He had seen some severe cases where mechs needed vast amounts of energon to survive. Perhaps his was more subtle?