
A/N: Well, here we have it! All done. I thank every single one of you who read, reviewed, followed and liked this story from the start. You are all amazing! Thank you for reading!

Please enjoy!

~ Chapter 10 ~

~ Epilogue ~

"Heimdall! Heimdall, open the Bifrost! Heimdall! Do you not hear me?"

The ancient gatekeeper kept his eyes forth, not reacting. Thor Odinsson has just finished the fight for the good of Midgard against a dangerous foe, someone called Ultron, that with losses and heartbreak, but also with joys and new beginnings for humans and super humans alike.

Taking his time to be with the love of his life, Thor spent some weeks in the woman's presence. Although, the need to share his victory as well as check on his home brought Thor Odinsson on the Bifrost site, asking for his travel back home.

But there was a sad twist to Heimdall's mouth, the only flicker of emotion on the entirely emotionless face. His eyes wearily found his king, standing on the balcony of the great throne room, gazing at Asgard's awestruck beauty.

The new king has just finished the negotiations with the Light Elves, his tongue guaranteed the best course (comparing to the last thousand years) in the two-realms cooperation and trade, making Asgard a new friend in both military help as well as economical partner for the coming century to come.

(Odin's try at destroying any ties were softly dismissed by the new King Loki in the pleasant conversation with his royal guests as no more than the silly ideas of an old man who lost too much and couldn't deal with it).

Now Alfheim was to be an ally in any trouble Asgard could find herself in, any stirring.

It was like a check in the diary. Alfheim done.

Jotunheim to go.

The gatekeeper watched Loki Laufeyson furrow his brow and crane his neck, as if listening to Gungnir that neatly stood beside his newest (but not unfamiliar) master, a great weapon in a proud hand. Knowing that Loki hid himself from his sight, Heimdall narrowed his eyes and watched from afar - his golden eyes still able to see the tiniest details even from such a great distance as the end of Bifrost all the way to the King's Palace. Dismissing Chief Guard Belioffson and all his Einherjar so they would leave their King alone, Loki stepped to the balcony and watched the horizon.

Loki's mouth twitched in a little smile, apparently hearing Thor shout to be brought home. The guardian saw Loki shake his head in wonder, humming, green eyes sparkling in the sunset light.

"Hmm... What to do, what to do?"

Sighing, knowing that he'd just have to wait for the order - be it the permission for the Heir of Asgard to be brought back home after the great battle on Midgard or the refusal which meant no passage in the possible future and a slow tasteless life on mortal earth - you could neither avoid nor go against, not anymore with eternal shackle on thy wrist, left Heimdall wait obediently.

Because there was left one simple truth.


Everything was in the Trickster's hands now.



"... Ehehehe..."


~ The End ~