![]() Author has written 23 stories for Transformers/Beast Wars. Nothing is forgotten, nothing is given up - but don't expect anything to be updated before September. I just have Very Important IRL Things so writing must take a backseat. As always, my AO3 page refreshes first archiveofourown . org / users / Kit_SummerIsle Fragging ffnet eats links again so its Kit_SummerIsle on AO3 http:///users/Kit_SummerIsle/works Kit
After I met Transformers with an accidentally downloaded movie novellization, which I immediately pronounced as utter nonsense and a particularly awful story/style/characterisation/quality to boot. Then I checked out whether other TF books are as bad as this one and found them just so. Anyone knows why Hasbro/Takara/other copyright holder is letting such awful novels to be published? Because half of the fandom is better than those I swear, and some pronouncedly so (like Eugenesis for example). That's why I started to write fics btw, because - me shrugs - if Hasbro (and the others) don't care about the abysmal quality of their official publications, then they don't deserve to be respected and fans should write whatever they feel like. It also explains that I am most familiar with the movieverse/Bayverse, which I consider ridiculous and bad character-wise; I got to know G1 verse, which is a bit simplistic and also illogical but less so and far more enjoyable than Bayverse; and I don't really know the first thing about IDW, Beast wars, Armada and Animated, other than that the characters in those are even more ridiculous-looking than in Bayverse. So, mostly I remain in G-1 or Bayverse based AU-s or purely AU-s like the Greekverse or Falcon!Seekers verse with my stories. -o-o-o- I love writing about Seekers - all of them but mainly the Elite Trine, and I also like to experiment with new, rare pairings and new ideas (many from the Lj kinkmeme). I write the Optimus/Megatron pairing often too, but always with a twist in it. I dabbled with the twins sometimes but not with the best results. I rarely write OC-s and those are usually just minor characters. The only exception from this is Sweet Child, where I tried to keep the OC main character believable and realistic. Lately I discovered Drift and like to write him too. There are no characters/pairings that I actually hate. Even those that I don't like or ship, I can read a good fic about and enjoy it. Most of my fics contain slash, so if that's not your cup of tea, then I'm not your author. Only a few of them are rated as T. I keep the most serious fics (rated M(ature) or E(xplicit)) on my AO3 page only and those here are generally safe to read. IMHO. -o-o-o- Works: Falcon!Seeker G1 verse: - Taming of a Seeker (complete, prequel to Fly high) - Training of a Seeker (complete, tie-in for Fly high) - Fly high (Seekers in a new light... main fic, in progress) G1 verse (more or less AU-s, unconnected fics): - Seekers (What is a Seeker? And... Bumblebee? WTF? My main fic, complete now) - Comeuppance (oneshot, complete) - Sweet Child o' Mine (A sparkling can make all the difference in a war. in progress) - Origins (origin stories, complete) - 2 in 1 (war aftermath story with several twists - complete now) - Loss (war ending story - in progress) - Prime Nights (very kinky series from kinkmeme, on AO3 only: http:///series/69616 ) - Age of Extinction (dark but nothing explicit: http:///works/2393615 ) - Why me, Primus? (mpreg fic with Seekers: http:///works/1138333/chapters/2302139 ) - Observations (dark but nothing explicit again, complete: http:///works/1995594/chapters/4323267 ) - Karma is a bitch (a Cracka side-story, in progress: http:///works/1129084/chapters/2277404 ) - It Happened (A mistake that just... happened. complete: on AO3 only: http:///works/510537/chapters/899452 ) - Long Way (kinky, darkish story on AO3 only: http:///works/615444 ) - Never Again (Megatron/Starscream oneshot, on AO3 only: http:///works/688208 - Weak (Megatron, oneshot, on AO3 only: http:///works/781850 - Who Won? (Seekers and domination on AO3 only: http:///works/738047 ) - Vos and Iacon (prequel stories for Who Won?, on AO3 only: http:///series/52251 ) - Swansong (Starscream's story, complete now. Here and on AO3: http:///works/582649 ) - Advent Calendar ficlets (primescream comm, on AO3 only: http:///series/64516 ) - And Then Nothing (Skywarp survives his Trine - complete) - Legacy (A sparkling's tale - WIP) - A White Lie (Thundercracker/Ironhide. Bad sex. on AO3 only: http:///works/938377 ) - Invasion (competition piece, oneshot, complete) - Alive (complete, sequel to Shadows on the Sun) - Shadows on the Sun (complete) - Decepticon (The name is no joke. standalone, complete) Shattered Glass verse: - Day and Night (Skyfire & Starscream; on AO3 only: http:///works/862370) Greekverse (See more: http:///: ) - Star-crossed lovers (Optimus/Shockwave. complete) - Consort (in progress - full chapters on AO3: http:///works/504710) - Shattered Sparks (complete, Consort's AU on AO3 only: http:///works/1064298/chapters/2134734 ) Bayverse: - Third Sequence (oneshot at Bayverse interface) - Drive (another oneshot at the same interface type on AO3: http:///works/2001915 ) Multiverse (cross-dimensional stories): - SIC (Optimuses and Megatrons galore. complete) - Looks are Deceiving (Dragonformers AU. complete, later might be part of a longer story-arc) |