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![]() Author has written 35 stories for Harry Potter, Sailor Moon X-overs, Misc. Books, Sailor Moon, Labyrinth, Transformers/Beast Wars, Teen Wolf, and Hellsing. A Little About Me: My name is Shea, and I'm 22 years old. I currently attend college as a full-time student, and work a 50-hour workweek. I tend to go through obsessive fits in my fandoms. Currently, I'm obsessed with Transformers. To be more specific, I'm obsessed with Starscream. Lolz. I like to think of myself as an artist. I draw, sing, act, dance, and write. I will hardly ever read a story with the following: het, OCs, and furries. The few that I have in my Community are there because friends with similar tastes recommended them to me. I prefer to read stories with either no relationships or slash relationships. Current News: As of 11/02/10: My muses are sorta-alive again, and singing partial songs to me. I am writing again, and will be trying to have all my current stories updated. I'm also hoping to post a few new one-shots and drabbles. Umm...what else? Oh! Right. To those who've left me reviews, I'm sorry I haven't replied lately. Internet's been all funny. I'll try and get to all of them as soon as possible. Thanks much! As of 08/25/10: Sorry, but I'm not going to be on very much for the next 2-3 weeks - my harddrive blew again, and it's going to take me at least another week to get the money for a new one, plus however long the damn thing takes to get here. So, there will more than likely be a massive update whenever I get back, and I apologize in advance to anyone who leaves me messages or feedback on any of my art. I promise I'll respond when I have a reliable computer again. As of 07/19/2010, all fics that are not in some way related to the Transformers fandom are on hiatus. I'm currently going through a highly obsessive period, and I can't focus on any other fandom. For those of you waiting not-quite-patiently for the last installment of Of Serpents and Spiders, I apologize, but Megatron and Starscream keep finding their way into the story, and that's not working for me at all. Ricochet and Something Wicked This Way Comes, are also on hiatus, as the plot-bunnies that inspired those stories have disappeared. Stories and Projects I'm Working On: Sorry for how messy it is - the formatting refuses to work right now. I'll try again later. ^^ Mirror, Mirror: (G1/Shattered Glass): Starscream/Starscream [Side story to Shattered] Summary: Starscream meets his other-self for the first time. This delicately-built seeker with his wicked claws, burning optics, and brittle voice is madness incarnate, but Starscream can't help but feel drawn to him anyway. Status: In Development Origins: (G1): Unicron, Starscream, OC [Side story to Shattered] Summary: He looks upon the vast variety of life his brother has built, and feels empty. 'I must ruin this,' he thinks. 'I must ruin it, and all variations of it, in this world and the next.' Status: In Development Mine: (G1): Megatron/Starscream Summary: "It is enough," Starscream will whisper as he is dragged from his cell to be executed by cruel servos belonging to mechs with blue optics and red badges. Megatron will disagree. Status: In Development This Love, This Hate: (G1): Megatron/Starscream Summary: It was a sick cycle of love and hate, one they both wanted to be free of, but one they both refused to give up. Status: 3/5 parts uploaded, part 4 in process Seven Days Gone: (Animated): Megatron/Starscream Summary: Stuck on a planet devoid of either life or resources. Transformation cog broken, comm link unresponsive, emergency beacon shattered. All this, Megatron could handle. Being stuck on said planet in said situation with Starscream? Someone was going to die. Horribly, if Starscream had anything to say about it. Status: In Development Predator-Prey Relationships: (AU IDW): Starscream, Drift/Deadlock [Beginning 'verse] Summary: In which we learn that it is not the prey's place to question why the predator doesn't eat it. Status: Writing Medic!: (G1): Ratchet/Starscream Summary: Ratchet didn't know when in the war he had started to keep both sensors and optics on Starscream, but he could pinpoint the first time he had seen the seeker as anything other than a violent war-build. Status: Writing Paper-Thin Hymn: (Bay-verse): Undecided Decepticon/Sam Witwicky, Sector 7 Summary: I'd like to believe they'll come back for me... I can't help but feel like this is my punishment for destroying both the All Spark and Megatron... I am Samantha Anne Witwicky, and I swear to Primus I am not insane. Status: 2/3 parts uploaded, part 3 on hold Perception's Adrift: (IDW): Drift/Perceptor [Expansion of Drabble #5 in 5 Drifting Perceptions] Summary: The first time they do something other than talk, it isn't an accident so much as a silent admission of truths neither wants to speak aloud. Status: In Development Summer: (G1): Megatron/Starscream [Companion fic to Winter] Summary: Megatron was an inferno, raging far out of his control, and Starscream was helpless to do anything else but burn. Status: In Development Ricochet: (G1/IDW AU): Blurr, Starscream, Megatron [Beginning 'verse] Summary: In which we learn that Starscream has influenced more than just Megatron's life. As for Blurr, well, there's a reason he's so fast. Set after my story A Different Beginning, but can sorta stand alone. Status: On hiatus Vos: (G1/IDW AU): Starscream, OCs [Beginning 'verse] Summary: In which we learn the back-story: Millions of years before the Great Unification, Cybertron was divided between two races: the fliers and the groundlings. Status: In Development His Trine: (G1): Megatron, Starscream/Thundercracker, Skywarp [Companion fic to Trinity] Summary: The others suspect. Megatron knows. Status: In Development Links Out: http:/// This is my livejournal. I haven't updated in forever, though I hope to change that soon. http:/// My Deviant account. All my pics are on here, and it is updated consistently. http:///profiles/11045121 My gaia profile. I'm vodka_vixen, if you can't get the link to work. http:///index.cgi The Muse Bunny is a forum where writers of all kinds can meet with each other and interact. It's a lot of fun, and very helpful. Check it out if you'd like to. I'm labtrinthine on there. ^^ |