Disclaimer: YYH does not belong to me, Harry Potter does not belong to me, none of it belongs to ME! breaks down crying.

A/N: Yay! We're back inside Harry's head!

Obsessed With Death

Ch: 13. A Shadow of Reality

It hit him like a hammer, the presence of another, being linked with his mind. Demitri groaned as he collapsed to the floor, quickly he shut his eyes and followed the path that was being made by another until suddenly he found himself inside of a dark courtyard, a twisted tree crowded the center of the yard, and crumbling arches surrounded its outside perimeter.

Nestled in the branches of the tree was a glowing orb that swirled clockwise in shimmering flames. A cracking sound echoed behind Demitri startling him into turning.

Crouched into a small dark niche a nude, platinum blond, child, with enormous scaled wings was curled up and shaking.

Demitri approached the boy cautiously, "Hello?"

The boy looked up startled, "Wh . . . who are you?" stuttered the child as he shrank away even further from the light of the courtyard.

"I know you!" whispered Demitri suddenly for in fact the boy was the same one he had seen touch his master, albeit a much younger version of the creature who had dominated the youth he had fallen in love with not so long ago. "why are you here though?"

"I . . . I don't know. Wh . . . what is this place?" whimpered a slightly convulsing chibi-Draco his lips turning blue from his lack of cloths.

'WELCOME! To the True Self!" came a voice from behind the two. They both turned around to find themselves joined by a tall redheaded woman with green butterfly wings and a masquerade mask covering her face.

"wh-who are you?" questioned the chibi-sized Draco

"I am Bekka and you must be the ones I was told to wait for, but, um . . isn't there only supposed to be one of you? Ah well, Memory was pretty busy when she told me to wait here; maybe she forgot." By now the woman was rocking back and forth on her heels "Any way, welcome to the True Self, or rather the portal to it. As the destined mate to, well; us it is duty to give you the 411."

"The what?" both males asked simultaneously.

sigh"Just shut up and listen. We are part of the subconscious mind of one Harry James Potter; son of Lily Evens nee Potter and James Potter former Lord and Lady of The Most Ancient and Wise House of Morningway thru Lilys blood line though I think that they are mostly an American Branch now, and The Most Ancient and Peerless House of Potter thru James. Lily was taken into the Evens family at the age of six months and even then she was not normal, mind you this is all genetic memory, as I said subconscious, and neither of you are likely to remember much immediately after you leave here but it is important. Now Lily was the spawn of a Fallen Angel, a Grigori. And to be truthful James wasn't much better in the genetic lottery: three time, three, his supposedly pure blood line interbreed with magical and 'dark' creatures, once with a GOD of all things. Anyway with his unique blood Harry requires a mate and not just any sort of mate either but a soul mate one who is his opposite yet utterly compatible and willing to test the waters so to speak."

"So what? a rival?" asked Demitri.

"Precisely. Now then all you two have to do is touch that," she pointed to the orb, "and Harry will do the rest."

"But what if I don't want to become Potters mate?" whinned chibi-Draco.

"Weeell, that's easy enough to answer: You Die, He Dies, The WORLD DIES!! Every thing has a Destiny and Fate ties all things there are many Paths to the Future but most are hard and painful, continue acting the child in this I DARE you! This is the kinder path to choose. Love, Lust, and the Child of a God on your side! If you wish to live thru this there is a better chance of doing so with a force of true power with you."

"And what is 'this'?" growled out Demitri, for he had felt the power that had begun to radiate from the woman as she had grown more and more excited in her speech.

"The Prophecy of the Blood Age begins nigh." And then she was gone. And the Dragon and the half-Vampire were alone.

"Well I rather like the idea of being Harrys mate so I think I will leave you to your human qualms. See ya kid." Grunted Demitri and with a quick ruffle of Dracos hair he walked towards the skeleton tree and its orb. A slight panic over came Draco and he raced over to Demitris side, together they touch the True Self.

A/N: ok, after a nine hour flight a slight panic attack followed by a larger one when I could not find my bags, I finally got this finished typed up. It's not edited yet and I'm running on fumes so that'll have to wait tell tomorrow. Love ya all please review and good night.