Disclaimer: This is a work of fanfiction, meaning I only own OCs and plot - though not really, since the idea for this fic came from the Padded Cell message board. A totally random title thread, to be precise. I changed the title and part of the crew, but the main idea remained.

A/N: The time indicators are important for the story, and I really hope I won't mess it up. 'Mondern' is a month, made up just for convenience. (Because I don't like to write 'day 1', 'day 2', and so on).



Is it hell or paradise?

A Wheeljack-made space-bridge sent a group of Autobots to a world that is... flourishing under Decepticon rule? That can't be right... right?





The reason why a small, mismatched group of Autobots was out in the woods in the mid June of 2001 was that, after long years of trying, Mirage finally managed to sneak past Shockwave's defenses, hack into his computer and provide Autobots with the schematics of Decepticons' most precious technological advantage.

And so a small, prototype space-bridge was assembled under careful hands and optics of Wheeljack and Perceptor. Grapple was there as an additional pair of skilled hands, and Hoist tagged along to keep him company, as well as to act as paramedic in case of any... unpredictabilities (no offence, Wheeljack, no one implies anything will blow up!). Skyfire, as per usual, served as a transport. Hound, who knew the whole terrain by heart was their 'guide to secluded places', and Beachcomber, with his super-sensitive, wide-range, multitasking sensors was there to choose the best location of those that Hound proposed. Sideswipe, Sunstreaker and Pipes officially went as bodyguards - unofficially they were on a punishment detail after last round of the ongoing 'Lamborghinis vs. Minis' prank war. And Mirage came with simply because he was curios of his efforts outcome.

And the outcome was... curious. It involved complicated equations that perhaps Perceptor would be able to grasp, but for the benefit of beings not accustomed with six-dimentional geometry and four-level warp physics (most of the universe, really), we shall simplify the process.

The Decepticons were shipping a batch of energon to Shockwave's tower.
Wheeljack was trying to send a radio-transmitter to Elita's hideout.
The two created wormholes were, in the scale of cosmic phenomena, ridiculously close to each other. Wheeljack's wormhole, being more of a wormholing than a serious transgalactic transport route, collapsed into its bigger sister. The backlash caused Wheeljack's space bridge to-- no, NOT explode. Merely to malfunction, and suck in all present Autobots, along with some shrubbery.

In the Decepticon tower Shockwave turned a surprised and angry glare at the enemy strike unit. With the reflexes of an old soldier he transformed and, ready to fire, looked through his sights to see a pile of energon and five very surprised Combaticons.
"What are you doing, slagger?" Brawl growled, shifting into a battle stance.
"I didn't touch a cube!" Swindle whined, hiding behind Onslaught and hastily but discreetly emptying his subspace pockets of everything that shouldn't be there.

Shockewave checked the scanner readings to make sure that those were indeed Combaticons, and not Autobots under a hologram, and slowly uncoiled into a root mode.
"Enhanced security measures," he said in monotone. He had a reputation to upkeep. Hallucinating a bunch of invading Autobots wouldn't go well with his image.

"Commendable," Onslaught drawled, and stepped out of the space bridge ring. "especially in the current situation." He smirked, knowing perfectly well that Shockwave wouldn't be happy with the next bit of news. "Megatron sends orders to prepare Cybertron for his arrival. The Decepticons are pulling out from Earth."
Shockwave groaned inwardly.

Let us leave the self-proclaimed guardian of Cybertron to his worries, and go back to the Autobots. They had a split second to notice the surprised and angry glare Shockwave sent their way, before a rightful passengers of the space bridge arrived. The pressure caused by a mass attempting to exit a wormhole into already occupied space caused the Autobots to be effectively booted out of there, back into the mid-dimensional void. They might have ended up as another piece of debris lost beyond space and time, but, luckily for them, there was another functional spacebridge close by - just a reality away.