![]() Author has written 54 stories for Naruto, Ninja Turtles, Sonic the Hedgehog, Transformers/Beast Wars, Transformers, and Wonder Woman. Avatar created by pl2363. I started out as a avid reader of a variety of fandoms, and in September 2007, I decided to try my hand at a bit of writing. My pieces may not always be to everyone's taste, but I do try my best. I am available through PM if you want to chat about anything I write. Just so you know, my offerings tend to be a little dark or depressing. For some reason, no matter how hard I try, I just have a problem writing an upbeat fic. Doesn't mean I will stop trying. Perhaps one day I will write a nice light-hearted piece. I can but hope (Edit October 25, 2010: Seems like I finally managed to come very close to that goal. Amazing what changing fandoms will do) For the most part, I try to work from a character's personality. This is for those who may not like those types of stories. I do take suggestions for fics, but draw the line at bashing for bashing's sake writing, so you will never see that type of fic here. Humor and romance fics are definitely out of my league, so please bear that in mind should you offer an idea for me. I ask only one thing in regard to my stories, that if there is something you find wrong or just plain awful about something in any of them, let me know so I can work on it or maybe even delete the story if it is beyond saving. I know I'm not the best author out there, and will take advice on how to improve anything I write. Constructive criticism is something I would find very helpful for any future endeavors. Flames will be given the attention they deserve. If they contain criticism that is constructive, I will overlook a great deal. All others will be ignored should they give no viable reason for dislike. Just wanted to inform any who need the help that I am now a beta reader, and am willing to assist those who ask. Just check out my beta profile and let me know if interested. Other sites found at: Archive of Our Own (http:///users/Skywinder): Most of what I have here can also be found at this site (29 stories as of today). There will be those that won't be transferred, mostly for personal reasons. This site will also be used when I have written stories that I would prefer to post only there, or for unedited chapters of ongoing stories that may give me trouble here. Collaboration piece with ExactlyWhat and other authors: Warm Fuzzies - found at Ao3 (http:///works/769337/chapters/1443401) and here at FFnet under ExactlyWhat's profile (http://www.fanfiction.ws/u/3064876/) Individual Stories: Missing Piece (http:///works/890098) - Only at Ao3. Tags should be heeded. Last Visit (http:///works/2086275) - Only at Ao3. Tags should be heeded. Prequel to Missing Piece. Taking the Plunge (http:///works/2201898) - Only at Ao3. Please heed the tags. Side-story for Missing Piece. Armistice (http:///works/2583077) - Only at Ao3. Please heed the tags. Side-story for Missing Piece. News from Vos - (http:///works/2593655) - Only at Ao3. Please heed the tags. Side-story for Missing Piece. Breaking the News (http:///works/2614037) - Only at Ao3. Please heed the tags. Side-story for Missing Piece. Follow-up to Armistice. Silent Night (http:///works/2813465) - Only at Ao3. Post- Missing Piece story. Pay attention to tags. Spark of My Spark (http:///works/3329219/chapters/7278548) - Only at Ao3. State strongly that warnings now or in future not be ignored. Spark of My Spark: Homecoming (http:///works/3834778) - Only at Ao3. Check tags before reading. Beneath the Stars Above (http:///works/4180122) - Only at Ao3. Check tags before reading. Spark of My Spark: Dark Night- Only at Ao3. No real warnings for this one, but do suggest tags are read. Nameless - Only at Ao3. Check tags before reading. Ghosts - Only at Ao3. Check tags before reading. Reunions - Only at Ao3. Post-Missing Piece story. Check tags before reading. Spark of my Spark: Confrontation - Only at Ao3. No real warnings for this one, but do suggest tags are read. Others, but too lazy to add them right now. Transformers Lexicon (http:///viewuser.php?uid=1413): Am known as Skywinder there as well. A handful of my personal favorite TF stories are at the site. June 10, 2019: Well, been quite a while since I typed something here, hasn't it? Anyway, I just wanted to make the announcement that my very long project known as Pariah has finally had its next to last chapter finished up, and it will be posted tomorrow. Pariah Outtakes has also been updated, and this one is the very last time. May all of you who read and follow enjoy. August 5, 2017: Almost a year since I last updated this. I really need to do a better job. Anyway, still writing for Transformers, though as of this past July I have also done some dabbling in another fandom, as can be seen by the addition to the list of fandoms at the top of the page. Nothing else new to say, really. (August 6 Edit: Added another story to new fandom, and will be returning to TF after this) August 22, 2016: I seem to have neglected this profile for quite a while, haven't I? Well, let me change that here. As of last month, I have decided to mark Warm Fuzzies 2 as Complete for now, due to lack of having new stuff to add to it. Should that change in the future, I will pick that up again. Also, have decided to post a story that I recently did for a Gift Exchange at another site here. Kind of a little departure from my norm of writing Starscream. However, I am quite proud of this story and wish to share it here with you all. January 10, 2016: Happy New Year, guys! Plans for this year are mainly just for Pariah. I promise I will get it out as I can. Hopefully a chapter will appear by month's end. But I do have one other project that I'll be working on, and that will be Warm Fuzzies 2, an adopted continuation of Warm Fuzzies by ExactlyWhat and picking up where it left off. That one will be a fun fic and added to as time and submissions allow. However, I have decided to discontinue Pariah: Outtakes for the time being, or at least mark it as Complete for now, as I don't really have enough in the way of discards to add to the pile. Pariah: The Time Between, I will make an effort to add to next month. October 9, 2015: Chapter 19 of Pariah is as done as I can make it, and will be out in the next few days. I will also be working on a challenge story as well, likely a one-shot with a goal post date of October 31. June 24, 2015: Have completed Pariah's 18th chapter as promised (posted in April) and have released the first installment of Pariah: The Time Between as of mid-May. Next installment will be released as soon as find the chance to sit down and write. A new job and work schedule have made it difficult to find the time to do this, but I am trying. Other Ao3 only stories have been posted during the last few months as well. Just make sure to check the tags in case they're something you're not interested in reading. While I'm still interested in trying out a different fandom, I'm putting those on the back burner for a while. March 8, 2015: Concern's 2nd chapter is up. Enough said. Will be working on Pariah next. February 24, 2015: Pulled out Concern and am trying to work on that again. Hopefully, the 2nd part of it should be out sometime next month. Also going to be working on the beginning of my one-shot series for Pariah during that time frame, along with chapter 18. It will be called Pariah: The Time Between. Have also posted 2 more Ao3 stories in the last couple months if anyone has an interest. But the tags are there for a reason, so I'd strongly advise checking out my profile first and look at those tags before you read, instead of just jumping in in case they are not to your liking. December 13, 2014: Chapter 17 of Pariah is now up. Chapter 5 of Pariah Outtakes will follow in a few days. Where Pariah is concerned, I am hereby letting those who follow know that I am going to be moving into the final phase of my story as of the next chapter. I am also considering whether I shall continue to post here after Concern is completed. However, I will not be deleting any stories from my profile should I decide to go that route. We will see what happens. |
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