Author has written 6 stories for Transformers. Hi. ...I don't really have anything to write in here. I enjoy both reading and writing, and joined only because a plot bunny has been nibbling at my brain for weeks and I had to get it out. Did I say plot bunny? I meant plot bunnies. I'm more of a reading person, but yeah. Likes/ Interests: Food (and still I'm underweight... sigh), reading, writing, being 67.32643 percent crazy abut 30 percent of the time, slash (het, too, but not so much that it merits being in here xP) Dislikes/ Hates: Annoying people that thnk they are wayy better than everybody else, homophobic people (Not all of 'em, I have friends like that. It's just sad that there're still such close-minded people in the world), any form of work. Fiction I enjoy: Transformers, Halo... I forget everything else =D Oh yeah, I update quick unless I have writer's block, or lose interest. But I doubt anyone cares anyway, since my writing is terrible x_X |