
Summary: Mikaela had always known. Sam/Bee, very slight Mikaela/Sam, RotF spoilers, minor changes. Oneshot.


She had always known, really.

The first time, when Sam was trying to convince her to get into the car- His eyes had shown more excitement about the car than about her.

When Bumblebee had been captured by the S-7 agents, Sam had fought for him, screaming. She'd seen the despair in his eyes.

When Sam refused to give the Allspark to Megatron, it had been more for Bumblebee than for anything else, she knew.

The look in his eyes when Bumblebee's voice processor had been fixed was one of love and happiness for his friend. The look he had given her when her father was relief was one of pride, the look one would give to their best friend while saying, "Look what I managed to do for you!" But that look hadn't held the love it had when Sam looked at Bumblebee.

When Bumblebee's voice processor broke down yet again, Sam spent the entire day and night in the car with his friend, refusing to eat. Bumblebee eventually had to toss him out so he wouldn't starve to death.

When someone from school tried to hotwire Bumblebee and steal him, Mikaela had never seen that look of fury in Sam's eyes; fury and possesiveness that he didn't hold for her.

When his father first learned about Bumblebee, he had tried to get Sam to sell him. He was met with an intense glare that Ron never wanted to see again, as well as a threat that should he ever mention such a thing again, he would leave the house.

When Bumblebee drove off on his own after spotting a certain police car, and Sam thought he'd gone, she had to console him as poured his heart out and almost cried. Sam had never shed tears for her.

The words he couldn't say to her had slipped out easily when talking to Bumblebee, a simple "I love you."

When Bumblebee had been protecting them from the Decepticons, Sam had eyes only for him. Mikaela could see the worry in his eyes, worry for Bumblebee that overcame the worry he felt for his parents and herself.

And there was Bumblebee.

Bumblebee had protected them, but when she looked in his eyes she saw that most of his concern was for Sam.

When Bumblebee first introdued himself, his eyes had been for Sam.

When Bumblebee's legs had been torn off, he had wanted to go on. Not for his race, she saw, or for the humans, but for Sam.

When Bumblebee had seen Barricade, his only thought as to protect Sam as he chased the 'Con.

When Trent had picked on Sam again, Mikaela noticed the car was trembling, ever so slightly, as though in anger.

When Sam told Bumblebee he couldn't follow him to college, Bumblebee had sulked. But underneath his pouting, Mikaela saw real sadness.

What kept Bumblebee fighting was not because he was afraid the Earth would be destroyed- It had been because he was afraid for Sam.

When Sam fell in the fight and 'died', Mikaela had cried and desperately tried to get to him, save him somehow although it was impossible. Bumblebee, she had seen in the corner of her eye. His optics screamed No! as he fell to his knees, the fight leaving him. Mikaela still had strength. Bumblebee's strength in that battle came from Sam.

When Mikaela had, desperately, whispered "I love you" to Sam, she had seen Bumblebee's eyes screaming the same, only so much stronger, so much louder, that it had called Sam back to life. She knew it had been him, not her, that had brought Sam back.

When Sam broke up with her, she had only smiled in sad understanding.

When she saw Bumblebee and Sam look at each other after confessing, she decided that she wasn't sad. There was true happiness in their eyes, and looking at that all she could do was be happy for them.

A/N: The movie was amazing. So amazing that I can't think of anything else to say. xD