Reviews for As Deep as the Sky
Ghost Wulf chapter 3 . 10/1/2018
I really like your drabbles, and this one hit me particularly hard. Love the characterization of both Yugi and Anzu! Great job! :)
Aqua Burst 7 chapter 7 . 8/5/2014
I like how you wrote this one, it was very powerful. Your take on this seems realistic. I found the interaction between Joey and his dad at the end.
white pedal chapter 8 . 4/29/2013
That's a good chapter, and if its any consolation I named him Akefia to.
white pedal chapter 7 . 4/29/2013
I always knew his mother was just as guilty as his father was in the divorce. Though I made Mrs Wheeler amoral in my fic, and it disgusts me that she would have an affair with another man and blame her husband and get angry at him.

Her name in Japanese really suits her, she is a failure as a wife to Hebereke and a mother to Joey and Serenity. Even though Mr Wheeler is not so innocent either she is worse.
Arien Elensar chapter 1 . 12/3/2012
I like to come back once and while and re-read some of these. That's What Loves About really stood out to me this time, and Wide Awake was just heartbreaking.
Thank you Scribbler for writing such insightful works. You are very talented, and I am appreciative and envious all at once. :)
Starfire201 chapter 63 . 8/14/2012
Ouch. Poor Valon.
SamCyberCat chapter 63 . 8/8/2012
Oh my... This is just heartbreaking. ;_; I knw it's shallow, but I feel so sorry for Valon that in one of the few fics where it's established that he gets the girl she doesn't even remember him. xD
DragonDancer5150 chapter 63 . 8/7/2012
Kinakao chapter 37 . 2/6/2012
I know it probably doesn't matter much to you, but Marilyn Monroe's name is spelled with an 'i' not a 'y' in the middle. Just, letting you know!
Kinakao chapter 26 . 2/6/2012
This totally should have happened! xD Lol.
astrovagant chapter 18 . 2/2/2012
I love you right now.
SamCyberCat chapter 62 . 1/31/2012
This chapter was very, very sweet. I've always had a soft spot for Vivian/Mai, so it's nice to see them being so well-written here. What I like the most is how you deal with Mai's character - you never ignore the depression and you write it in a way that's human enough for the reader to relate to.
Kinakao chapter 19 . 1/30/2012
Lol, this chapter was so cute! It's so perfect too! Plus, I love this song so much.
Kinakao chapter 13 . 1/30/2012
I had to say this on this chapter...A five year old Malik seems like the most adorable thing ever.
Shizuku Tsukishima749 chapter 62 . 1/30/2012
lol. This is so cute! *U* Rock on! Not sure who Vivin is, but I really like her and how she handles Mai! Poor Mai! T.T Rock on! *U*
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