Happy Halloween! I thought I'd give you all a little treat tonight, so here's the next chapter to the story!

I didn't really plan it, but in a way this chapter kind of fits with the spirit of Halloween. It's not scary, but it's definitely supernatural. Things may turn into horror, though, when people get to the end of it and want to kill me...eheheheh...

I have to admit, this chapter didn't exactly turn out how I planned when I first started writing it. But I still like how it is, so I didn't change too much of it. Hopefully you all think it's okay too.

Anyway, that's enough out of me. I leave you all to read, and I return to watching cheesy Halloween movies on television. Enjoy, and Happy Halloween (again)!

His head was pounding as he found himself slowly drifting back into consciousness. The feeling that spread throughout his body bordered on the line of numb nothingness and sharp pain. A heavy weight rested on his chest, and he found that he didn't want to move…but knew he had to.

Slowly Chiro opened his eyes, watching as his surroundings blurred and refocused. Blinking rapidly, he found himself staring up into gray emptiness, streamed with white light and black shadows floating above him. Glancing around, he noticed that the area was not much different; grayness infinitely stretched on, interrupted only by the pieces of white and black. As he carefully got to his feet, a strange feeling surrounded him, nearly suffocating him. Yet somehow, he was aware that in this place, he did not need to breathe.

"Where am I?" he wondered, his whispered question echoing in the hollow space.

"In a place where we can talk, uninterrupted…"

Chiro stiffened as the familiar voice reached his ears. A mix of anger and relief flooded through him, and he wasn't sure how he should react to the other being there as well. Forcing himself to calm down, he slowly turned around.

The lights and shadows continued to flicker around him, forcing him to squint through the grayness. At first he saw nothing except the outstretching background. But soon he spotted movement slowly approaching him, and he could just make out the outline of a robotic monkey. As the other drew closer, however, Chiro's eyes widened when he realized that he was looking into golden-green orbs, sharply standing out against the black fur.

"Antauri?" the boy asked, his voice hoarse with disbelief.

"Yes, Chiro," the black monkey replied softly, standing just a few feet from him. "It is I."

Chiro just couldn't help but stare at the other. "You're…your body…You…how…?" he stammered.

Holding up a cybernetic arm, Antauri motioned to the gray stillness around them. "Here, in this place, an essence takes on the form that depends on how others first encountered them. This," he continued, placing a hand to his own chest, "is how you first met me, and so this is the way you see me now."

Chiro scratched the back of his head. "Oookay…That makes sense, I guess…" He looked around again. "But what exactly is this place, anyway?"

"This place is known as the Realm In Between."

The boy looked at Antauri curiously. "The Realm In Between?" he repeated. "Between what?"

Tilting his head upward, the black monkey said, "There are three different regions that encompass this existence: The Physical Plane, where a soul lives in a physical body; the Spirit World, where a soul passes on after death of the physical; and here, the Realm in Between. Rarely do beings ever visit this Realm, which is why not many people know of its reality."

Chiro nodded slightly. It was the first time he ever heard of such a place. "So what's this Realm used for anyway?"

"It depends on what level of the Realm you are on."

The teen looked at him. "Level? What level?"

Antauri held up his hands. "Just as the Physical Plane holds many different worlds, and the Spirit World has different heights for the souls who pass on, the Realm In Between holds different levels suited for different purposes. There is the Lower Realm, where lost souls and those not ready to move on remain, for it is closest to the Physical Plane. From there, the lost ones can be seen, and sometimes interact with those in the Physical Plane, but they are never truly part of it. That is where the idea of ghosts and their haunting came from.

"There is also the Higher Realm, where souls go and wait to pass on into the Spirit World. Often, souls pass through the Higher Realm without ever realizing they were there, but occasionally some souls will remain because they are unable to pass on."

"How come?" Chiro wondered.

The black monkey hesitated for a moment, placing a hand to his chest. "Sometimes…" he said slowly, "things happen. Things that no one ever predicted will take place, and a soul is left…incomplete."


"Yes. And incomplete souls cannot enter the Spirit World. So they remain in the Higher Realm and wait to be whole again. Either the portion of their soul missing goes to join them in the Higher Realm, or they leave to join their soul wherever it waits for them, most often the Physical Plane."

Chiro glanced around again, taking in the grayness and watching the light mingle with shadows. "But we're not in either one of those levels, are we?"

Antauri shook his head. "No. We are in the Center Realm, where two souls can meet each other for whatever purpose they need to fill. However, to reach the Center Realm is difficult, much more than it is to reach the other Realms. Only souls with a suitable bond can find this place."

"Suitable bond…" Chiro repeated thoughtfully, placing a hand to his own chest. So there was a reason that the two of them were there in that place. A reason that only the two of them could get there. Turning to the other, he asked, "You mean like the Power Primate?"

Antauri hesitated again, turning towards the teen. "No…" he said softly, "and yes…"

A wave of anger passed through Chiro as he sighed loudly. "Why can't you ever just give me a straight answer?" he wondered.

"We will have to talk about this another time," the black monkey said. "Right now, Chiro, there is something important we must discuss."

The teen folded his arms across his chest. "We really don't have anything to discuss, Antauri."

"No, Chiro. We really do."

He turned away from the black monkey. "Well, maybe I just don't want to talk to you."

Antauri sighed. "Chiro, you're acting unreasonable."

"Oh, really?" Chiro snapped, turning back to look at the other. "I'm the unreasonable one, huh? I'm always the unreasonable one! Fine then. You're right, I'm wrong, just like always. Happy now?!"

"Chiro," Antauri said sternly, "you must stop acting this way…"

"Why should I?!" the teen retorted, throwing down a hand. "Why should I do what you say?! Maybe this is just the way I am!"

"No!" Antauri said, catching the other's arm. "This is not you, Chiro!"

Chiro wrenched his arm away from the simian. "There you go again! You always think you know me better than I know myself! Well, you don't! You know nothing about me! You don't know who I really am!"

The black monkey's eyes narrowed, but his concern was clear underneath his stern gaze. "I may not know everything about you, Chiro," he said softly, "but I do know you well enough to know that this is not like you. Ever since we arrived on Verdane, you've been behaving in ways you never have before. Disregarding your responsibilities, ignoring the people who are concerned for you…forgetting about your home, and abandoning someone you really care about when she's waiting for you, all for a girl you hardly know! Is that the real you, Chiro? Is that the way you truly are?"

Chiro clenched his fists and shut his eyes. He felt something pounding deep within him, and part of him knew that Antauri was right…but the rest of him just couldn't admit it. "You're blowing this way out of proportion," he stated, opening his eyes again to look at the primate. "Kalli didn't do anything to me."

Antauri folded his arms across his chest. "At this point, I never said she did," he replied.

Chiro winced when he realized that the other was right. Until now, Antauri hadn't accused the sorceress of anything…yet. "You were thinking it, though," he countered. "You never liked Kalli anyway, so you'd probably blame her for everything."

"You're right," Antauri said, "because she's to blame."

"Why?" Chiro demanded. "Why is this her fault?"

"Because of what she's done to you, Chiro."

The teen growled and threw his hands up. "What has she done to me?! What has she done besides like me, and show me the truth about you?!"

"She's provided you with nothing but lies," Antauri said. "She's manipulated you to get what she wants. She only cares about herself, and she will do anything to have her way. It doesn't matter who gets hurt as long as she benefits in the end. Don't you see? She's only been using you all this time!"

Chiro covered his ears. "NO! You're lying! I don't believe you!"

"If you won't believe me," the simian continued, his voice clearer than ever, "then look down at yourself and see the damage she's done."

Looking at the black monkey curiously, the teen then looked down at his body. As he did, his eyes widened. Though he could make out the shape of his body, he was completely covered by a thick black shadow that extended down to the gray ground. The only part of him that seemed visible was a small shard of light in his chest, but even that was dulled by the darkness over him.

He lifted his hands and looked at them, watching as the shadow seemed to flow and move. "What…what is this?" he murmured.

"That is Kalli's influence over you," Antauri replied. "She needed to change you in order to suit her purposes, and every time she tampered with your energy, the darkness took over your soul. It was only a matter of time before it entirely consumed you, and you would become one of the lost ones trapped in the Lower Realm."

Lowering his hands, Chiro looked at the black monkey. "You don't know that Kalli is behind this," he said, though he lacked the defensive confidence he had only moments ago.

Still, Antauri stiffened as he watched the shadow grow, spreading over the teen's neck and slowly covering the teen's head. "Chiro, you must listen to me," the simian implored. "There isn't much time. We have to stop Kalli before it's too late."

The shadow continued to crawl up the teen's face, and sapphire eyes suddenly darkened into a sharp glare. "Shut up, Antauri," Chiro hissed in a voice that was not his. "I don't care what you say. Kalli would never do anything to hurt me."

Golden-green eyes widened as the shadow slowly inched its way to the top of the boy's head. "Chiro…!"

The teen growled. "I said shut up! I HATE you, Antauri!"

With a roar, the shadow suddenly exploded into a column of darkness, swirling high above the teen before sinking back down into the ground and opening a hole under the boy's feet. A piercing wail echoed throughout the grayness as a cold pressure pulled at him, and Chiro gasped as he felt himself falling into the hole.

"NO! Chiro!"

Then he wasn't falling anymore.

Trembling slightly, Chiro slowly opened his eyes and looked down at the dark void trying to draw him in. The freezing vacuum wind howled around him, trying so hard to pull him down. He swallowed thickly as he could feel the heavy force tugging harshly at his body. The void was painfully strong…so why wasn't he dropping anymore?

He felt something tighten around his hand, and he looked up to see the black monkey at the edge of the hole, trying to pull him back up. His eyes widened, and he tried to be heard above the thunderous winds, "Antauri!"

The simian gritted his teeth, struggling against the vacuum to bring him out of the hole. But it was difficult; holding the teen's hands with both of his own left him with no real support to retain his position. Chiro could feel the other inching closer to the open chasm as the pressure pulled at them harder.

"Antauri!" the teen called again. "What's going on?!"

Antauri grunted, trying to find a way to ground himself. "Kalli's control has finally reached its highest point!" he replied. "It's trying to absorb you, and if you fall into the void, it will transform you so Kalli can control you for however long she wants!"

Clenching his free fist, the boy then aimed his palm down at the void below. "Not if I can help it!" he said. "Monkey…Fu!"

His eyes widened when nothing happened. "What…?!"

"Our powers don't work in this Realm," Antauri said, his voice strained against the roaring winds.

"So what are we supposed to do?!"

They both gasped when Antauri slipped, and they both began to descend deeper into the hole. But the simian freed one hand and grabbed onto the edge of the opening, clutching the teen's hand tighter as they both dangled over the void.

Looking up at the other, the teen winced as he felt the other straining himself, just trying to cling to the edge. "Antauri…" he whispered.

"Hold on!" the simian said, wrapping his tail around the teen's wrist to strengthen his grasp.

Watching the black monkey, Chiro gently tightened his grip. Even as he held the other's metallic hand, he could feel the warmth that sharply contrasted the cold air around him. He shivered a little as he realized just how much he missed that warmth…a warmth that was lost for so long, and yet he never knew it was gone until now.

Memories of the passed week suddenly flooded back to him, reminding him of everything he did and said, everything he thought and felt…and he couldn't ignore the pain that wrenched his heart. Remembering the harsh way he treated Antauri caused his eyes to burn. How could he…? He had accused the other of so many things…things he knew were untrue. He had sent Antauri away, saying that he never wanted to see him again. Then he had attacked Antauri, and even tried to…

He vainly tried to swallow the lump in his throat. He had so many things that he could never forgive himself for…and yet Antauri was still trying to save him. Antauri was still trying to help him, to keep him from falling into the void and becoming a lost soul.

The teen shut his eyes tightly. 'I don't deserve it…' he thought.

Frustrated that it was not receiving anything, the void growled suddenly. The winds thundered around them as the suction increased, pulling at them harder. Chiro's eyes shot open when he felt himself sink a little. Looking up, he could see that Antauri was struggling to hang on. With the heavy vacuum, it was hard to keep oneself from falling into the void. But the black monkey was also helping him, and Chiro could see that the other was beginning to tire. He knew…Antauri couldn't keep this up forever.

"Antauri…!" he called. "Just…just let me go!"

Slowly the black monkey opened his golden-green eyes and looked down at the teen.

"The suction's too powerful!" Chiro said, trying to be heard above the piercing winds. "You can't pull both of us out! If we don't do something soon, we're both gonna fall in! But…" Swallowing hard, the teen had to force out the rest of his words. "But there's no reason for it to get both of us! This…this is all my fault anyway, and it's after me! But you can still get out! You don't have pay for my mistake!"

They both gasped when they sank a little farther into the void. "Hurry!" Chiro said. "Just let me go…and save yourself!"

He expected the pain he saw filling the other's golden-green eyes, but he was surprised when he felt Antauri's hand tighten around his. When the simian spoke, his soft tone could be heard even over the booming winds. "Do you still not trust me, Chiro?"

The boy's eyes widened. "What…? Of course I do! I just…"

Antauri shook his head. "No…you don't. Because if you trusted me, then you wouldn't be so quick to assume I'd fail."

Chiro winced slightly as they slid another inch into the void. But though he could feel the other still struggling to hold on, Antauri retained his usual calm.

"I can help you, Chiro," the black monkey said, "but only if you believe I can…and only if you let me. If nothing else…you should know me better than to think I'd ever let you go."

Chiro clenched his teeth. He wanted to yell at the other, but he couldn't find his voice. Why did Antauri have to be so stubborn? Why couldn't the other just save himself before it was too late? Why didn't he just let go so he wouldn't get trapped in the void too?

Why are you so sure you'll both fall?

Slowly, Chiro looked up at the other, seeing the resolve in his eyes. He knew he could never change the other's mind, but…could Antauri really get them both out of there? He couldn't see how; the void was continuing to pull them in with an overwhelming force, and he could feel the frozen darkness snapping at his ankles. He couldn't imagine what it was like to be trapped there, and he didn't want to lose the other like that, especially when Antauri didn't deserve it.

But…Antauri had always been there for him before. He had always trusted Antauri to help him when he needed help…and still trusted him now.

He needed to get out. More than anything, he wanted Antauri to get him out of that hole!

The two suddenly slipped down further into the void, and Antauri gasped as the darkness began to rise. "Chiro…!"

Feeling the darkness advancing on him, Chiro shut his eyes tightly and allowed tears to stream down his cheeks. "Antauri…HELP ME!"

The words barely left his lips when a dazzling white light shone from their entwined hands, piercing through the darkness around and below them. The radiance spread over them, encasing their entire bodies. The void hissed loudly and shrank back from the brilliance; the winds began to ease around them, but the opening to the hole slowly began to shrink.

Carefully, Antauri pulled Chiro up so the teen could grab onto the edge, and the two quickly pulled themselves out of the chasm. The void continued to disappear until the gap was closed, leaving nothing behind but a small sliver of shadow. It lingered for a moment before fading into the grayness.

The two remained on the ground, resting on their hands and knees, breathing heavily as the light around them slowly faded. For a moment, silence reigned over them as they fought to calm themselves. Finally, Antauri looked up at the teen and asked softly, "Are you all right, Chiro?"

The boy nodded and sat back, wrapping his arms around himself to fight off the lingering chill. "Yeah, I…I think so" he said. "But I thought you said our powers don't work in this Realm…"

The black monkey shook his head, placing a trembling hand to his chest. "They don't," he replied.

Looking at the other, Chiro was about to ask what he meant by that. But his question died on his lips when he noticed the painful expression in the golden-green eyes. "Antauri? Antauri, what's wrong?"

Antauri groaned and opened his eyes. "It seems that act used more of my energy than I thought…"

The teen's eyes widened when Antauri's body began to fade. "What…what's happening to you…?!"

The simian sighed softly, looking at the teen. "While…our souls are here…in the Realm in Between…our bodies remain…on the Physical Plane. Time continues to pass…and you're body continues to draw the Power Primate…from the silver monkey's body…"

Chiro winced a little as that image passed through his mind. "Yeah, but…I was only doing that under Kalli's influence…right?"

"Yes…But the fact remains…it was happening. And unfortunately… without the Power Primate…my soul cannot exist in the silver monkey's body…So I have no choice…but to move on…to the Higher Realm…"

Chiro felt his heart painfully clench in his chest. "Wh-what…? N…N-no! You can't…!"

"I'm afraid…I have no choice…"

Watching as the black monkey continued to disappear, the teen grabbed the other's shoulders. "Antauri, please…! You can't…Don't go!"

Looking up at the boy, the simian offered a small smile. "Do not worry, Chiro. It will be all right."

"How can you say that?!" the teen demanded, tightening his grip. "How can you…? We can't…We can't lose you again, Antauri!"

"And you won't," Antauri reassured, placing a near-transparent hand on the other's shoulder. "Everything will be fine. I promise."

Chiro felt the sting underneath his eyes as the other continued to vanish before him. "How can you be so sure…?" he wondered, his voice barely above a whisper.

"Trust me, Chiro," Antauri replied, "just as…I trust you." And just like that, the black monkey was gone.

Choking back a sob, Chiro hung his head and clenched his fists. His shoulders trembled as he shut his eyes tightly, holding back the tears that threatened to consume him.

"What have I done…?" he murmured. "This is all my fault…"

The grayness around him gave no answer, and did nothing to comfort him. Swallowing back his grief, he roughly rubbed his eyes and tried to ignore the burning ache in his chest. Somewhere in his mind, he knew there was something strange about this pain, but he couldn't find it in himself to care.

He didn't notice when the pain suddenly eased. But he jumped a little when a voice spoke softly, "Chiro?"

Part of him hoped with everything that it was Antauri. However, as he looked up, he jumped to his feet when he saw the strange man cloaked in black. Wiping at his eyes again, he then held up his hands and prepared to defend himself. "Who are you?" he demanded.

The cloaked figure held up his hands to show he meant no harm. "Please, calm yourself," he said. "My name is Manjit, and I am simply here to help you return to the Physical Plane."

Chiro's eyes narrowed a little, but he warily lowered his hands. "What about Antauri?" he questioned.

"Unfortunately, there is nothing more we can do for him here. It is time we return to the Physical Plane."

The teen shook his head. "No! I'm not leaving him here!"

"We have no choice," Manjit insisted. "We can do nothing here. If we are to help him, then we must go back." Slowly, he held his hand out to the boy. "Now come, young one. We still have much to do back in the Physical Plane."

Staring at the man, Chiro bit his lip thoughtfully. As much as he didn't want to leave the black simian here by himself, there didn't seem to be anything left for him to do. Hesitantly he reached out and took the man's hand. As he did so, the grayness faded as the streaks of white light flashed around them. Suddenly he felt heavier, and he gasped as he and the cloaked man began to fall.