![]() Author has written 4 stories for Danny Phantom, and Transformers/Beast Wars. Hey everyone! Welcome to my profile. I’m Lost Demon Soul or you can call me Kya. Age: 21 Hair color: blonde Eye color: blue-green Personality: I’m odd. Very odd. I can be very sarcastic but I can also be kind and caring though that’s not often. My friends think that I’m insane and I agree. I love a good laugh though and pranks. Can't forget the pranks. Likes: anime, cartoons, fanfics, soccer, drawing, and hanging out with my friend Ami Dislikes: my older brother, Ami in a bad mood, and mornings Stories Wrote: The Tortured Spirit, Eternal Night, To Catch a Thief Favorite anime: Chrono Crusade, Naruto, Yu Yu Hakusho, Fruits Basket, Dragon Knights, and many more (I have a very extensive collection at home) Favorite phrases (some my own, some found in random places): “A good friend will bail you out of jail…But a true friend will be sitting next to you saying, “We screwed up…BUT WASN’T IT FUN!” –unknown “Reality bites with all sizes of teeth.” –unknown “Life is like a game of chess with Fate and Destiny as the players and humans as the pawns, but are we waiting for the battle to be won and life to go on as it had before? Or are we waiting for death, to be a sacrifice for some ‘greater cause’ of which we know nothing of?” –Me There is a fine line between genius and insanity, I just happen to erase that line. -Unknown I’m a bomb technician, if you see me running try to keep up. - Unknown Never underestimate the power of stupid people in large groups. -Unknown I didn’t fail the test, I just found 100 ways to do it wrong. -Unknown Pray for the dead and fight like hell for the living. -Unknown Curiosity killed the cat, but for a while I was the suspect. -Unknown Do not argue with an idiot, he will drag you down to his level and beat you with experience. -Unknown That’s it! I give up! There’s no talking to you people! And you wonder why I’m arrogant! If the rest of you weren’t such idiots, I might not feel so superior! -Unknown My mind works like lightning...one brilliant flash and it's gone. -Unknown Why be difficult, when with just a little bit of effort, you can be impossible? Keep smiling, it makes people wonder what you're up to. All the good ones are either gay, married, or fictional characters in books or movies. Always forgive our enemies - nothing annoys them so much. Love your enemies! It really pisses them off. The man who smiles when things go wrong has thought of someone to blame it on. That which does not kill me had better run pretty dang fast. If it weren't for physics and law enforcement, I'd be unstoppable. My day isn't complete until I have freaked out a complete stranger. Knowledge is power and power corrupts. Study hard; be evil. You have the right to swing first. However, if you choose to swing first, any move you make can and will be used as an excuse to beat the shit out of you. You have the right to have a doctor and a priest present. If you cannot afford a doctor or are not presently attending a church of your choice, one will be appointed to you. Do you understand what I just told you, Asshole?? That's when I started breaking into people's houses. I didn't steal anything, but I did rearrange their furniture. You laugh because I'm a little different; I laugh because I rigged your house with explosives. Slinky + Escalator = Everlasting fun. I may not look like much, but I'm a pro at pretending to be a ninja. Do Not Disturb: Plotting People are like slinkies, basically useless. And yet it's so amusing to watch them fall down the stairs. I don't suffer from insanity. I enjoy every last minute of it!! Kids like us should wear WARNINGS. You're a great friend but if the zombies chase us I'm tripping you. There's two kinds of people in the world, those who have a plan prepared for when the zombies take over the earth, and those who don't... We call those last people, dinner. Even if the voices aren't real, they have some good ideas. Chaos, panic, pandemonium. My work here is done. Irony: Falling down the stairs due to distraction by the "watch your step" sign. Fighting is mind over matter. I don't mind, and you don't matter. When you realize you've made a mistake, take immediate steps to correct it. (Unless no one knows that you're responsible for it; then it's probably best to lie low and wait for it to blow over.) When you lose, don't lose the lesson. (And the lesson is: "Vengeance!") Insanity is just a word for "eccentric genius" I'm not supposed to make sense! That would defeat the purpose of confusing people! I didn’t escape from the mental ward! Those sirens are a complete coincidence! Sanity? I never had such a useless thing to begin with! Stupidity killed the cat. Curiosity was framed. You wanna know why God created man before woman? Every masterpiece needs a rough draft! There are three kinds of people. Those who learn by reading, a few who learn by observation, and the rest who have to test the electric fence for themselves. He who laughs last thinks slowest. I respect your opinion, I just think it's stupid. It's not denial. I’m just selective about the reality I accept. The secret to success is sincerity. Once you can fake that you’re good. Yes, of course I'm perfectly civil, but that's only because I choose to direct my anger towards such fruitful pursuits as plotting your untimely and gruesome death. "We've just witnessed what I like to call 'misdirected rage'. I believe the technical term is 'being an ass'." "A hero has the power to move the world. A true hero has the power to destroy the world but chooses not to despite what the world thinks of them." Don't take life too seriously no one ever makes it out alive anyway To make War is to make Peace, to Submit is to Win, to tell the Truth is to Lie, and to Die is to Live My friend Ami is the one who is helping me with some scenes as well as the side story. I’ve known her for a few years now and I get quite a few crazy ideas from her. Favorite Movies: Transformers, Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen, Transformers: Dark of the Moon Yo! Ami here wants to know abouts me o.o? I tell Age: 19 "They're Lovers right? What if you walk in on them loving?" |