I wrote this because I needed a diversion. This is 100% PWP sticky Seekersmut. If you don't like that, turn back now!

Pairing: Star/Thunder/Sky

Warnings: Rough interface, hints of BDSM, bondage, oral, sticky, dirty talk

Disclaimer: Ain't miiiine. I'd take it, though.

Starscream purred into the audial of his wingmate Skywarp. "Hm, I got you /right where I want you/, and there's nothing you can do about it."

"Can too, I'll just teleport-"

Starscream gently placed the inhibitor directly between Skywarp's wings and grinned down at the black and violet Seeker. "What was that?"

"Frag you." Skywarp grumbled, but it was painfully obvious that this predicament was having an effect on him.

Star tested each bond by pulling gently at it- Warp's hands were joined, wrist to wrist, above his helm and attached to a loop that was built into the berth itself just for activities such as these. His legs were bent at the knee as Starscream had placed them, spreading his wingmate open wide for all the world to see. There was just enough slack in the cords for Skywarp to lay his legs flat or position them around a lover- Starscream was nothing if not inventive when it came to bondage.

Star licked his dry lips and looked down at the gorgeous sight, his head tilted, one finger at his newly-moistened lips as if considering something intently. "How should I take you, I wonder? Tease you until you beg for me and shriek my name? Or just pound into you without any warning, hard and fast?" His vents sped up, as did Skywarp's- the imagery was delicious, and Warp's optics flared at the thought.

"Don't you /dare/ tease me, Star-"

Starscream snickered at that and finished his preparations: he tied a soft black cloth around Skywarp's optics to inhibit most of the input he'd normally receive. Of course, the Seeker had other sensors, but not being able to /see/ could enhance pleasure quite well.

"I'll do what I please. You're the one who's always asking me what I want you to do, what I /want/...this time, I believe I'll just /do/ it, with you bound and helpless beneath me."

Skywarp's vents caught and he let out a soft moan; /pits/, but that sounded hot. And he wouldn't be able to /see/ it coming...

Starscream knelt between Skywarp's thighs and trailed a single cobalt fingertip up the dark expanse. Skywarp shivered, but just barely- he didn't want to show too much too soon. His wingleader was going to /work/ for it, he decided, and he clamped his lips shut before any encouraging noises could emerge.

"Mmmm, fighting it will get you exactly nowhere, Sky..." Starscream whispered, and Skywarp marveled at the fact that Star's voice never sounded harsh or screechy when he talked like /this/. It sounded incredibly hot- not as low as, say, Thundercracker's (who had a voice that was whole new /levels/ of sexy) but nowhere near his normal slightly nasal whine, either. When Star murmured words of lust and need into Skywarp's audial, it made him want to whimper and agree to whatever Star wanted just to hear him talk some more. He liked hearing his wingleader's voice during interface...and Star knew it. Warp allowed his hips to circle just once in invitation, his covers already slid aside to reveal his fully pressurized spike and his leaking valve. The rim quivered as if trying to suck something in, and Starscream smirked at the sight.

His hand drifted higher to caress the metal that lay between Skywarp's interface equipment and Warp couldn't stifle a moan at that- the pressure was just right, and his port lubricated even more, wanting to be filled.

Star laughed softly at that and swiped just the tip of one finger over the slick rim of Warp's valve and despite Skywarp's insistence on staying silent, he couldn't stifle the keen that came, nor the arch upward into the touch. "Somebody likes this~" he said in a slight singsong tone, and Skywarp didn't have it in him to actually deny it. His body screamed it for the world to hear with his circling hips, the slick lubricant that dripped from his port, and his spike that felt like it just might /break/ if Star didn't /do/ something with it.

"Please, Stars, please, touch me or something, it /hurts/-" he said, and it was only half a lie. Skywarp's optics were covered, though, and his other sensors were beings so skillfully run through their paces that he almost didn't notice when the touch stopped, and another overheated frame was pressed hard next to his own. He knew who it was instantly- Starscream had apparently been surprised by someone and trussed up right next to his wingmate. Who would /dare/?

The low rumbling purr gave it away immediately, and both smaller Seekers literally moaned when Thundercracker spoke to them.

"Well, well, well. What have I found /here/? Two overheated fliers, both conveniently tied to the berth. Perhaps I should leave them here-"

"Oh Primus please don't do that!" Starscream gasped, his thigh pressing hard against Skywarp's. Skywarp moaned his assent, /more/ than willing to be taken by that Seeker as well as his trineleader.

"How do I know you want it enough?" Thundercracker nearly growled, his arousal shooting into the red at the sight of /both/ his trinemates helpless in front of him. One hand dragged itself through the slick mess between Skywarp's thighs, while the other ground the heel of his palm directly over Starscream's valve. The tricolored Seeker bucked into the contact, his wings twitching and gliding across Skywarp's in a slide that was thoroughly distracting. Thundercracker slid one single finger into Skywarp's valve and the black and violet flier gasped, arching hard into the contact.

"Please, TeeCee, need something in me..." he said weakly, unable to /see/ what was going on but sensing it just the same.

"Star /was/ teasing you longest..." Thundercracker seemed to consider their youngest member's plight as Starscream himself writhed beautifully, trying to shift attention to himself. He'd been driving himself half insane by teasing Skywarp, and now being tied himself was driving him the rest of the way. Thundercracker bent over Skywarp and claimed his mouth rather harshly, nipping expertly at pale lips that immediately parted, offering zero resistance to the dominant Seeker. Skywarp whimpered, his frame shuddering in the bonds and Thundercracker chuckled, spreading Skywarp's thighs wide and teasing his entrance with the tip of his spike.

"You want this, don't you." he said far too softly. "You /both/ want me. I can only take one at a time, as you know...and Star, you can lay there and /listen/ and /feel/ and /experience/ the shaking of this berth while I take Skywarp in just the way he needs it." Starscream whimpered this time in an odd mixture of disappointment and raging lust. He knew that TC would go quickly as heated as Skywarp was and then he'd really be able to pound Star through their berth. The blue Seeker leaned over Starscream to flick his glossa at dark lips and he dragged his fingertips between Skywarp's thighs one last time before he angled Warp's right leg out wide and shoved inward, making the teleporter shriek in pain-tinged pleasure, the cry echoed by his trineleader next to him. Stars' panel slid aside without even being touched as Skywarp's wing overlapped and grazed his own and he intentionally writhed in the bonds to give Thundercracker the best show he could give from his rather limited positioning.

"Please, I'll do anything you want, just please take me, Thundercracker-" Starscream moaned, and the sound of his voice made Skywarp gasp and arch upward into Thundercracker's far too steady and even movements. "Harder, TC, c'mon, /please/, I know you can do me harder than that, need to feel you all the way at the top of my port and /slamming me/-"

Thundercracker did just that and Skywarp virtually shrieked his trinemate's designation, clenching rhythmically over Thundercracker's spike as if he meant to drain it dry. The blue Seeker bit his lip and kept on moving, thanking Primus yet again that he'd long ago learned some self-control. He needed it, having these two hedonists as trinemates.

Starscream certainly had precious little control left; he was arching his hips into the empty air, moaning and gasping as if he'd already been claimed. Thundercracker smiled darkly; he hadn't even /begun/ to take his trineleader the way he knew Star needed to be taken. The very thought of it brought on his overload rather more quickly than he intended, but he made up for it by grasping Skywarp's hips and pulling him harshly into the final few thrusts, finally filling the teleporting Seeker with his fluids just as the tip of his spike struck the hypersensitive node at the top of Skywarp's valve. He went off with a shriek worthy of Starscream, jerking at the cuffs hard enough to dent his wrists, praising Thundercracker and his decisive movements in a loud keening cry. Warp finally relaxed as the charge drained from his systems, though Thundercracker's was already beginning to rise again for several reasons- one, Starscream was far too flexible /not/ to watch even in cuffs and leg-bindings; two, Skywarp lying there looking debauched and claimed just twisted TC's turbines; and three, Starscream had invited Thundercracker to come over and make use of his lips before he actually 'faced him.

Both of Star's trinemates knew that to turn /that/ down meant you were likely half-deactivated, one thruster firmly in the Pit and the other quickly following. Thundercracker paused long enough to let Skywarp loose before kneeling over the prone form of the Winglord of Vos; his thighs rested easily on either side of Starscream's chestplating without crushing the mech. Starscream /wasn't/ blindfolded; Thundercracker /wanted/ to watch his optics while he did this and even after; they were so very expressive. Those dark lips were twisted into an insolent grin as Thundercracker glanced down, his spike already well on its way to becoming fully ready once more. Starscream licked his lips and extended his glossa just enough to catch a drop of transfluid-tinged lubricant from the side of Thundercracker's spike, and the blue Seeker vented sharply, catching the image for all time.

"Star, you are such a perfect little slut." he purred, and Starscream shuddered at just the sound of Thundercracker's /voice/. It spun him in ways that were immediately obvious- the trembling of wide, white wings was only the least of it. "If you want what you /know/ that I can give you, then /earn it/."

Starscream's optics flared widely and he arched his head forward, taking Thundercracker's spike between his lips with such a smooth motion that the blue flier hissed in pleasure, his hands grasping the sides of his trineleader's helm to pull him further onto him. A soft sound came from Starscream's lips and his glossa flicked lightly against the ridges that spiraled up the sides of Thundercracker's thick spike. The look in his optics proved that he was enjoying this, the crimson light flaring and whirling as he worked the spike to perfection. Thundercracker moaned, his hips circling and thrusting into his trineleader's mouth.

Skywarp finally recovered enough motor function to move and he loomed over Starscream, watching Thundercracker frag his mouth with intense interest. His vents sped up; Pit this was hotter than almost anything ever, with Thundercracker's sonorous voice was sending chills through both smaller fliers, his backstrut arching and wings fluttering enticingly. His large blue hands had captured Starscream's helm and he guided the dark-faced Seeker in his movements. Starscream's cheeks were hollowed with the force of his suction as he tried to drain every last drop of fluid from the dominant flier's spike that he could possibly get. He adored the tangy flavor of Thundercracker's transfluid...and TC loved giving it to him.

He wasn't going to do it this time, though. He wanted to fill his trineleader full of his essence, to explode within him until it leaked from Starscream's pulsing valve to wet his thighs. The large blue Seeker pulled out, allowing the tip of his spike to brush across Star's full, dark lips leaving a shimmering trail of silvery fluid there. Starscream smirked wickedly and made a show of licking it off, making Skywarp growl almost helplessly at the imagery.

"Stars, if you don't quit that /I'm/ gonna shove /my/ spike down your intake while TeeCee frags the Pit out of you." he said tightly.

"And who says that I don't want that, Skywarp?" Starscream purred sensually. "I suppose that you /do/ deserve something since I deliberately teased you..." The black Seeker moaned at that, his spike rising to full pressure almost immediately. He stroked himself, using his thumb to smear thick fluid all over his length as he stared into his trineleader's optics. Thundercracker met Starscream's gaze as well, his own darker optics narrowed as he jerked the tricolored Seeker's thighs apart to put him on display for them both.

With another almost violent movement, Thundercracker thrust home. He didn't need to hold Starscream down this time; he was already bound to the berth and writhing. He shrieked aloud at the stretch, the paralyzing pleasurepain that centered in his valve and spread through the rest of his frame like wildfire.

"THUNDERCRACKER!" he keened. Starscream offlined his optics to reduce some of the sensory input because it was almost too much- Skywarp stroking himself with a wicked leer on his lips, Thundercracker's gaze piercing Starscream straight through the spark. He writhed and strained against the bonds, though his efforts were far from a serious attempt to free himself. That was the /last/ thing Starscream wanted.

He wanted to give his mates a show, and he was succeeding. Skywarp continued to watch; he didn't want to fill Starscream's mouth again just yet because his moans and cries were almost more stimulating than getting sucked off would be. Thundercracker growled and shoved inward hard once more. Instead of pulling out, he gripped Starscream's hips and ground into him, making the smaller Seeker howl in pleasure. "I will /stop/ unless you answer me. Is that understood, Starscream?"

"Y-yes-" Star gasped, his frame literally shaking.

"Yes what? You forgot something." the blue Seeker said dangerously.

Starscream's optic flew open; this was new. "Yes, Thundercracker..." he breathed, hoping that was the answer TC was looking for. Skywarp clicked his glossa and shook his head; he understood what TC was looking for even if Starscream didn't. "Nope, Stars, try again or he really might stop and leave your hungry little valve wanting." TC flashed a look at Skywarp and barely shifted his hips, putting pressure on a node that made Starscream shriek again.

"Yes, sir...yes PLEASE, I...I...don't know what you want Thundercracker, please tell me, Primus don't leave me like this I-I-I..." His tone was properly respectful and deferential; Starscream may have been trineleader but he was most definitely Thundercracker's claimed submissive, as was Skywarp.

Thundercracker nodded in approval at the tone; yes, it /was/ different and new, and he really could not expect Star to understand while his processor was addled with such intense pleasure. The only reason Skywarp knew is because he had already been through this two cycles ago.

He ran his fingers down the seams below Starscream's brilliant crimson optics, giving Star a smile that was filled with pride and caring. "That is all right, Starscream." To prove it, he moved once more, though it was far slower than what Star likely wanted. The Air Commander moaned and writhed, though, looking up at Thundercracker with the plea clearly written on his face. "When I speak to you like this, you may address me as my Lord."

Star's breath caught at that- he had an authority kink a mile wide and both of his trinemates knew it. Thundercracker, despite being a confirmed dominant, cared little for rank and position and titles. He was doing this for Starscream, and that thought made him smile widely, his spark whirling in his chassis. "You are so good to me, my Lord." Starscream breathed, his frame shuddering beneath Thundercracker. He arched his hips into the blue Seeker as best he could, white wings sliding along the berth's surface and intensifying the shudder.

"Mmm." TC said noncommittally. "Tell me what you need, Star. And if you do not make me believe that it /is/ a need and not merely a want I will do it to Skywarp instead and force you to watch."

"You w-" Starscream snapped his mouth shut; the look in Thundercracker's optics told eloquently of how he WOULD. He gathered his words after moaning loudly at the sheer pressure of being filled and began to talk. His voice shook but it was clear.

"I need /you/, my Lord, to take me. Hard. Hard and /fast/. I need you to make me ache inside you take me so hard. I adore your spike, you feel so slagging good inside me that I want to beg you for it all the time. If I could have you in me every night while I recharged I would." Star tried to move into Thundercracker, but he was having none of it. He stared down at his trineleader with a calculatedly neutral expression while Skywarp began toying with TC's wings. First fingers, then his lips all over the wide blue and red panels. The elder flier shivered and rewarded Starscream with several powerful thrusts, taking Star by his own wings to pull him onto his spike.

Starscream shrieked, the words coming faster. "Yes like that, more like that PLEASE don't stop that, Thunder...I-I mean my Lord I'll do anything, overload in me on me don't care just NEED it!" His valve clenched irregularly, heating up as it throbbed from the inside out.

Thundercracker threw his head back and groaned, starting a hard, driving pace that quickly made Starscream start crying out with the slightest movement, and screaming when Thundercracker hilted himself fully. Skywarp's vents became harsh and he stroked his spike almost feverishly, licking his lips as he watched his trineleader lose control, just like he needed to.

"Beautiful." TC murmured, meaning it. "Overload, my Star, let go." he growled, thrusting one last time and grinding inward. Starscream shrieked at the top of his vocalizer, frame shuddering wildly as one leg snapped the cable that held it just so he could wrap it around Thundercracker's waist. He was incoherent, unable to move without shivering, and his optics were bright and unseeing.

Skywarp keened himself when he watched them both go over, fluid shooting from his spike to land on Starscream's right wing. He didn't care; Star was beyond caring at that point. He had transfluid on his wings, on his thighs, and dripping out of his valve. He also had a smile on his face that could have lit Vos.

"Love you two." he breathes, finally able to process language again. Both Seekers moved on either side of their trineleader to hold him, to ease him through the aftershocks...and they smiled almost as one.

"Love you too. Glitch." said Skywarp, while Thundercracker just kissed each of them in turn. They shifted so that Thundercracker was in the center with a smaller Seeker on either side, helms resting on his shoulders. That was the way he preferred it.

He never wanted it to change.

I would adore reviews. ^_^