Well, here we are folks! The fourth Arc in the Feeling Series rp'd between myself and the glorious Darkeye's17! XD Hope you're all up for it! This one is going to be fun X3

A few things, keep your eyes open for my Day by Day oneshot series for little adventures on our favorite Triplets! I got some cute ones coming!

Read, review, enjoy over and over! We certainly did.

Disclaimer: Not ours. Transformers belongs to Hasbro. We just like screwing with their heads.

Feeling Drunk

Sauntering into Optimus Prime's office, Starscream made a noise of interest as he looked around. "I would have expected more organization of a Prime, but I guess we cannot all be perfect."

"If you don't mind Starscream, the days leading up to retrieval of Ratchet's triplets were very trying," replied Optimus, not letting the note of irritation enter his voice. Starscream's sneering expression disappeared instantly and remained neutral, taking a seat in front of the large desk. Optimus took his own seat, sighing in his exhaustion. Without his SIC and TIC, he was finding the work more onerous than usual. Leaning forward, he began to speak. "Level with me. If you are serious about remaining here, tell me all the truth you can. We are not in the place or positions for any games."

"Fine," the Seeker agreed, leaning back.

"Now...first of all, you do realize that if any treachery is committed, or if you have disclosed any sort of falsehood to me, I reserve the right to lock you and your Trine in the brig until we can ship you back to Cybertron. Clear?" asked the Autobot leader firmly.

"Crystal," Starscream drawled.

There was a pause in which Optimus gathered his thoughts and Starscream sat in eerie silence, refusing to say anything until the Autobot leader had spoken.

"Very well." Optimus sighed at last, sitting a little straighter and then casting a stern glare towards the Seeker. "I have the report that Mirage and Hound filed with me, but I must hear it from you. Why, exactly, did you and your Seekers aid the Autobots?"

Starscream snorted in irritation. This again? Really, once should have been enough. Or did he and his trinemates need to spell out every line of their code for these fools? That was entirely likely. Ignorant, boorish groundpounding dirt kissers.

"It's not that hard Prime." The former Decepticon Air Commander sneered, adjusting his wings so that they had more room over the chair arms. "Coding dictated we protect the immediate carrier and their sparklings. It was a Seeker's main function among others to reinforce the protection of the future of Cybertron. Your little council may have seen us as merely flying weapons, but I can assure you that our priorities were set benignly."

"Your assurance doesn't count for much, Starscream." Optimus sighed.

"Maybe," said the Seeker, "but would I be here now if I weren't confident on issuing that assurance? Please. Besides, my Trine and I were kept firmly in the dark about this matter. We didn't know about the sparklings until the day of the battle. Soundwave had no knowledge also. Megatron may be a fool, but he's got enough processor chips to realise that you don't tell Seeker's there are sparklings around that may be in danger. Our programming goes haywire."

"Hence...the gang attack on Shockwave when it was revealed that...that," Optimus murmured, but could not bring himself to say the last words aloud. Starscream did it for him.

"Revealed that the sparkless bastard killed the developing sparklet within your tacticians frame? Yes. Though," here a wicked smirk appeared on the dark faceplate, "I must admit that it was a VERY satisfying event for me personally."

The optics above the battle mask glowed with a strained humour. "I'm sure."

"Mmm. So. What rules regulations and all that will we have to follow?" asked Starscream.

"Don't kill, maim, injure or otherwise any Autobot unless in self-defence, although I hope it doesn't come to that. I will give you time to assimilate to our faction before giving you tasks. Let me know if your quarters are to your satisfaction-"

"Yeah yeah, I get it. Be a good mech, and don't piss off anyone. Fantastic, Prime. But if I may make one request?" interrupted Starscream.


The smug smirk was back on the flier's face when he said, "One, let us fly at least once every two days. Two, we get to look after or care for any sparklings as well as any other mech. If they are in our vicinity, we will care for them. Our programming ensures it."

That earned him a raised brow ridge. "Oh?"

A flat look crossed the Seekers faceplates. "Believe me... We don't have much of a choice. It'll be the same for younglings although we get much more leeway with it."

"Then what about the-"

"The Aerialbots didn't register as younglings so long as they flew like adults." Starscream cut across him. "That may be an entirely different subject on the ground."

"I see."

"Are we done, Prime? Skywarp is informing me that Speedlight is currently running loose in the base without a guardian... Since you've sent both of his parents on a perimeter check and their carrier is stuck in his own medbay for awhile." His optics glinted dangerously.

"Uh, sure, go ahead." The Prime found himself doubfounded as he nodded, allowing the Seeker to get up and leave his office. Something told him that his existence was about to get very interesting with three Seekers around.

Prowl stared at the wall.

That's all he had really done since he had been released from the medbay.

But he didn't really see it. All he saw was a possible lifetime with his sparkling, rudely snatched away by his presence on the battlefield and the one who had done this to him. His spark ached, searching for the sparklet who had been lovingly feeding off his spark energy. Tears dripped in a continuous stream down his faceplates, tirelessly wipe away by his mate, who was spooning him from behind, giving him the wordless comfort he needed through their bond and through their pysical touch.

:: Oh babe, Ah know. Ah'll get 'im. Ah'll make 'im pay for hurting us,:: whispered Jazz over their bond.

::Was it me, Jazz? My fault...Maybe Primus's way of telling me I'm not ready to be a creator.::

::Don't think like that sweetspark. You are going to be a great creator with me Ah know it. It's not Primus, love. It was Shockwave for being such a sadistic piece of slag. No, Prowler. Never your fault::

::You told me not to go in the battle...::

:: Ah did. :: Jazz allowed. :: But if you'd stayed here, we may not 'ave Ratch and the triplets with us.::

It didn't ease Prowl in the slightest, the Praxian twisting so he could bury his faceplates in his mate's shoulder with a choked sob. Jazz held Prowl close, his arms tight about his bonded's shoulders and waist. He could feel the pain along their bond, the horrid emptiness of a broken creator/creation bond.

Slag Shockwave! Slag him and Megatron! Whenever he got his hands on the sparkless bastards, they were going to wish that they had thought twice before starting this fragging war!

:: It'll be okay, Prowler. :: Jazz murmured aloud and in their bond. "Ah promise. Everything's gonna be okay."


Not being cowed by the medics obvious rage and brandished wrench, Skywarp cuddled a giggling Speedlight closer and whined, "But Ratchet, he's adorable! And we were having so much fun, right Screamer?"

"Oodles," replied the tricolor mech flatly, scowling as he cursed his programming. It was hard not to squeal excitedly at the sparkling like his trinemate was.

"See? I really don't mind looking after them while you and your bondmates are unavailable," Skywarp grinned, warping out of the way as the medic lunged for him.

Ratchet huffed, and although his processor cautioned him, in his spark he knew that the Seekeres would not allow any harm to come to his creations. Even Sunstreaker and Sideswipe had grudgingly conceded that fact. Glaring at Starscream, he said, "You all get to be used as target practice in the weapons range if you three do anything, and I mean ANYTHING to hurt them."

"Oh please. But if you insist," Starscream said, mentioning to his trinemates as Skywarp giggled happily, following after his leader and Thundercracker scooped up the remaining two sparklings and followed.

"I don't like it..." Sunstreaker grumbled after the three had disappeared and the medbay doors had shut behind them.

"Skyfire'll keep an eye on them." Ratchet sighed, leaning back into the crimson and black arms that had suddenly wound around his waist.


"Yeah. Seems Skywarp encountered Fireflight in the rec room this morning..."

"And?" Sunstreaker grunted, wrapping his arms around their medic as well.


Sideswipe gave him an odd look. "The Aerials? Seriously? I thought they hated them..."

"Silverbolt and his gestalt are all still technically younglings, although they may have adult bodies. Their programming is just now recognizing, having had a wake up call thanks to OUR sparklings."

"Weird." Sunstreaker muttered. "Doesn't matter." One golden servo came to rest on the medic's windshield. "How're you feeling?"


"Would be nice," rumbled the golden twin softly, stroking the glass under his fingers, optics searching his mate's.

Looking uncertain, the medic sighed and replied, "My spark hurts every now and then. Almost like my spark energy is being drawn again, but not as bad. I can feel you both but...sometimes it's like the connection is fuzzy and-"

"Shhh," breathed Sideswipe, his hands joining his twins on their bondmates chest and stroking gently. "What can we do to help fix this?"

Leaning into the gentle touches, Ratchet replied, "Spark merging. Over time, with enough sparkmerging, my spark won't have any aftershocks. If I weren't bonded, it would be harder for my spark to get relief. Because I have you both, the recovery time might be halved, so if I have one merge per day every day, I'll be better in roughly a week."

The twins looked at each other, optics glinting with mischief. Sideswipe bent down and kissed the side of his medic's neck and whispered, "Well, the sparklings are away. I say we start filling that quota of yours."

"What, here?" protested Ratchet, but was cut off by a claiming kiss from Sunstreaker, who dipped his helm to capture his lips and mouth them gently, mouths parting immediately upon recognition. As hands slowly traversed his body, Ratchet could only moan into the kiss, becoming pliant under their worshipful hands.

"Missed you so much." Sideswipe hummed in his audio, lips trailing over his helm.

"Kept worrying." Sunstreaker added, his servos smoothing down Ratchet's abdomen.

The medic squirmed between them, even as they moved back until Ratchet's knees hit the edge of a medberth and he was pushed down, two frames engulfing his as their wild dance began.

"Do NOTput that in your mouth!" Starscream said sternly, tugging the tree branch from Jumpstart's curious hands, ignoring the sad whine to the best of his abilities as he turned back to Fireflight, his faceplates set in a stern frown as he eyed the young flier. "Just how did you get this stuck in your wing?"

"Uh, well... You see, um..." Poor Fireflight was growing very nervous, standing in the middle of the hangar bay where he, his brothers and Skyfire occupied. "That is to say..."

"It always happens." Skyfire said calmly from where he was sitting on the couch, reading a datapad with a sleeping Speedlight curled into his side. "Don't scare the poor youngling, Starscream." There was an amused smile on his faceplates.

'Oh you just had to mention the word 'youngling' didn't you Skyfire.'

With a scoff to hide his want to coddle the younger flier, Starscream said, "Well, at least you didn't get tangled up with one of your brothers and get stuck in mid air."


"No! I don't want to hear of it!" Barked the tricolor Seeker, gathering Jumpstart in his arms and making his way to the couch and sitting next to his once-friend, who smiled at him. He ignored the smile and focused on the sparkling in his arms. Jumpstart, he had found in the past ten minutes of looking after the sparklings, was the shyest and moodiest of all the triplets. Now he was curled up, sulking over not being able to have the tree branch. Reaching deep, deep into his subspace pocket, Starscream found a long unused sparkling toy and pulled it out, showing it to the little red and black sparkling.

Jumpstart's optics immediately went wide and he cooed happily at the toy. It was a soft, posable model of a Seeker. It was worn, but looked fun, so he looked up to the strange-but nice-but screechy-but protective mech, looking into those pretty red optics. They looked like the rubies Mirage had showed him.

"Pwease have toy?" he asked.

"At least you have manners. Of course," replied Starscream, not missing the smirk Skyfire shot his way. He gave the toy to the white chevroned mechling, who hugged it tightly to him.

And damn it if his spark didn't melt at the sight.

He also firmly ignored surprised yelp of a surprised youngling and the happy squeal of his purple and black trinemate. Skywarp certainly seemed taken with Fireflight and Silverbolt. Luckily, Silverbolt had been smart enough to go on patrol. Fireflight, not so much.

Thundercracker walked into view, an excited Brightspark bouncing in his arms. The young white femme was holding a drawing pad in one hand, a stylus in the other. And they were Thundercracker's if he wasn't mistaken.

"'Ook! 'Fire, 'ook!" The sparkling giggled happily, holding the pad out to Skyfire, leaning dangerously over the floor until Thundercracker steadied her with his free hand. "I drawed it!"

With a hum, the large flier replied, "Oh really? Let me have a look what our little artist has got for me here."

As he took the datapad, Starscream couldn't help but peek over at the drawing. For a sparkling of that age, Brightspark was actually quite talented. Instead of a datapad full of meaningless scribbles and a few blobs that counted as 'bodies', instead was a well drawn sparkling rendition of Thundercracker's frame, sitting, relaxed, and holding out a flower.

Oh dear Primus the little femme already had his trinemate hooked.

Skyfire smiled at Brightspark, laughing internally at the eager look on her face as she waited for his verdict. "Very nice. I think your father will say it's one of your best for sure."

The white triplet cooed loudly in joy, waking up her elder brother, who woke up sleepily, looking around and optics alighting on the fun that Skywarp and Fireflight were having. Ignoring his sister's drawing and the other mechs around, and faster than anyone could shutter an optic, Speedlight jumped off the couch. He landed with an 'oof' and ran to the two fliers, squealing happily. It looked like fun.

Skywarp saw him coming and crawled over to him, scooping him up and blowing vents over the mechlings yellow sides, tickling him. Speedlight giggled happily, as did Skywarp. Starscream sighed as Thundercracker said, "My mate is an absolute sparkling."

"Undoubtedly," agreed Skyfire, smiling broadly, giving the datapad back to Brightspark.

Fireflight took the moment to flee into his quarters, Skywarp firmly distracted with the sparkling. As cool as the Seekers could be, the young flier was thoroughly convinced that they were scarier as allies than as enemies.

Brightspark took the pad back with a happy chirr and then gestured to the blue Seeker that she wanted down. Once Thundercracker had set her in her pedes, she sat at the foot of the couch and began another picture, quietly humming to herself as she had seen her carrier do when he was working on healing her family.

Skyfire caught the look on both Starscream's and Thundercracker's faceplates. "Makes you think on what we were missing, doesn't it?" He asked quietly.

Thundercracker nodded, and Starscream turned his attention back to Jumpstart with an embarrassed 'humph'. Skyfire's laughter filled the hangar, the delighted squealing of one Seeker and one sparkling a pleasant background noise.

Optimus sat quietly in his office, reviewing the reports from days before and thinking desperately of ways to explain the Seeker's presence to the humans without it becoming a political debate and without demands for them to see the sparklings. While Optimus was kind by nature and programming default, there were many humans he quite frankly did not trust within a few hundred yards of the young Cybertronians.

A soft knock on his door alerted him.

"Come in please," he called.

To his surprise, it was Jazz who entered. His saboteur's visor shone dull, and he looked like he hadn't polished since the day of the battle. As he moved towards the guest chair, there was none of his usual style or pizazz that accompanied his movements. Waiting until the black and white was seated; Optimus asked gently, "What can I do for you Jazz?"

Jazz looked at him.

Optimus felt his spark twist. In that gaze there was everything laid out for him. Jazz's pain, Prowl's anguish, the pain of the hole in their sparks. As Prime, he could allow his EM field to help their sparks ease, thanks to the Matrix, but they had firmly denied him. It was because they needed to do this alone, pick up the pieces by themselves. and he could respect that. He vowed to step in only if they couldn't do it together.

"Ah'm sorry to do this to ya, Prime. But Ah gotta take Prowler away. Ah can't have him here. Not now. He's findin' it hard, and Ah am too. We need to take a week or so to have a holiday. Ah know with everythin' that's happened it's gonna be hard, but-"

"Go," encourage Optimus immediately.

Surprise flashed over Jazz's expression. "Ya sure? Ah was thinkin' Hawaii."

"I do. Ironhide and Red Alert can help. And something tells me that Starscream will be willing. So start packing if you need to. Unfortunately, I will be here thinking on how to diplomatically tell the humans that we have taken on three Seekeres, but go and relax. We can handle it, I assure you," Optimus replied. It was no lie. If this break could help his friends, he would give them a month to recover if need be.

He was sure Ratchet would agree with that at least.

The glow of the Third in Command's visor softened, no longer dull, but filled with a gratefulness and respect that mingled with the pain still there. "Ah thank ya, Prime."

Optimus stood and made his way to his friend's side, a large hand coming down to squeeze the saboteurs's shoulder. "There is no need to thank me, my friend. Take the time you need to heal. We will wait for you."

A small smile formed on Jazz's lips and he stood, reaching out with a hand. "See ya when I see ya, Optimus."

Optimus clasped the offered hand and shook it, squeezing reassuringly. "Happy travels, Jazz."

He watched as his friend left the office, a new feeling of hope about him. As soon as the door closed he sighed. With Primus' help, he knew that the two bondmates would find their peace.

He turned and then sighed again, only this time in agitation. There were still so many datapads to sort through...

"Might as well get started..."

Disentangling himself from his two rather amorous but now recharging bondmates, Ratchet cleaned himself up hurriedly and made his way out of the medbay. Already, his spark didn't ache. It felt good, and full, and full awareness of his bondeds and sparklings floated through him, reinvigorating his tired and tried spark. He wandered through the hallways, getting stopped by a mech here or there who were still overjoyed at getting him back.

Sometimes it amazed him just how much he had been missed.

Reaching the flier's hangar, he stopped for a moment. He realized how quiet it was.

Pushing open the door, he was met with one of the most spark melting sights he had seen in a while. Thundercracker and Skywarp were curled up with each other, both of them leaving enough space for the triplets who were recharging with the two Seekers. Starscream was looking at a datapad, murmuring something to Skyfire as they sat amiably on the Aerialbots couch. Seeing the medic, the tricolor Seeker stood.

"Your sparklings were finally worn out by a game of chase. They were rather good. You and your hellions have raised them well," he complimented sincerely.

"Why thank you," replied Ratchet, positively glowing with the compliment.

"If you don't mind, I need to see Prime," said Starscream, nodding at Ratchet and Skyfire before leaving.

Looking at the shuttle, Ratchet asked, "Were they really?"

"Yes. It was quite endearing as well as odd to see such a turnaround with the Seekers," answered the larger mech with a smile.

"Huh," muttered Ratchet. "Should have had sparklings a while ago then."

Skyfire chuckled quietly, offering the space beside him, which Ratchet took gladly. "It may have solved your problems, yes." The shuttle allowed. He turned slightly to watch as the door to Slingshot and Air Raid's room opened and Slingshot stuck his helm through, glanced around and then ducked back in. In no time, Air Raid and Fireflight followed him out and they crept around the sleeping Seekers and out of the hangar. Ratchet could have sworn he heard a whoop of joy somewhere down the hall. He turned to Skyfire for an explanation.

"Seekers." Was all he said.


Starscream walked stiffly through the halls of the Ark, his entire frame taut with tension as he passed mechs who were once (and possibly still) his enemies. He held no illusions as to how most of these mechs viewed him and it did him good to be prepared for a possible attack.

Nevertheless, the smug thought occurred to him that if HE was harmed, that Optimus would stand up for him.

He actually smirked, causing a passing Wheelie to look nervously at him and scurry away.

Getting to the office, he did nothing like press the door chime. No, he was not worthy of such an announcement. He was Starscream. He needed no announcement. He opened the door, finding Optimus sitting resolutely at his desk. He almost laughed, Megatron must have been really weak never to defeat Prime if all he did was push paperwork all day. He missed the exasperated expression on his new leader's face as he sat down.

"Can I help you Starscream?"

Starscream scowled, irked that the mech hadn't even bothered to look up at him. "Yes, you can. I'm not a glorified sparkling sitter, Prime."

Optimus did glance up at that, confusion and surprise covering what you could see of his faceplates. "I am sorry Starscream. It was not intended for you to feel as such..." The Seeker could hear the frown in his voice. It was strange knowing the frown was directed inward rather than at himself. "I merely thought that your codes -"

"They're nothing more than codes, Prime." The tricolor Seeker waved a sky blue servo dismissively. "Unlike my trine, I need something productive to do."

The red and blue mech was silent, thinking. And for a moment, Starscream's ire faltered, thinking that perhaps he went too far with his demanding presence. Just as he was going to say something else in his defence, Optimus offered, "If you like, you can help me with solving this problem of you coming to the Ark. The humans may be resentful."

"Just tell the little squishies that we've reformed," replied Starscream in a bored tone.

"They will ask why. And when I tell them it was because of the sparklings, they'll demand to see them, and I cannot put them in danger by some of the anti-alien extremists that ARE out there. You see my conundrum, Starscream? Intellectually stimulating enough for you?" Optimus explained, optics boring into the fliers.

Okay, now that was definitely an insult.

"Of course it is. One of the smart things you've done is not telling human government about the sparklings in the first place. That would have interfered in the necessary creator and carrier bonds between them all because they would have wanted to poke at them. Fools," said Starscream scathingly of the humans. Optimus looked at him reprovingly, but he went on. "Regardless if most are decent, as you said Prime, there are the occasional glitches in the system. Now...where do we start?"

Pulling out another datapad wearily, Optimus replied, "Well, these are a known list of anti-Cybertronian supporters. But there are many that are unknown..."

The Seeker snorted, swiping the datapad rudely and sitting down with the information. He scanned over its contents. Well, that was no surprise. There were a few he could contribute to the list but he already knew all of the ones Prime had listed on here.

"What about scientists?" He asked.

"They are all listed on the bottom, and before you start, I am well aware that their interest lies in merely dissecting us rather than being altogether anti-alien."

Starscream scowled, unsure of whether to feel insulted for Prime curbing his argument at the start or the fact that Prime seemed to know him well enough TO curb it. It was disturbing.

"Very well, tell them that we defected because Megatron is an idiot who was starving his troops. And we were tired of being on the loosing side." Starscream grinned. "It's simple enough that they can understand and vague enough that their questions are wholly predictable and can therefore be answered before they are asked."

Optimus was pleased. That was a suggestion that had merit. That way he could continue to protect the sparklings, not to mention protecting the narrow minded perceptions of humans about Cybertronian relationships. He nodded and asked quietly, "Would you mind helping me more? Prowl and Jazz have gone on vacation because of...personal reasons, and your help would be appreciated with all this." He gestured a large hand around to the datapads around him.

Starscream sneered at the work, but silently picked up one of the datapads and began to read, giving his new leader the wordless acknowledgement.

It was only because he was bored strutless, but he did the work anyway.

Optimus smiled behind his mask. Maybe Starscream would come around afterall.

Locking up his office, Optimus turned to the proud Seeker next to him and said, "You help was very appreciated today. Great work."

"It was paperwork. Any bot could do it," countered Starscream, although Optimus did not miss the way his wings twitched at the praise.

"Nevertheless…would you like to join me for some high-grade? As both a welcome and a thanks."

Starscream looked hard into those deep blue orbs of his Prime. He weighed his options. On the one hand, he could have some stimulating conversation and better quality high grade, or he could go to quarters with Skywarp and Thundercracker, who – as he felt through their bond – we fragging the night away like petro bunnies, sex drive increased thanks to the proximity of sparklings and their Seeker programming. Hmm, decisions, decisions.

"Fine. Don't expect me to be nice," he finally replied, sauntering down the corridor.

"My quarters are this way!" Optimus called after him.

Starscream cast a confused look at the Autobot CO. "Why your quarters?"

Optimus gestured with a dismissive hand, explaining. "We've taken to keeping our highgrade out of the rec room. Mechs tend to sneak in and get overcharged otherwise." A specific memory of Ironhide passed out drunk on a couch rose to mind. "And my quarters are quieter."

Starscream raised an optic ridge and then shrugged, turning and following the large Autobot.

When they reached the officer's quarters, Optimus mused thst it was odd not to hear Jazz's music as he passed their door. It sobered him even more and mad him yearn for his high grade. Starscream following, not caring if such a move would be wise, Optimus entered his quarters, immediately going straight for his stash in a desk drawer, gathering six cubes, three each. Seeing Starscream looking around, he grunted, "Make yourself comfortable."

The Seeker immediately sunk into one of the large couches in the living room of the quarters.

He actually found the room not to what he was expecting. He thought it would be lavish, more fit for a Prime, but it was nice, simple and yet tasteful. He found himself appreciating it. As the red and blue mech came back towards him, he said nonchalantly, "Not every day a Decepticon in your quarters."

"Ex-Con," Optimus corrected softly, handing out a cube.

Taking the high grade and taking a sip, the flier hummed appreciateively. "Better than the slag we used to have on the Nemesis."

Optimus raised an optic ridge but didn't comment.

He sat on the opposite end of the couch, a polite distance from his guest and groaned. Frag he was tired. Everything that had happened had worn even his famous calm to its breaking point and now that it was over he just wanted to drown himself and forget. With a sigh he released his mask and raised the cube to his lips, taking a deep gulp. It went down smoothly and left his glossa tingling pleasantly.

His attention was drawn back to Starscream when he heard an inquisitive 'hmmm' and saw the flier staring at him. He frowned. "What?"

Starscream smirked and then snickered. "So that's what the mysterious Prime's visage looks like. I must say that the rumors were very off."

"Rumors?" asked the Prime cautiously.

Lifting a shoulder vent in a shrug, the smirking jet replied, "Heard that you were hideous behind that mask of yours, which is why you wear it, but now I see it's not true at all. Every rumor had you marked in some way. I even heard one that you had no nasal ridge or olfactory receptors. You are actually quite a fine specimen."

Optimus laughed, saying, "Specimen? Everything is for science, isn't it Starscream?"

Scoffing, Starscream said, "Yes off course. You know what else I'd like to see scientifically?"


"How many cubes of high-grade you can empty before you get tipsy. You look like you need to lose yourself. I might join you. The thought that Shockwave is still barely living sets my tank to rumble," mentioned Starscream in a non-caring sort of way, but the Prime saw that the fact that the opposed was still living did not sit well with his new companion.

Lifting his cube, he challenged, "I'll drink you under the table."

"Oh Prime, just give it a try. I'm a Seeker, remember?"

Finding himself teasing, Starscream filled with the thrill of a challenge.

"Mmm... Din't know a Prime was so good at drinkin' games..." Starscream giggled, swaying where he sat and clearly overcharged.

Prime wasn't much better off as he reached for another cube, determined to empty that one as well and prove to the Seeker that just because he was Prime didn't mean he didn't know how to have fun. It took a few tries until his seeking fingers finally closed around the cube and he lifted the glowing liquid to his lips, his hand surprisingly steady despite the difficulty he had found in just grabbing the cube. With a grin that belied his inebriated state, Optimus put the cube to his lips and ducked his head back, draining the cube in one go.

The excess energy rush had him seeing threes until he shook his helm to put his equilibrium chips pack into place. With a victorious smile, he squeezed the cube and broke the field.

Starscream snickered again and reached forward, having slightly more trouble trying to find a new cube then Optimus did. Until he spotted the dwindling pile Prime had revealed only a few hours before. He with an irritated huff, he reached over the Prime's lap to grab one, only for his equilibrium to spin and throw him face first into said lap.

Optimus, if he had been sober, would have been highly embarrassed and would have polietly helped the flier off his lap. Starscream, if he had been more sober, would have shrieked in indignation. But they neither mech was sober.

"Heeellloooooo...what're you doin' down there Ssscreamy?" the larger mech slurred drunkenly.

"Admirin' the pretty view Optimush...didn' know you could be ssssooo pretty and nice," murmured Starscream, muffled by the lap he was in. Optimus giggled, grabbing Starscream and hefting him up so that they were sitting side by side, Starscream finally able to grasp the next cube and lift it to his lips, half-drinking, half spilling the high-grade down his front, before throwing his cube off to the side and saying, "Your turnnnn."

The Seeker looked up into the handsome face as it pouted and giggled. "Optimush, your poutin'."

"I do not pout," Optimus said, seeming sober for a moment, before guffawing and saying, "Shtarrsscream, you got energon all of you. We gotta clean it."

Starscream hummed, looking down at his chassis with such a peculiar expression, seemingly caught between a 'How did that get there?' and the predictable Seeker vanity. It was amusing. Too bad Optimus was too drunk to even think of taking a photo captured. Besides, it wasn't very Prime-like to hold blackmail over someone's helm.

Starscream suddenly smirked, the look surprisingly sultry on gunmetal gray lips as he stared at the faintly glowing liquid painting his cockpit glass. Slowly, seductively, he ran a single blue digit through the mess and brought it up to his mouth. He glanced over to catch the wide opticked, gobsmacked look on Optimus Prime's face before he stuck the digit in his mouth and sucked it clean.

"Well..." Starscream purred, his voice low and oddly pleasant minus the scratchy screech he used from day to day life. "It IS your tuuurnnn..."

The last word came out in a sing song kind of tone.

Optimus caught on, and he made a low sound in his throat. "But my treat isn't in the right position."

Starscream tilted his head to the side in curiosity, optics glinting playfully. He swung his leg over the wide, strong pelvic span of the Prime - though not without giggling and accidentally knocking over another cube of high grade with a heel thruster - and straddled him, smirking drunkenly. "Is this the right position?"

"Yesh," Optimus chuckled, and leant forward to lap off the energon from the golden glassed cockpit, making the tricolor Seeker squirm.

"Tickles!" Starscream shrieked, grinning.

"I win then," rumbled the other mech. He pulled away, licking the last remaining energon from his lips, looking into the other mech's face. They were grinning stupidly at each other, the high-grade addled haze in their processors stripping both of them down to their baser needs. Pit if Optimus didn't feel aroused by a warm frame straddling his own, in such close proximity to him. "Your turn Shtarscream," he purred.

Starscream shivered, but still smirked. This was so fun! Getting a wicked idea, Starscream said, "Yesh it is...hmm, Oppy, you missshed a ssspot."

And with that said, he drunkenly tipped his head forward and placed his lips over the full ones of the Prime.

A startled grunt followed Starscream's kiss, the helm of the Prime threatening to back away in his surprise if not for Starscream's servo snaking it's way to the back of Prime's helm and pressing deeper into the kiss.

Once Optimus' CPU caught up to what was actually happening, he felt a surge in his systems and he surged forward, pulling the sleek flier more firmly against him. The heat already sheeting from their bodies consumed him, and he ignored the niggling little voice in the back of his processor that said he shouldn't be doing this, that he was too drunk to make a decision like this.

The rest of him shouted at the voice to shut up because this felt fragging good!

Starscream, on the other servo, seemed to have no qualms about what his intentions were. He purred into the lip lock as their glossas danced and their servos searched each other's frames heatedly, looking for any and all points that they could use to gain the upper hand. Currently, he was losing the battle to Prime, since his own erogenous areas were rather more pronounced. His wings, for example, where Prime was currently tracing his digits along the bare expanse where a Decepticon faction symbol had once been branded.

Pulling back, the winged mech purred, "Berth? Wanna party? High gradesss been drunk, we now have fun, yesh?"

Optimus hummed thoughtfully, ignoring the little voice in the back of his processor screaming at him to turn down that offer, and nodded, "Yesh, pretty mech. Let'ss ggooooo."

Both giggling, they stood, swaying with each movement as the larger mech guided the other to his berth, both flopping on it, still giggling.

Neither had a doubt in their mind about what they were going to do.

Drunk mechs are fun to write XD

And OP is currently sulking in a corner of my brain, embarrassed. Starscream is just cackling... and that's scaring me 0.o