Reviews for Comeuppance
Resident Evil Lionhart chapter 1 . 9/22/2014
Yay! Starscream gets some well deserved payback! XD
Optimus' girl chapter 1 . 1/20/2012
I have a few words for Megatron: Optimus is mine NOT yours! I would just LOVE to 'see' the look on Megatron's face when he sees the video of Optimus beating him up after he tried to take him! *giggles* Megatron was so stupid to try to take my Mech!

I would just LOVE to read a sequel to this AWESOME story of yours,PLEASE! I would just LOVE to find out if Starscream sent the video to Optimus and the other Autobots to watch and to laugh at Megatron at the same time,please. Your sequel would be even more AWESOME! Just thinking about my Mech, Optimus. He is so darn HOT for a Autobot! *sighs dreamly*
MissMary chapter 1 . 1/6/2012
Cold, vicious, and strangely satisfying as a change of pace.
TheWritingM3w chapter 1 . 1/4/2012
love it! Megatron deserves it.. al lot, Starscream must make a vid, and then his trine must submit that video in youtube xD