Author's Note:... *sobs* It's eeeennndddinnnngg!

This chapter-epilogue-thing is actually split into three parts. I wanted to add some more parts here, but I thought that might get a bit confusing, so those ideas might be made into a 'bonus chapter' or separate oneshots, depending on how big they are. So keep a look out! ;D

Disclaimer: This is officially the longest thing I've ever written. And I still don't own this franchise.



Systems Rebooting.




Self Repair Systems: Functioning: Repairs: 68% complete. Estimated completion time: 4.342 jours.






Optimus woke gradually. His processor felt oddly heavy, like it normally did after a long, good and above all, deep, recharge. He felt... Good. Really good.

His audio receptors onlined next, systems still quite a bit sluggish. What they heard, however, was enough to make him wake up faster.

It was a very familiar voice. A vocal track he had not heard in a while. It spoke English with a very distinctive southern twang.

"Kid? Kid, yah alright? Optimus? Kid? C'mon kid, wake up!"

Ironhide. It was Ironhide. Well, better not keep his old friend waiting... "'S been a long time since you've called me 'kid,' old friend."

A stunned silence ensued. Finally, "Prahm? Is dat really yah?"

"Depends. Is this really my good friend and weapons specialist?"

A loud laugh, so characteristic of Ironhide. "It's good to have you back."

Optimus finally got around to onlining his optics. "It's good to be back." The old red mech was standing over him. Huh, he also appeared to be on the ground, outside. The large mech started to push himself off the ground. "Now, where-"



In that moment a yellow blur launched itself at the half upright Prime, knocking them both to the dusty desert soil. They were right outside the Ark, it seemed, which was looking a little battle damaged. Worry about that later, deal with the youngling on top of him.

Bumblebee had Optimus in such a death grip/hug that it was a wonder his armor was holding up to it.

The Bug was also repeating, "You're alive!" constantly.

Wondering why he shouldn't be alive, Prime accessed the ever useful memory files.

Oh. That. Well, then. He was lucky to be alive.

Prowl and Ratchet were walking over in a more sedate manner, but they both looked quite a bit shaken up by something. He'd have to talk to them about it later.

For now, though... "So, what'd we miss?"



Systems Rebooting.



Forced Systems Shutdown: Reason(s): Unknown: Shutdown Period: 1.217 Breems.






Optimus jolted upright as soon as his systems were able. His optics were working, but his audios were starting up slowly. And his processor was confused with the oddly familiar surroundings, the grey walls and the random equipment lying around.

Familiar surroundings...

It was the med bay! He was in the med bay!

His audios suddenly decided to work and he was blasted by noise.

"Boss-bot! Boss-bot, are yah alright! Ratchet and 'Bee and Prowl all collapsed again, just like the first time and then just you were surrounded by white light-like from the Allspark-and then your injuries just disappeared like, like... What'd Sari call it? Magic! And-"

Optimus never got to hear the rest of what Bulkhead had to say because he interrupted the young bot by pulling him into what the humans called a 'bear hug'. Why someone would want to hug a furry ursidae was beyond him. They were joined seconds later by Bumblebee who was loudly shouting about how it was good to be home, and Prowl who used the time to curtly ask about his tree.

Ratchet was dragged in to the group hug so he would stop glaring at his slightly reorganized med bay and grousing about possible injuries.

"So," The smallest member of the team shouted from were he had managed to worm his way into the center, "what'd we miss?"

Primus looked over his creations. They were all back in their own proper bodies now, and all having learned some good lessons from this experience.

One of his other, his first, creations didn't believe so.

"Was it really necessary to do that?" A being 'spoke' behind him.

Then again, where they were, in Vector Prime's 'Space Between Spaces,' his dimension all his own. In this place, if you could call it that, there really wasn't any sound. Purely a blank nothingness where only they seemed to exist. But beings such as themselves could see past the illusions that are barriers between dimensions.

It would be very inconvenient for omnipotent beings to be hindered by the same trivial things mortals were. Both could clearly see their charges remingling with their left behind comrades.

"Do what?" The god asked seemingly innocently.

Vector Prime, his intricate gold and white armor still glinting somehow in this blackness of nothingness, came up beside his Creator.

"Switch their processors."

"Yes." The Creator spoke back, amusement clear in his 'voice'.

A dry look at his boss (essentially) and the Creator elaborated. "They all learned valuable lessons."

"Admit it; you just wanted to screw with them."

The God of Order seemed to smirk. "You are learning from those human-"

"I have no idea what you're communicating about." The retort was curt and to the point. "Admit it. You did this just to mess with their processors."

Again, the god seemed to smirk. "Maybe just a little bit."

Holy crap, guys, its over. Great Minds Think Alike is over. My most popular fic is finished.


Okie dokie, let's do some thanking!

Firstlies, I'd like to thank all my reviewers (too many to put here) most especially: 9aza- who was amazing and reviewed like every chapter, DitzyMusicLover- who was also amazing and reviewed like every chapter, Zoa-lii- who was amazingly supportive, Sideswipe's Mechanic- who feed the ego monster constantly and kept it alive, Not so Dark- who started reading this at like chap 12 and reviewed every single chap before that (they got me so close to 100 reviews!), everyone that gave epic suggestions on chapter ten when I was a jerky author and asked for them and the same with chapter twenty four, phoebe turner- who apparently loves this!, reka1207- who's joined me in Blitzy love, Wolf Prime- who's awesome and who I really need to get around to helping with her story, and everyone else who took time to review this crazy thing. You guys all combined got me over 200 reviews!

I love you all.

Seriously. I do.

Secondlies, thanks to all who have faved, storied alerted, and laughed at the cheap jokes. I wrote this not only as amusement for myself, but for all of you, and if I just got you to smile or chuckle that means I've succeeded in my quest.

However, if I got you to laugh so insanely, you got your family members/pets to look at you funny that's great too!

Aaaannnnddd... I guess that's it. :) I'll miss you guys, and I hope you've all had a great ride with me. Remember, no giving personal info to random peeps on the internet, 'specially me! XD The Dino is out! Peace!

*runs away cackling madly*


*runs back*

And anyone who can see the connection to Well, This is Different at the epilogue there is super smart. *smirks and skips away this time, humming*