Hello! This will be a full story full of pranks by the Twins, Sunstreaker and Sideswipe, and brotherly "love."
These are partly for my BFF on Fanfiction, Inspire165 who is in love with 'all-things-Twins.'
Expect some mature humor (especially in later chapters).
I have a lot of ideas for pranks, and I'll post them as soon as I get the chance.
Any ideas for pranks are gratefully accepted, but may not be incorporated into the story.
This takes place sometime after Revenge of the Fallen, but for the sake of this story, there are a ton of Autobots, and Sideswipe is red and the twin of Sunstreaker, yellow.
Finally, thanks a million for hummergrey!!! Her Transformers stories really made my mind juices begin flowing! More about her next chapter! A good portion of these chapters are from bits from her story.
Read and review!!!!!!!!!!
"I'm soo bored." Sunstreaker complained as he laid on the concrete floor of the NEST base nest to Sideswipe, his twin.
"Wanna go change all of Jazz's CD's to Mozart?" Sideswipe asked, also bored.
"Nah, we did that last week. How about we make a hologram of Mikaela naked and have her walk around the Base?"
"No," Sides said casually, "Too dangerous."
Sunny straightened up to get a better look at his identical twin. "How so? You never say 'too dangerous.'"
"A wise bot once said ' a fembots scorn hath no comparison to the Pit."
"Wasn't that a human who said that, except with 'woman' and 'Hell?'"
"Possibly. Want to go override Ironhide's cannons?"
"No, I don't feel like dealing with Ironass today."
Just then, Bumblebee walked by.
Sides lazily bent his head back to look at Sunny. "Wanna go mess with Bee's head?"
Sunny shrugged, "Not reallll- okay," he said standing up.
The duo jogged to Bee.
"Hey Bee. What's up?"
Bumblebee looked warily between the two, "The ceiling."
The Twins ignored him and began a fake conversation between themselves.
"So did you hear?"
"Oh yeah bro, so sad."
"What's wrong?" Bee asked.
"I can't believe no one is doing anything about it!"
"I wish we could!"
"Golly, gee. We could do a bunch! But Mr. Ratchet barely lets us off the Base anymore."
"Too bad we can't warn Sam."
"What about Sam! What's going on?" Bee demanded.
"Oh it's horrible man," Sunny said with convincing distress, "These people have been abducting thousands of innocent children every day."
"There are two ways," Sides continued, "The first one is called a 'school bus.' It's this big, long yellow contraption that lures kids on,"
"Yeah, yeah," Sunny stepped in, "Then they take them to this jail-like place. Only the few lucky ones will come back home."
"What do they do to them there?"Bee asked worry creeping into his features.
"Mind control," they said together. Sunny kept talking, "The second is called:"
Sunny paused as Sides breathed, "Dun-dun-dun" to dramatically build the suspense. "The ice cream truck!"
Sides's key changed a bit higher, "Dun. Dun. DUUUUUUUUNNNNNNNT!"
"A person will drive the big white 'molester machine' that also has some colorful pictures on the side. Kids-"
"Especially Sam's age," Sides inserted.
"Cannot possibly resist. Then the 'ice cream man' will give them a treat, and in return, the kids will give him green stuff willingly!"
"What's the green stuff?" Bee asked totally immersed in their ghost story.
"Their souls!"
"Mwah ha ha ha ha ha!" Sides chuckled deeply in a demonic manner.
"No. Way." Bee said wide-optic-ed.
"Frag! I gotta call Sam and warn him!" Bumblebee called Sam in front of the Twins using his built-in Blue Tooth, but only to receive a busy signal. "Frag," he cursed again as he began to write a text message.
Sunstreaker's and Sideswipes's frames began to quiver with internal laughter, but Bee was too preoccupied to notice.
Sam, cll me ASAP. B.
PS Wtch out 4 yllo buses +/or ice cream mn.
"So Bee, do you want to help us stop this madness?"
Bee nodded feverishly.
The Twins exchanged glances.
"Okay, tomorrow morning around 6:30 -7:00 AM, we'll go put an end to some mind-washing school buses!"
Bee nodded and began to jog away eager to get some re-charge in so he could wake up early tomorrow.
"Oh! But Bee!" Sides called, "If Sam calls you back, don't believe anything he says, he might already be brainwashed!"
Bee gasped, "B-but what if he is? What should we do?"
Sides put a heavy hand on the yellow mech's shoulder. "We'd have to reverse the process."
"How do you do that?"
"It's too terrible to describe!" Sunny cried.
"Let's just hope for the best."
[7:20 AM]
"Sunny, did you print out those bus routes yet?" Sideswipe asked as he slipped on his red battle armor in the morning.
"Yeah, did it last night...right after I did Arcee. Heh-heh."
Sides snorted, "Yeah right you loser. Arcee is too good for an ego maniac like you...besides, if you did do her last night, I suppose I wasn't aware I was involved with a 'three way.'"
About to make a snappy comeback, the shared rooms' door opened up revealing a worn-out looking Bumblebee.
"Sam is brain washed," he mumbled.
"Bee man, I'm so sorry. But we must forge on and save any other children from the same fate!"
After breaking out, Sunstreaker led the way to the nearest bus-stop. About 7 girls and 5 boys ranging from 15 to 18 years old stood in a loose group around a stop sign.
The three mechs hid in the partial darkness behind some tall hedges.
After a few minutes of waiting, the dreaded yellow machine came roaring up and over the hill and made its decent towards the human's group.
Bee's blue optics widened as he noticed that the bus already had a bunch of kids on it!
"Sickening," Sunny said sharply, "Go, Bee, now!"
Bee placed his cannon on the pavement and sent a small charge towards the front tires. The tires popped and the bus halted immediately. All the kids and the driver filed out and sat on the sidewalk as the larger lady talked into a bulky black radio.
On Sides's count, the three jumped out over the hedges, grabbed the bus and jumped together over the houses until they couldn't possibly be seen; all happening within two and a half seconds.
"Guess we're not going to school today," an attractive dirty blonde girl with a black hat said to her curly brown haired friend who was taking pictures with her cell phone.
The Auto-bots repeated the process six more times, then couldn't find anymore.
Later that day, Bee still hyped up from his victories, Sam came bursting into the quarters where the Twins and Bee were hanging out.
"Bee, why were you and these dumb afts in the paper today?!"
Sam held up a crude picture taken from a student's cell phone of a large rectangle (bus) and three curled up figures jumping over a building.
"I missed my bus in the morning because someone stole it!"
"No, Sam, you've been brain washed. You need to go to treatment,"
Sam huffed, "Bee man, for the tenth time, all kids all over the world, go to school to be educated. It's not a 'mind control facility,'"
"That's what the government wants you to think," Sides mumbled under his breath.
Bumblebee picked up his human and rushed him into a human sized room. The Twins followed closely behind.
"Bee! Let me go!"
"I'm sorry, but Sunstreaker says there's only one way to cure you,"
Metal clamps snapped down around Sam's wrists and ankles as he stumbled into a chair with only a T.V. in front of it.
"And how do you plan on doing that!" Sam sassed as the T.V. screen turned blue before the DVD began playing.
"11 hours straight of Barney and Friends...with sing-a-long!"
"What!? No, no, nono, Beeeeeee! Help! Someone! Optimus! No! The horror!"
"It's the only way," Sides said.
Sam's eyes narrowed, "You two," and the door slammed into place.
Hi again, hope you liked the first chapter! If you liked this, you should like my other story called The Locker Room Prank about the Twins growing up on Cybertron and the pranks they would pull during gym class!!!!If you didn't like this chapter so much, please stick around, the more comfortable I get with these characters, the better their pranks will be. As I said before, later chapters will be more riske...which = ROFL.
I hope maybe you've found some quotes in this chapter that you'd like to put in your profile! Tell me if you do!
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